Chapter 131

"The miasma is so stinky, I need to inhale the scent of my wife to recover."

"What are you farting? Take off the mask, you will be poisoned if you inhale the miasma!"

"Madam, don't worry, this little bit of poison won't harm me. I only need Madam's fragrance to detoxify."

"..." Yao Yao was furious, "Master Hou, are you a hooligan? It's in broad daylight, and there are other people around."

"Shh, please be quiet, madam, just let your husband have a good time."

"..." I really don't know how to scold him to stop, it really gave her a headache.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, she couldn't even remember the direction. When she entered the valley, she didn't know which direction to go.

Out of confusion, Yao Yao's ears turned red for a long time, and she saw Zimo sleeping on the tree trunk and snoring.

This kid seems to be out of fog for a long time, right?Harazi drenched more than half of his clothes.She thought he was with them all the time!

In other words, did Hou Ye deliberately walk around in the mist?Delaying time just to make love to her?

Thinking of this, she blushed again, holding back her anger, she really had nowhere to vent, so she could only sneak around and stare at others.

The road behind has to go through a cave, and the horse can't ride, so I can only walk with the horse on foot.

No wonder he had to let the convoy lead. If he brought the convoy, wouldn't he be blocked outside the cave?

After passing through the cave, what caught the eye was a large area of ​​Chicheng, which was not small in size, almost as large as a small town.

"Is this a paradise?" Yao Yao couldn't help admiring.

Qin Yilan smiled happily, "Yes. This is a secret place, isolated from the world."

Sit on the horse again, and follow Qin Yilan slowly up the mountain.

Yao Yao suddenly heard some foreign language, "Is this the Fan family?"


"During the war with the Fan clan before, more than half of the Fan clan was captured. Later, the camp where they were held was set on fire, and many of the Fan clan escaped. The emperor sent people to search everywhere but could not find them. It turned out that they were hiding here?"


"Could it be the valley owner who set fire to the camp?"

"Heh..." Qin Yilan said softly, "This is a secret."

Do you mean to admit it?

In this way, Gu Guzhu, the genius doctor, is a big criminal of the imperial court.

"Ah... I seem to see someone from the Hongling family! That's their family's crest. Is it?"


"Back then, there was an imperial decree to destroy all the families in Hongling, and the eighteen halls of the family disappeared without a trace overnight. So they also hid here?"


"Back then, Hongling rivaled the Mu family's power! One town is south, and the other town is north. Lord Hou, what happened to the Hongling family back then, and why did they have to be wiped out?"

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "This is also a secret."


Yao Yao sighed, "I'm afraid there are too many secrets hidden in the valley of genius doctors, right?"


"Then I won't ask any more. I'm going to see the owner of the valley! I just want to get my questions from him."

"it is good."

After crossing two more hills and passing through two small forests, I finally found a wild mountain residence full of medicine gardens.

When he first entered the courtyard, the servants who came out to greet Yao Yao were all astonished when they saw Yao Yao.

Probably because no one from outside the valley has been in this valley for a long time!
Those serving here are all male servants, not a single female servant.

Qin Yilan said to Yao Yao, "Have some tea here, and I'll go see the owner of the valley."

"it is good."

Yao Yao sat alone in the hall and waited quietly.

I drank a cup of tea, but there was no movement.

The servant came over to refill tea, Yao Yao stopped him and asked, "Isn't your Valley Master married yet?"

The servant squinted his eyes and smiled, "Just got married."

"Ah. Since we are married, why is there no female family member in the mansion? Without a female family member, will it be inconvenient for Mrs. Gu?"

"The owner of the valley has never brought his wife back, and there is no need to add female relatives."


Yao Yao was a little confused, "Your wife doesn't live in the valley?"



Ok.Don't ask any more questions, it's not interesting to ask any more, this is a family affair.Simply understand and understand!Don't annoy the owner of the valley.

After a while, the back curtain was lifted, and a man in white came out, with a large black hair hanging down, a straight waist, and a pure white mask on his face.

The moment Yao Yao met the man's gaze, she suddenly felt her heart skip a beat.Why does this man look so... so fierce?
Originally dressed like this, with a fairy air and a jade tree facing the wind, his eyes should be gentle.

Is it?

Did she accidentally provoke him?

Yao Yao lowered her head with a guilty conscience, her eyes slightly dodged, and she went forward to salute, "It's the first time we meet, Master Gu, please say hello."

"My lady is polite."

The man's volume is an eighth lower than Master Hou's. Why does it sound to her as if he is deliberately lowering his voice?

Oh, forgot.

He is a criminal who has harbored an unknown number of imperial court criminals.His being so mysterious is also a means of self-protection.It is reasonable for him not to dare to show his true face.Why should she bother with these issues?
Yao Yao raised her eyes again, met the man's cannibalistic gaze, wanted to make sure if he was angry, and asked cautiously, "Master Gu, where is my Marquis?"

The man said in a deep voice, "He inhaled some miasma before he entered the valley, and I asked him to soak in the medicine pool. I wonder why he didn't wear a mask when he entered the valley?"

This question, Yao Yao immediately covered her blushing face, "Who knows him!"

"Heh..." The man smiled lowly, "Madam, please sit down and enjoy tea."

"Thank you."

It's a bit troublesome, I really can't figure out this man's mood just by listening to the voice.This will make it difficult for her to communicate with him.

Try again!
Yao Yao took out a gift from her pocket and handed it over.

The owner of the valley was sitting on the other side of her, took the golden toad tea pet, and looked around several times, "What kind of treasure is this?"

"Tea pet, if the owner of the valley likes tea art, you can pour tea into this thing when smoking the teacup. Don't look at it's dark wood color now, when it tastes the fragrance of tea, it will turn golden."

"Oh? Madam carved this by herself?"

"Well. The material is just some clay, but the firing process is a little more complicated."

"Thank you Madam for your kindness, then I will accept it." The gift was directly stored close to the body.

Seeing this, Yao Yao was relieved.

This man's eyes are not very friendly, but his temper should be pretty good.After all, Hou Ye and him are friends, for the sake of friends, treat his friend's wife with a three-pointer no matter what.

Yao Yao smiled at him with tea, but just as she met his gaze, she lowered her head nervously, drinking tea as an excuse to avoid his vicious gaze.

Yao Yao couldn't wait for Qin Yilan to come back, so she asked directly, "Lord Valley Master, I came here this time because I have some questions and I want the Valley Master to clarify my doubts."

"It's okay to ask, ma'am."

"Previously, the court physician took my pulse and said that my cough was not a disease but poisoning, but other doctors couldn't diagnose it at all. I want Master Gu to take my pulse to see if it is poisoning. I I really believe in Master Gu's medical skills." Yao Yao emphasized this sentence, which meant to tell him not to lie to her.

Even if this man is wearing a mask, she can more or less detect whether he is lying or not.

(End of this chapter)

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