The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 101 The Wayward Lord Marquis

Chapter 101 The Wayward Lord Marquis
"Today, Her Royal Highness brought the beauty here, and I have the cheek to refuse for you, but if one day I accidentally refute your intention, I will definitely be disgusted by you. Besides, the princess brought someone over, I can refuse , but what if it is the emperor? When an imperial decree comes down, you have to listen to it if you don’t want to, and you have to marry if you don’t. So sooner or later, Lord Hou will take a concubine.”

Qin Yilan frowned and asked, "And then? What does this have to do with you kicking me out of the room?"

"I just don't want myself to get too much. How can you not understand, Marquis? The more people get, the more painful it will be when they lose. So I dare not let myself ask for too much favor. As I said, every time It feels pretty good to be able to be with Lord Hou on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year."

Qin Yilan's face became more and more serious, "Do you think that a husband and wife are a husband and wife as long as they eat?"


"Husbands and wives still have skin contact. Do you want to watch me make out with other women?"

Yao Yao looked at him dumbly, suddenly, she seemed to see a resentful look from him secretly.

Did she see it wrong?

It seems that this is not the first time!
"You are not in good health, I have been enduring it, I have been enduring it, can you please follow my heart a little bit, and don't make me angry? I'm afraid I can't control it, what should I do if I hurt you?"

"???" Yao Yao covered her heart and asked cautiously, "Master Hou is going to hit me?"

Qin Yilan supported his forehead speechlessly, "I..."

Seeing him with his back on his back and trying his best to endure, Yao Yao felt more and more depressed, "I believe that Lord Hou is not that kind of man. He will definitely not act like the second prince."

"You wooden fish woman!" Qin Yilan turned around and hugged her tightly, "It's okay, it's okay. I can bear it... I have to bear it myself. I deserve it! I don't blame you. "

Yao Yao was confused and didn't understand why he suddenly blamed himself.

Yao Yao gently pushed him, "Master Hou, it's better to go back to bed early. It's late at night, it's not good for your health."

"To your house?"

"Do not."

Qin Yilan gritted his teeth, hit her horizontally and hugged her up.

Yao Yao exclaimed, "Master Hou, what are you doing?"

"If you don't let me go back to your room, then go to sleep in my room, the same."

"Wait? I'm not going—I'm going back to myself—"

"You sleep where I sleep, and you are not allowed to sleep in a separate room with me. Even if I want to sleep in the study today, I will build a double bed in the study and sleep with you in my arms."

"...How can you be so willful, Lord Hou?"

Early the next morning, Qin Yilan was busy getting dressed when she heard the sound of squirming on the bed.

"Wake you up?"

Yao Yao rubbed her eyes in a daze, "How could I sleep so deeply?"

It's unbelievable that she can sleep so soundly after changing the bed.

"Maybe the bed smells like me." Qin Yilan suddenly smiled proudly while talking.

"Master Hou, what are you talking about?" Yao Yao covered her face and her heart beat, but she felt vaguely that what he said was right.

This bed is full of his fragrance, smelling the whole person feels very at ease.

Get up and dress him, pick up the belt, and take a look, "Huh? This..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yilan pretended not to know.

"Didn't I give this belt to Dad? How did it get into your hands?"

Qin Yilan snorted and said with a smile, "I snatched it back."


"This person, sometimes you can't be too kind. In the blink of an eye, you won't be able to keep what you own. You still need to be strong. It's mine and you can't give it away easily. Yaoer, what do you think?"

Hearing Qin Yilan's strong choking smell, Yao Yao sighed and muttered, "It's not a big deal, still need to be snatched? The gift you sent out is still snatched back? Don't you feel ashamed, Lord Hou?"

"It wasn't your fault?"

Outside the house, Zimo knocked on the door and answered, "Master Hou, Eunuch Hong sent a letter to Madam."

Yao Yao hurriedly put on her clothes, opened the door to receive the letter, read it back and forth, then turned her head and said hurriedly, "Master Hou, can you take me into the palace?"

"what happened?"

"Third Sister, she seems to be mentally disturbed, and her fetal gas is not stable. I don't know what frightened her."

Yao Yao once again remembered the bad omen when she worshiped the Buddha that day.

After tidying everything up, Yao Yao plans to stay in the palace with Qin Yilan for a few days.

As soon as she entered the palace, Qin Yilan wanted to find the emperor, leaving her alone in the palace.

No one led the way, so she still found Eunuch Hong.

On the way, Eunuch Hong said in detail, "The second imperial concubine didn't know what was going on recently, she looked in a trance, couldn't sleep at night, and was extremely anxious in the morning. The time for this sickness is almost over, but it seems that the symptoms have not diminished. Yesterday I heard the servant girl in the mansion say that she woke up in the middle of the night and had a nightmare, dreaming that someone was going to kill her. The whole palace was full of uproar. That's why I wrote you a letter for the second imperial concubine."

"Has the imperial doctor seen it?"

"I've read it and said there's nothing wrong with it. I've checked all the dietary supplements, and they're all correct."

Yao Yao was suspicious, but stopped asking questions.

After entering the second prince's palace, Yu Wenqin was not there, so she went to Yao Yu's bedroom without hesitation.

Before entering the garden, she heard her screaming, "I won't drink—I won't drink—you must be poisoning me—I won't drink—"


The medicine bowls were thrown out, and the soup splashed on her feet.

Yao Yao lowered her head and took a look, then stepped into the room, "Yu'er."

"Sister?" Yao Yu shouted anxiously, "Sister, save me! Save me—"

Yao Yao walked over and held her hand, "What's wrong?"

"They're going to kill me! These people, none of them have good intentions, they're going to kill the child in my womb. Sister, kill them all!"

Yao Yao was surprised, "Why are you so chatty? Talk about something! Sit down first!"

Yao Yu grabbed her, trembling, crying with snot and tears, "Sister, they tortured me crazy. Someone strangled my neck at night, and forced me to drink abortion pills during the day. What should I do? Woo Woooo..."

Yao Yao lifted her neck and found that there were indeed a few traces, and looked sideways at the maids, "What kind of mark is this?"

The servant girls knelt down one after another, "Mrs. Hou, this is pinched out by the second imperial concubine herself!"

"That's right, the servants couldn't stop them. The second imperial concubine had some nightmares in the middle of the night and kept pinching her own neck. When we came in, she pinched herself like this."

"The second prince asked the imperial doctor to come and prescribed some calming medicine for her, but the second imperial concubine insisted that these were abortion pills. Madam Hou, please comment. Could the imperial doctor brought by the second prince still harm her?"

Yao Yao was extremely puzzled, these maids didn't look like they were lying, could it be that her third sister really went insane?
"Yu'er, my sister is here to stay with you all night to see what's going on."

Yao Yu nodded in panic, "Well, sister, don't go, you must stay with me."

The maids came forward and asked, "What about the medicine?"

Yao Yao replied, "I'll ask Lord Hou to bring the medicine back to me, and I'll decoct it myself."


"Also, bring me the dregs of the medicine you just decocted. Also send me the imperial doctor's prescription."


(End of this chapter)

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