Chapter 119

When the car arrived at the silk shop, He Xiaolian said to Yao Yao, "I often visit this shop. The silk inside is very delicate and full of toughness. If my sister likes it, you can buy some and try."

"Well, I'll go take a look."

Before entering the store, the waiter hurried out to say hello, "Hey, Mrs. Hou! Please come inside."


The waiter turned around and walked behind Yao Yao, and said to He Xiaolian, "Hey, Second Madam, please come inside."

Yao Yao paused, then turned to look at the shop waiter, "What did you call her?"

The waiter in the store said with a playful smile, "Isn't she the second wife that Lord Hou just married?"

Yao Yao looked at He Xiaolian, and He Xiaolian hurriedly said with a sneer, "You are so ignorant, you talk nonsense!"

"What's the matter? Isn't the second lady the concubine that Lord Hou accepted?"

He Xiaolian covered her mouth and shook her head, "Not yet."

Good 'not yet'!
Meng Tao stared and gasped, "Hey!"

Yao Yao pulled Meng Tao back and motioned her to keep silent.

After a while, the shop owner also came over to say hello, "Oh, Madam Hou, Second Madam, you're here, I'm sorry to welcome you, please come inside."

Second lady again?
How easy is it for this person to say "Second Madam"?Look at He Xiaolian again, although seeing her evasive, but this expression, how enjoyable.

Meng Tao couldn't hold back anymore, rubbed Yao Yao's elbow, and gasped, "Miss, why don't you lose your temper! Let those people shout like crazy? What second wife? She is also worthy to be the second wife of the Houfu?"

Yao Yao whispered, "What is there to explain? I don't understand. These are all the people she arranged to piss me off. Why should I waste my talk and argue with her about such a vain name?"

"But the servant girl is just angry with her villainous face. It's really annoying! Only Wanwan, that silly girl, is willing to raise a child for this woman. If it were me, I would have asked General Song to give her the child. Lose!"

Yao Yao snorted, "A child is also a life, and no one can easily take away the right to live this life, not to mention, General Song is the father of this child. He is a man with responsibility and achievements. Ruo Wanwan is not willing to Accepting this child, it is estimated that General Song will choose the child between the child and Wan Wan."

"Miss, what are you going to do? Mengtao just feels uncomfortable because of being so useless. Why don't we ask Lord Hou to come out and clarify in person?"

"Don't make a fuss. I took care of the troubles, so please ask the Marquis to clean up the mess for me. Is it plausible?"

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. Miss, don't you want to find a way to suppress her?"

Yao Yao picked a ball of thread and threw it into the basket, "To deal with this kind of person, suppressing her is useless. She likes to play the thu, so let her do it!"

Yao Yao took out some silver taels from her pocket, stuffed them into Mengtao's hands, and whispered, "Make arrangements so that everyone in the capital will give Ms. He the second wife's treatment. It's better to praise her as high as the sky." !"

"Ah? This—"

From that day on, He Xiaolian entered the Hou's residence, and the position of the second lady seemed to be determined by default.When all the shopkeepers saw her, they politely invited her into the shop for consumption, and the consumption was free, and they gave her money in return, asking for promotion, friendship, and so on.

This was a treatment she had never had before, and she had never received such attention when she married Song Ci.

After coming and going, He Xiaolian seemed to have completely forgotten himself, as if he really regarded himself as the second wife of the Hou Mansion.

He Xiaolian chatted with a proprietress for a while, and asked her if she wanted to send something to Lord Hou, but she couldn't think of anything to give, and asked her to give her some advice.

The proprietress happily recommended Zhiyin Pavilion to her.

Hearing the news, He Xiaolian stood in front of the gate of Zhiyin Pavilion, but saw that the attic was sparsely populated, and didn't understand why it was so popular.

Taking the maid into the Zhiyin Pavilion, the maid yelled, "Is anyone there? Is there anyone?"

The shopkeeper popped up, "Miss, do you want to place an order?"

"Yes. Our lady wants to send a gift to Lord Hou. I want to ask, is there any good stuff to recommend?"

"To? To whom?"

"To Lord Marquis! Marquis Qin!"

The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes, "Oh, I remembered, you are the woman who boarded in the Hou Mansion?"

I'm used to hearing people call her "Second Madam" and "Second Madam", so I can't tolerate other names in my ears.

He Xiaolian pulled his face away, and the maid immediately shouted, "Can you talk? You can't even greet guests? Are you the boss?"

"No, I'm just a shopkeeper!"

"Then ask your boss to come out and receive us!"

The shopkeeper said with a sneer, "Impossible. Our boss doesn't accept anyone. Don't say that you are just a gangster who lives in Hou's mansion to eat and drink. Even if Lord Hou comes to the scene in person, you have to invite outside."

"What?" the servant girl stared, "Who's making such a big show? Not even giving Hou Ye face?"

"Your Majesty's face must be given. When you ask him to leave, he should be polite and polite. As for the two of doesn't seem to be necessary! You two can call wherever you come from! Our Zhiyin Pavilion, No reception at all!"

"You!" The servant girl was speechless.

He Xiaolian turned around and stepped forward, "It's true that you don't know how to flatter. Old man, aren't you afraid that I'll bring someone over to tear down your shop?"

The shopkeeper covered his mouth and snickered, "Sorry, I really don't believe it."

A woman came down from upstairs, glanced at He Xiaolian, and said, "A pheasant will be a pheasant all its life, even if it flies on a branch, it won't become a phoenix."

He Xiao pitifully stared, then looked up, "Who are you!"

The woman has bright white teeth, and a little blush between her brows, which is eye-catching.

"Murong Qianxue. Ms. He should have heard of it, right?"

He Xiaolian was startled, "Is it the Murong family in Beicheng?"


He Xiaolian suddenly lost his anger, and said softly, "I didn't know Miss Murong was here too."

"There are so many things you don't know! This Zhiyin Pavilion, do you know how many famous young masters from famous families place orders here? Jewelry, embroidery, calligraphy, painting and sculptures, you're good, you can tear them down as soon as you say? If you want to tear them down, those young masters and daughters will follow suit." Who is asking for the order? With you? Can you afford it?"

"Ah this..."

"Miss He, before you come here to play tricks, first ask inside and outside, how much weight you have to show off here! Don't say that the shopkeeper looks down on you! I'm afraid even the tea servants here look down on you!"

"I—" He Xiaolian looked embarrassed and couldn't make a sound.

Murong Qianxue asked someone to bring a box of gold and put it on the counter, and the shopkeeper cheerfully counted the quantity. "Girls give too much!"

"It's your boss's craftsmanship, which is worth the price! I took the things away, and there will be a list later, you have to take care of me, let me join the team, don't make me wait a month for nothing!"

"It's easy to talk about! The little one will definitely reserve a seat for you!"

Murong Qianxue nodded in satisfaction, held the gift box, gave He Xiaolian a lazy look, then turned and left with a snort.

Ever since He Xiaolian entered the Hou's mansion, he has never experienced such uselessness.

(End of this chapter)

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