Chapter 133

Yao Yao was left alone in the lobby, and no one came out to take care of her after drinking three cups of tea.Lord Hou didn't know when he would come out.

In her spare time, she got up and asked the servant, "Can I go for a walk in the yard?"

"Yes, Ma'am, you can visit as you like, but don't go to the medicine garden, there are many poisonous weeds and snakes."

"it is good."

Yao Yao wandered around and accidentally found an ice room.

The door of this ice room is actually made of pure ice, translucent.

Looking in through the door, you can see a sleeping figure.Looking at the shape, it seems to be a woman.

Who is this man?Could it be the owner's wife?
No, didn't those servants say that their wife doesn't live in the valley?
I heard that those who study medicine occasionally need to use corpses to explore, maybe that woman is the corpse used to practice medicine?

Yao Yao stared in shock.

The corpse turned its head to look at her!
"Cough cough cough-"

The frightened cough attracted many servants.

"Why are you here, ma'am?"

Yao Yao patted her chest, sweating all over her face, "Maybe I went astray. Er... Did I offend some forbidden place?"

The servant smiled awkwardly, "It seems so."

"That's really sorry. I don't know if Master Gu will blame me."

"Don't worry, our Gu master is gentle, and won't blame you, Madam."

"Gentleness?" Where did he come to that conclusion?He was blind, so he couldn't see his master's fierce gaze?Like cannibalism.

"Cough, cough, boy, can I ask, who lives in this ice house?"

"That's the mother of our Lord Guzhu. She has been in a coma until today because of the severe poison. In order to save my mother, the Lord Gu is studying medicine every day. But so far there is no way to detoxify."

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Isn't she a corpse? Not dead? Still alive?"

"Yes. Still alive. Just not awake."

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "But she turned her head to look at me just now!"

The servant raised his eyes, "Impossible!"

"She really looked at me! If you don't believe me, go in and have a look."

After hesitating for a while, the servant said, "We can't go in and out of the ice house at will. I'll go and tell the owner of the valley. Madam, why don't you go back to the small courtyard and stay there first, we've already cleaned up the room for you."

Yao Yao took a breath and nodded, "Okay, please lead the way."


Qin Yilan packed her clothes and was ready to look for Yao Yao. Halfway through, the servant hurriedly came to report, "Master Hou, Mrs. Cai accidentally went to the ice house when she was patrolling the courtyard. She said she seemed to see your mother turning her head to look at her."

Qin Yilan stared, "Impossible!"

After the words fell, he rushed to the ice room.

Pushing open the door and entering, the frozen woman who caught my eye really turned her head sideways, but her eyes were still tightly closed.

This scene made his heart beat violently several times.


He changed lightly, but it didn't elicit any reaction from his mother.

Qin Yilan gently lifted her head and straightened it.He asked in a low voice, "Can mother hear the baby's voice? If you can, turn your head again."

Still no response.

After thinking about it, Qin Yilan said, "Mother, Yao Yao and I are married, she is your daughter-in-law, I brought her to the valley today..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman's head turned sideways again.

At this moment, Qin Yilan's heart was greatly moved, and she was extremely ecstatic, "It seems that my mother supports me. I snatched her here. You like this daughter-in-law very much, don't you?"

The woman's fingers moved slightly.

Qin Yilan woke up suddenly, "I see, mother, I will find a chance to bring her over to meet you and let her talk to you! How about it?"

The fingers moved slightly again.

These reactions are a great motivation for him.

Hastily went to the small courtyard, and saw the woman staring at the swing in a daze from afar.

When she was stunned, he took three steps forward and hugged her in his arms.

clinging tightly...

That strength frightened her dumbfounded.

Yao Yao exclaimed in horror, "Master Hou, what are you doing?"

"Don't move, let me hold you like this, don't move."

Yao Yao exhaled, "It's fine, why scare people? Don't you know that I'm delicate and weak? I'm almost scared out of my soul by you."

"Coincidentally, I happen to be able to suck souls. I want to suck you into my body."

"..." Speechless.

Yao Yao talked about the brute force man, "Master Hou, look at this yard, does it look familiar to you?"


"It's like my small courtyard! Living here, I always feel like living in my own boudoir. There are even swings!"

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "What a coincidence."

Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Lord Hou, tell me honestly, did you arrange it?"

"Have you seen this all?"

Yao Yao was slightly taken aback, "You really arranged it? How long did it take you to arrange this yard like this?"

"you guess?"

"...This courtyard will definitely not be able to be taken care of within half a month. Could it be that Lord Hou wanted to bring me to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors a long time ago?"

"Heh..." The man laughed three times without answering.

Yao Yao was not in the mood to argue with him about this matter, she tugged at his immobile arm, and mumbled, "It takes so long for Lord Hou to take a bath? Is it because he has inhaled a lot of miasma? Don't take off your mask indiscriminately in the future." gone."


"Just now I was bored by myself. I was wandering around. I accidentally broke into the forbidden area of ​​the valley owner. I saw an ice house. There was a woman lying in the ice house."

"Oh? Do you know who she is?" Qin Yilan asked tentatively.

"I heard it's Mrs. Gu."

"Ah... did you go in and take a look?"

"No. How can I easily break into the forbidden area of ​​the owner of the valley? Just standing at the door of the ice house feels desecration of the forbidden area. I don't know if I have offended the owner of the valley?"


Yao Yao worriedly asked, "Master Hou knows that the owner of the valley is angry?"

Qin Yilan narrowed his eyes and asked back, "Are you so concerned about whether he is angry or not?"

"Naturally. He is my benefactor and also your friend. He is not someone I can offend in terms of love and kindness. He is skilled in medicine, and he may need to please him in the future. Of course, he must be careful. This time I have some Reckless, Master Gu has a bad temper, I don't know if I should apologize?"

"Have a bad temper?" Qin Yilan asked in surprise, "Who is gossiping behind his back?"

Which bastard slandered his reputation and said he had a bad temper?
"No one has said that. But I can feel it, Mr. Valley Master is very fierce."

"Huh? What's wrong? Did he scold you?" Qin Yilan asked in disbelief.

After a moment of silence, Yao Yao asked, "If I tell the truth, will you tell Master Gu?"

Qin Yilan gasped, "Of course not. I'm really curious, why do you comment on him so much?"

"Then I'll tell you the truth. The man is wearing a mask, so you can't see his expression. You can't tell his character from his clothes, which are completely white. But those eyes..."

"... Eyes? What's wrong with the eyes? His eyes are not good-looking?"

"The eyes are too fierce! No, to be precise, his gaze is too fierce. When I looked at him, I always felt that there was a knife hidden in his eyes, and I wanted to put that knife in my heart."

"Uh..." This—

This is so...why does it feel a bit imagery?
"The knife is too serious, it's better to change the stick."

Yao Yao blinked, "What are you fussing about with knives and sticks? I'm saying he has fierce eyes! He looks like a tiger and wants to eat people!"

"Why don't you use the hungry wolf, the hungry wolf is more vivid."

(End of this chapter)

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