Chapter 73

"Everyone, are you still there?"

Li Rong sensed through the thick fog below and found that she was in the sky above a body of water.

It was empty all around, and no one was there.

She realized that she might have entered the Mystery of Mists.After a little thought, I decided to find a safe place to settle down first, and then look at the situation.

Red wings spread out from Li Rong's back, like a meteor flying across the sky.

After flying at high speed for 5 minutes, there was still no place to stay.

Surrounded by fog that can't be seen, even if you use mental power to perceive, you will be suppressed by this special fog.

Li Rong sped up the speed again.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and she finally came to the shore, looking back at the lake in despair.

At a flying speed of more than 10 meters per second, it took [-] minutes to cross this lake.It is conceivable how vast the Misty Secret Realm must be.

She hesitated in place, and suddenly sensed violent elemental fluctuations from a distant place.

"Holy spell! It's the principal!" Li Rong was ecstatic in her heart, and once again spread her red wings and flew into the sky.

This time, it flew for more than an hour and a half, and finally stopped at the remnant of elemental fluctuations.

There was no longer any figure around.

Li Rong bowed her head deeply and sighed, if only she knew space magic.In this way, as long as you locate a coordinate, you can go back and forth anytime and anywhere.Why get into this predicament now.

She sat on a rock and was lost in thought.Suddenly a gust of wind rustled the woods not far away.

So abrupt, it seemed so unusual in this windless world.

Li Rong knew that someone was casting a wind spell, so she raised her hand and released a Pyroblast with the most violent element fluctuations in response.Immediately afterwards, the figure floated in the air, turned into a streamer, and chased after it again.

After about ten minutes, the surrounding fog suddenly cleared.Under the dim sky, the field of vision also became brighter.

Four huge wind elementals stand in all directions, blowing tirelessly to drive away the mist.

Panda Professor Youzai leaned on a rocking chair in the central open space, holding a green bamboo in one paw, and there was still a drink on the wooden table beside it.

"Hello, Li Rong! I knew you would be fine!" Pan crossed his legs and raised his paw in greeting.

"Pan, where's the principal?" Li Rong descended from the sky.

"The principal said that she was going to solve the central magic circle in the foggy secret realm, and told me not to run around here." Pan picked up the drink on the table and took a sip, feeling sour in disgust, and gritted his teeth.

"How do we get back?"

"Why do you want to go back? The environment here is very good, and I want to live here for a while."

"Such heavy humidity, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"A little bit, but it's better than meeting them"

"What about the others?"

"I didn't find it. Xie Xu and Ben should have come in. I guess they are at ease somewhere."

Li Rong took the cake that Pan handed over, nodded and said thank you.

"You're welcome, we are all colleagues." The green bamboo ring in Pan's hand flashed, and he took out a bamboo chair and put it beside him, "Let's sit together and have a rest."

Li Rong was very envious. She had heard about the origin of the ring in the hand of the panda teacher. It was a gift from the queen of the panda clan!The crumb panda took off the ring and ran away!
I would rather live a difficult life in the Austrian Law School than go back to the Panda Tribe to enjoy the wealth.

Thinking of the female pandas in the whole tribe struggling to pay off their debts, Li Rong felt a little pity in her heart, "For the sake of entertaining me, I can tell you a piece of gossip."

Teacher Panda said hello all over his face, "Please tell me."

Li Rong took a deep breath, "Pan, I advise you to go back to the academy honestly, you can't escape."

"What are you talking about?" The pandaren stared innocently.

"What I mean is that there is an insider in the Austrian Law School, who has already sold you out." Li Rong vowed.

The pandaren Pan couldn't bite down on the bamboo shoots in his mouth, "How do you know? The inner ghost will never tell you that she is the inner ghost, right?"

Li Rong smiled meaningfully, without too much explanation.

Of course she made it up, the purpose was to make this leisurely panda nervous, but she never wanted to make it wrong and spoil the principal's important event
The night gradually deepened.

Jiang Che came to the overlapping entrance into the foggy secret realm.At this moment, someone has already arrived at this place before him.

"Oh! What did I see! What a beautiful little boy." It was an old mage with white hair and a fluttering beard who spoke.The obviously tall Hydra guardian turned a blind eye in front of his eyes, but he was very interested in Jiang Che.

Jiang Che was very curious about the strong men of the same sex in this world, "Who are you?"

"My name is Tang Qi. Maybe this name is not familiar to you, so I'll call it another. People outside call me Shadow Front Legend." The old man introduced himself slowly, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Judging from his attire, his clothes are quite gorgeous, and the transparent staff in his hand has stars flowing faintly.

Jiang Che still didn't react, and sisters Leng Yue and Wang Mingqian were shocked when they heard the words, "You are Xi's great-grandfather! The former principal of the Austrian Law School."

"Not bad junior." Tang Qi stroked his long white beard and nodded subtly and proudly.

Xidu is seventy!This old man is probably not two hundred years old!Jiang Che was secretly shocked.After thinking about it, since there is a strong person here, he asked, "Mr. Tang Qi, can you help rescue the person who fell into the secret realm? My sister accidentally fell into it. I heard that there are many teachings from the school."

"My descendant, Xi, is doing this." Tang Qi raised his transparent staff with a solemn expression on his face, "As for what I have to do, it is to strengthen the space barrier to avoid frequent switching of this space, causing greater damage." casualties."

"Is the fog secret realm dangerous?" Jiang Che asked worriedly.

"As long as the strength reaches the holy level, there is no danger in the foggy secret realm." Tang Qi carved the inscription in the void silently, "What? Do you want to go in?"

"My sister is inside." Jiang Che thought he had to go in.

"If that's the case, I'll tell you how to get in. With the guardians around, I'm sure you won't encounter any major trouble." Tang Qi waved the transparent staff and drew a temporary space door, "Okay, little guy .If your family has not fallen, I would suggest you go again in a few days. Now remember, if you want to come back from the secret realm, you must find a folding space. Then try to contact the mage on duty opposite through the space. , there will always be someone on duty recently."

"Thank you." After Jiang Che bowed deeply, he impatiently returned to the Hydra Guardian's back.

"For the sake of your politeness, let me help you again. I will cast the spell of bloodline tracing on you. The young man is really impulsive, so if you don't want to know it, just rush in." Tang Qi took out the casting material from the space ring , according to the ritual flow, start casting spells.

(End of this chapter)

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