Chapter 135

The man coughed awkwardly, sat on the other side of the bed, and stretched out his hand to feel his mother's pulse. After a while, he said in surprise, "The poison... is gone?"

"Huh? Could it be that the poison was forced out of that mouthful of black blood just now?"

"It's very possible!" he said ecstatically, "Thank you... madam."

Yao Yao was taken aback when she heard this, "Mrs. Mrs. Gu, why..."

"What, what?"

"It's nothing." Yao Yao shook her head and smiled wryly, laughing at herself for being too sensitive.Why do you always overlap the shadow of the man in front of you with Lord Hou.He heard the phrase Ma'am that he called in his ears, and felt that Master Hou was calling her.

The owner of the valley shouted, "Ma'am, look, my mother's fingers are beating on something."

Yao Yao looked down, sure enough.

Five fingers tapped on the bed board again and again.Sometimes the thumb, sometimes the index finger, sometimes the little finger.

"What does this mean?" The man frowned in thought, puzzled.

Yao Yao tilted her head and looked, and muttered, "Could it be the rhythm? Gongshang Jiaozheng Yu. The simplest rhythm code, Jiao Duoyu is gender, Eryu is a man? One Shang Erzheng is a birthday, a 17-year-old boy? "

Yao Yao raised her head and said, "The old lady wants Master Gu to find a 17-year-old boy? Do you know who it is?"

17 year old boy?It turned out that my mother knew about it too.

In other words, her mother has been assassinated all the time, probably because of...

"Valley Master?" Yao Yao tentatively asked, "Valley Master? Do you know what your mother told you?"

The owner of the valley sighed and nodded silently, "Yes, the child knows. Please rest assured, mother. I will definitely look for the child with my heart."

Yao Yao smiled gratifiedly, "Look at the old lady's face is much more peaceful. What I want to explain is finally entrusted."

"It's Madam's credit. Who taught you the rhythm code?"

"It's in my mother's collection of books. My mother never taught me that kind of knowledge. It's just that I am weak and sick, and I like to read books when I have nothing to do. I also learned this rhythm code by myself. I know a little bit."


Yao Yao became fidgety again, her gaze had already moved away from the man's face, and she didn't dare to look at him.

She really can't afford the wolf-like eyes.It felt as if if he took a look at her, her face would be scorched by him.

"Ahem..." Yao Yao pretended to cough a few times to alleviate the embarrassment of fidgeting, and said softly, "After chatting for a while, the old lady's condition has improved. It's getting late, so don't disturb the old lady's recuperation. "

"Well. I'll see you off." The owner of the valley followed her and got up.

As soon as the two turned around, Yao Yao froze, and turned her head to look at the beautiful woman on the bed in embarrassment, "Why are you grabbing my skirt again? Is there anything else you haven't explained?"

The owner of the valley was stunned for a moment, secretly happy, "My mother likes you and doesn't want you to leave."

Yao Yao wondered, "It's really getting late. I don't know if Master Hou has returned to the house, maybe he is already waiting for me in the house! I have to go back as soon as possible, otherwise he will lose his temper again."

The owner of the valley quickly asked, "What's the matter? Lord Hou often loses his temper with you? Is he so bad-tempered?"

"I can't say it's bad, I can only say that he likes to play childish temper and make trouble for no reason."

Nonsense!When has he ever been unreasonable?
"Ahem—how is he making trouble for no reason? Come and listen, let me see and see?"

"Uh..." Yao Yao blushed slightly, "Stop talking, I'd be ashamed of him if I did."

Ok?The man stared speechlessly.

How could he embarrass her?How could a gentle man with such good conduct embarrass her?It's a joke, isn't it!
Yao Yao has already closed her mouth, wanting to end this topic, not wanting to say anything about Master Hou in front of others.

But the owner of the valley was not forgiving, and kept asking, "You were married by the emperor. I heard from him that you didn't want to marry him, did you?"

"Ah, um." Yao Yao smiled awkwardly, but still didn't want to say more.

"Later, by mistake, the emperor appointed you to marry him. Are you annoyed?"


"Hasn't Madam ever regretted that she can't be crown princess?"

Yao Yao said after a moment of silence, "To be honest, from the very beginning, I thought that Lord Hou was the best destination for a woman, but he shouldn't be left to me, a short-lived ghost. I want to give this good man to Sanmei, but Sanmei I don't cherish it. Now that I am the wife of Lord Hou, it is natural that I have to devote myself wholeheartedly to him. I will settle everything for him in my lifetime, and find an excellent wife for him before leaving. This is to repay Lord Hou for his kindness. It's a pity that I don't seem to like other girls in my eyes."

While talking, Yao Yao lowered her head in distress, "I have to reflect on myself, my vision is too high and picky, how can this work?"


"As for taking a concubine, you make up your own mind, and your husband-in-law may not like it."

Yao Yao sneered and said, "Could it be possible that he really wants to guard me, a short-lived ghost?"

"Madam's body can be taken care of. You were just delayed by those doctors, but now, your illness has been greatly relieved, but your body is weak, and you are not suitable for uh...uh...cough cough."

"Isn't it suitable for having children?"

"Oh, yes! Yes, yes!"

Why didn't he have the word "children" in his mind?

Yao Yao thoughtfully asked, "Master Gu really thinks that my disease can be cured? Can I live for ten years?"

"It's not just ten years. With me, I can have 50 years or 100 years."


Yao Yao listened and smiled, "Master Gu really likes to joke."

"Do you think I'm like a man who makes fun of my own brand?"


When he said this, Yao Yao really tilted her head and thought.

Could it be that most of her illness was really cured?The original lifespan of two or three years can really become a long life of a hundred years?

If that's the case, then...would she still want to be a concubine for Lord Hou?
"Ma'am, I wonder if I can come to the ice room to meet my mother again tomorrow, and chat with her about home affairs."

Yao Yao said dully, "But I don't have a story."

"It's a common thing. You can tell her some interesting daily things between you and Master Hou."

Yao Yao blushed suddenly, "Why did I say this..."

"My mother is interested."

Yao Yao couldn't help but muttered, "No matter how interested the old lady is, she can't listen to these boring routines, right?"

"No, she's really interested."

"..." Yao Yao's face was full of embarrassment, "cough cough, Valley Master, there is no need to send it off anymore, I already know the way ahead. Valley Master also go back to the house to rest! Farewell!"

Give him a nod and send him back, but don't let him push his feet.

Once back in the house, Yao Yao searched, but there was no sign of Qin Yilan, but she saw Zimo sleeping paralyzed on the stone pier.

She raised her head and called out to him, "Zimo."

"Oh, ma'am? You're back!"

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Master Hou hasn't come back yet?"


Yao Yao asked strangely, "What the hell did he do? Go shopping in the town? What is so important? Even Yeluo has to go out to buy things?"

Zimo snickered, "I don't know either! Master Hou said he would buy this thing alone, and he didn't even want to take me with him!"

Yao Yao was a little angry, "I want to see what he bought!"

Turning back into the house, the door slammed a little loudly.

 Thank you girls for your warm support. When I woke up, I saw a bunch of tickets and five-star praise.Today is a new month, and I would like to thank everyone for the ten thousand updates.mwah
(End of this chapter)

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