Chapter 111

Yuwen Xueling puffed with a straight face, "Qin Yilan, what do you mean by this question? Are you accusing me of murdering the second imperial concubine?"

Qin Yilan said in a low voice, "Business is business. If Her Royal Highness is innocent, you don't need to worry about it. It's better for you to be quiet, otherwise the more you talk, the more modest you are."

"Presumptuous! Qin Yilan, I'm your aunt! Are you turning your elbow out?"

Qin Yilan snorted, "Because you are my aunt, I want to prove your innocence to my aunt in public. Let this guy tell the mastermind behind the scenes in public. If he dares to wrong you, I will definitely not let him go. "

Qin Yilan's words made Yuwen Xueling speechless.

Fanghua listened, angry again and again, and snorted, "Your Highness can really turn your face and deny people. Have you forgotten what you promised me before? You want me to treat the second imperial concubine's illness, whether I treat it or not. Well, you will be happy as long as I take away all her dowry. You also said that you will reward me with double the wealth afterwards, why are you not even willing to protect me for a while? Are you going to force me to expose you?"

"You! You you you!" Yuwen Xueling was almost so angry that her blood pressure rushed to her brain.

Qin Yilan smiled indifferently, and asked with sideways eyes, "Your Highness, is he right?"

"No!" Yuwen Xueling denied it categorically, "He is wronging me!"

Qin Yilan sneered, "Zimo, did you hear that? The princess said, he wronged people!"

"Okay! I heard it!" Zimo responded, raised his hand and gave the old man another knife.

The knife pierced into the back of the old man's other hand.


"No—" Fanghua cried, "I was wrong! Master Hou spared me! I really know I was wrong!"

"The third question! The old man should think about it before answering. If the answer is wrong, the last knife will directly kill you."

Fanghua hurriedly nodded in response, "I will know everything and say everything, and I will never lie in the slightest again. I swear! I swear! I swear!"

"Very good! Tell me, tell everyone, do you understand medical skills?"

"I, I'm just a quack who knows a little bit about superficiality! Huh—Hou Ye, please forgive me. I cheat money and sex. I'm a very bad guy, but I won't kill people. The second imperial concubine's The fetus must be lost, I coaxed her just to get money, as for the elixir, it is just some good medicine that I burnt and rubbed into pills, it will not kill people, at most it will cause diarrhea for a few days."

Yao Yao listened with pain in her heart, "My third sister has lost a lot of blood and is already weak. If you give her this medicine, if she really has diarrhea, her life will be in jeopardy! You shameless bastard! You should be beaten!" ! Really should fight!"

Qin Yilan hurriedly hugged Yao Yao and shouted, "Calm down! He's been beaten, beaten, and knifed. Don't take your anger out on this kind of person, it's not worth it."

"Cough cough cough—" Yao Yao patted her heart, she really didn't choke, she was dizzy.

Qin Yilan waved his hands and said, "Put him in a prison and watch. I'll ask him something later."

"Yes!" Zimo snorted as soon as he mentioned the old man, "Let's go, you bastard. Who's wrong to impersonate? Pretend to be someone from Miracle Doctor Valley? Sigh——"

Yuwen Xueling was full of anger, but there was nothing she could do. With a straight face, she stared at Yao Yao for a moment and then said, "Yi Lan, you have to believe that I was also framed by that charlatan! Auntie, I is innocent."

Qin Yilan nodded, "Don't worry, without conclusive evidence, no one can convict Her Highness the princess. I believe the emperor will not come to conclusions easily. The emperor will thoroughly investigate the matter of the second emperor's wife's child, and will definitely give the princess Your Highness' chance to prove his innocence."

Yuwen Xueling gritted her teeth and glared at Yao Yao angrily, as if accusing Qin Yilan of changing because of her.

"Huh! Then I won't bother you, I guess I'm just adding to the trouble here. I'll go first."

"Congratulations to Her Majesty the Princess."

After inviting Yuwen Xueling to leave, Yao Yao clapped her hands and coughed, "Ahem——"

Qin Yilan followed her back and coaxed her in a low voice, "Have you not calmed down yet?"

"How about you go and see Third Sister? Is the child really lost?"

Qin Yilan nodded, "Will Madam come into the house with me?"

Yao Yao shook his hand and pushed him away, "I won't go in, you can go in. I'll wait for news outside."

"Huh?" Qin Yilan felt a little strange, but didn't ask much, and went into the room to check Yao Yu's pulse.

Yao Yu collapsed on the bed weakly, the entire bed was soaked in cold sweat, and the dark circles under his eyes were sunken.

Qin Yilan felt his pulse, and said softly, "The child can't be saved. You inhaled the ecstasy incense before, and you should be addicted. Did you take any drastic actions to quit the addiction?"

Yao Yu cried, "I don't know, I can't control my body, I just feel uncomfortable, I want to arrest someone, I want to knock my head, and when I reacted, the chair was pressed on my stomach, and I didn't respond that night. genius……"

"Didn't I tell your maids to keep an eye on you? When you quit your addiction, they should be there to serve you. What about people?"

Yao Yu was stunned, "They're not here! None of them are here, so they won't come!"


Something is wrong!

Something is really, really wrong!
Could it be?The real murderer of her child was...

Qin Yilan clenched his fists and took a deep breath, no longer speaking.

"Forget it, it's important to take good care of your body, let the imperial doctor prescribe medicine for you."

Yao Yu hurriedly grabbed Qin Yilan's sleeve and asked eagerly, "Is there really no chance at all?"

Qin Yilan shook his head, "Gods can't be saved."

"Woooooooo—what should I do? Where's the eldest sister? Where is she?"

"Outside the house, I don't want to come in." Qin Yilan replied.

When Yao Yu heard this, she suddenly lost her mind, "I was too harsh just now, and I blamed my sister. Can you invite my eldest sister to come in for me, Lord Hou? I want to admit her mistake."

Qin Yilan frowned slightly, "What did you say?"

"I... I... uh..."

Qin Yilan caught a glimpse of her embarrassed expression, didn't intend to ask any further, and said in relief, "Forget it, I'll make her happy for you. Your best reward is to take care of yourself. Don't think about anything else for now. "

"Thank you, Lord Hou!" Yao Yu sobbed a few times, and passed out from exhaustion.

Qin Yilan walked out of the house and saw Yao Yao's extremely complicated expression, her heart ached slightly, "Yao'er."

Yao Yao glanced back at him, a trace of grievance flashed in her eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qin Yilan put his arms around her shoulders and coaxed, "Let's go back to the palace."

Yao Yao pulled his arm away, "I can walk by myself, don't drag around."

"But, but I can't walk by myself, I need someone to support me."

"There are many people helping you! I'm not missing one!"

Qin Yilan said speechlessly, "You have no conscience, when I rushed over to help you just now, I tripped over a stone and fell! It's better now, just throw me away when I'm done using it? Tell me, you Are you sorry for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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