Women's World: The beginning was picked up by a beautiful girl

Chapter 45 45. Elective Course Registration

Chapter 45 45. Elective Course Registration

"Mr. Jiang Che, your courier."

A snow-white falcon flew from the window to Jiang Che's table, and gently placed the package in front of him, "Senior Messenger Shelley is at your service. If you need a replacement, please go to 727 Berlin Avenue, thank you for your cooperation."

After it finished speaking, it spread its wings and flew out of the classroom.

The fact that the messenger can speak is not too novel in this magical world.

At least in the original world, some starlings, parrots and the like could barely speak human language, let alone magical creatures.

Jiang Che put all the unreasonable things behind him, and carefully opened the package.In the stacked box inside, there are two dark gray satchels with exactly the same style.

All around looked curiously.

"Is this a space prop?" Lanlan asked softly.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

Last night, he took advantage of the [-]% discount on the opening of the virtual store and bought two pieces in one go.One of them was intended to be used by herself, and the other was intended to be given to Leng Yue as a gift in return.

Last time, she gave herself a water element spar.This time, he also has a space satchel.

Reciprocity is normal, isn't it?
Although the price gap between the two is huge, who told him to be rich?
Thanks to his family background, Jiang Che's monthly unlimited pocket money is as high as [-].

A space satchel costs about 6 yuan, and buying two is just a month's pocket money.Even the more expensive interspatial rings may not be unaffordable with his financial resources.
Jiang Che took out the instruction manual in the box.

Brand: Kaka House Magic Workshop.

Category: space satchel series.

Storage area: 1 cubic meter.

Inscription weight reduction effect: 92%
Special version for spellcasters, please activate the inscription circle with mental power before use, it can change six colors, or change three forms.

Tag price: 69999
"Che, I've basically finished the registration form for elective courses." Lan Lan took out a stack of materials from the drawer and handed it over.

Jiang Che casually hung an opened spatial satchel around his neck, and took the information handed over by Lanlan.Roughly flipped over, his expression was taken aback.

"What do they mean?"

"Girls have been asking for the same sex as you, and I basically can't persuade them." Lanlan said helplessly.

When she asked one by one.Of the 36 students in the class, only a few of them chose a class they had to take, and the rest were required to be with Jiang Che.

"It's just nonsense." Jiang Che's face darkened. If this was reported, he would definitely be looking for trouble. "Lanlan, start with you, don't be exactly like me."

"No." Lanlan shook her head, "Che, my mission is to protect you, you can't drive me away."

"Where is Luo Tianqi?" Jiang Che looked at the black-haired loli in front of him, "You all take the same class as me, the teacher will be angry if he finds out."

"Oh, don't worry about it, I'll just change one, okay?" Luo Tianqi also had a very reluctant expression.

"How about this, everyone will change one." Jiang Che sighed and handed the task back to Lanlan.

"Che, you haven't filled in your own." Lanlan reminded.

Jiang Che snorted, took out a blank sheet from a stack of statistical data, and began to fill in it.

Name: Jiang Che

Age: Sixteen

Home address: No. [-], Ziwei Road.

He wrote his name jerky.Since the characters of the two worlds are completely different, there is no doubt that his handwriting is quite ugly.

Fortunately, the magic pen in my hand has the ability to correct fonts, which can be forcibly corrected to the set fonts.

The additional effect of Xueba made Jiang Che gradually grasp it properly, writing smoothly all the way to the end, heaved a long sigh of relief.

Lanlan took Jiang Che's registration and looked at it, "Che, don't you want to sign up for the dueling class?"

"I don't want to sign up." Jiang Che shook his head, knowing that he couldn't adapt to the green tea-tasting environment.It's still comfortable to stay with my sisters, and of course I have to leave some time for myself to think occasionally.

The elective courses he signed up for were Magical Creatures, Alchemy, and Transfiguration. If the teacher had a conflict with the class schedule or asked for leave, he would go to the library for self-study and apply for a live-action replay of the course.

"Che, I didn't expect you to choose such a boring subject as alchemy. Don't you think that you can make gold after taking the alchemy class?" Luo Tianqi shook her head and looked around, tsk tsk.

"Isn't it possible? I've heard that some master alchemists can do alchemy." Lan Lan was puzzled.

"They can practice, but there is no way to control the cost. Gold can only be produced by a supernova explosion, and artificially generated gold can only be called magic gold." Luo Tianqi carried out popular science in a serious manner.

"Little ghost really knows a lot." Lanlan smiled and stretched out her hand.

"Cut." Luo Tianqi spat lightly, dodging Lan Lan's head pat.He bowed his head and changed the alchemy on his profile to duel.

The situation of other girls is similar.

At noon, when Jiang Che was holding the documents and was about to go to Li Rong's office, he met Leng Yue waiting in the corridor.

"Che, shall we go eat together first? What is this?"

"A present for you."

Leng Yue reached out to take the box Jiang Che handed over, without unpacking it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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