Chapter 144

Yao Yao went to pick up her marriage proposal, and she was extremely happy in her heart.

Father-in-law's visit this time meant that the news had reached his ears, and he must not be angry with such an unworthy son, so he came here specially to teach.

Later, she must share her breath with her father, otherwise she will never be able to choke on it.

"Father!" Yao Yao greeted him with a smile.

When Qin Yan saw Yao Yao, he asked excitedly, "I heard that my son bought the ice stone jade chess piece customized by Yuan Dazai?"

Yao Yao suddenly froze, and stammered, "Ah... ah..."

"How did he buy it back? It doesn't make sense! I paid Dazai ten times the price and didn't let go. How did Yi Lan buy it back? How much did he pay?"

Yao Yao asked after a long silence, "Father doesn't know?"

"what do you know?"

"Master Hou... all he bought was stolen goods. I don't know 'which' thief, he went through all the mansions in the capital, and Lord Hou took back all the stolen goods."


Yao Yao muttered, "Don't father know that many people have come to me to ask for the stolen treasure?"

When Qin Yan heard this, his face turned green.

Yao Yao finally saw a normal face, and said with relief, "Father, don't worry, I have already..." and returned the treasures from door to door.

Before the last words were finished, Qin Yan asked anxiously, "What about the chessboard? Did you return it?"

"Ah?" Yao Yao froze again, "This..."

"Where's the chessboard? My little ancestor! You're not going to return it, are you?"

"...I...uh..." Yao Yao said with a sullen face, "Shouldn't I return it? It's stolen goods!"

"What are you going back for? If they enter our mansion, it's our property. If their property is stolen, they should report it to the officials themselves! If there is any problem, the officer will come and punish you. If you go back now, we will lose a lot of money." ?"

"Father!" Yao Yao said seriously, "Am I being too vague? It's wrong for Master Hou to take other people's property privately!"

"He took it?"

"Sure! Who else but him?" Yao Yao said angrily.

Qin Yan blinked and asked, "Is there any evidence?"


"We will admit it only if there is evidence. If there is no evidence, then I can't blame my son. Anyway, I don't care, that chessboard, you go and get it back for me right away!"


What else can she say?
Why is this family conniving at him to commit crimes?

This is really a solid lesson today, I feel like I am still floating in the clouds and fog.

When Yao Yao came back to her soul, Qin Yan had already run back from the warehouse, her face full of anger, "I really did go back! No, no! You have to go and get it back for me! Otherwise, I will live here tonight! When will you Bring the things back to me, when will I leave! Go, arrange a room for me."


Qin Yan said, this foot walked straight to the main house.

What arrangement room?He can arrange for himself!
Seeing this, Yao Yao's hair almost stood on end, she hurriedly ran after her, panting, and finally stopped him at the gate of Xiaoyuan, "Daddy, stop!"

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and muttered, "What are you doing? Your first priority now is to go to Dazai's house and get the chessboard back for me!"

"No, Dad, you like the chessboard and tell me directly, I'll just make one for you, there's no need to envy others."

"Just kidding! Don't you know where that chess board came from?"


"The work of the Boss of Zhiyin Pavilion is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. I don't know what he has done. The chess piece is transparent during the day, but it even glows at night."

"Uh-this I-I can uh-"

Yao Yao was stuttering and sweating, unable to speak.

"Don't worry, good daughter-in-law, I don't hold any grudges about your stupidity, just obediently go and help me get the chessboard back, and let's forget about it! Otherwise, I will live here for the next few days Eat and drink!"


Qin Yan walked towards the main house again.

Yao Yao vomited a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly blocked the way, "Daddy! The Hou Mansion does not lack your food, but the main house... you can't enter."

"Huh? Reason!"

"Master Hou will sleep in this room tonight."

When Qin Yan heard this, he laughed loudly, "Don't make trouble, he sleeps in your place, and he doesn't live in this room. It's just right to let me!"

"No, no, he lives, and he will live tonight."

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter? You're not going to let him into your room tonight?"

"Uh..." Yao Yao suddenly blushed, lowered her head, embarrassed. "Master Hou doesn't sleep with me every day. When he's in a good mood, he will come back occasionally..."

"It doesn't make sense! How can the young couple talk about sleeping in separate rooms? If they sleep in separate rooms, then the marriage will be for nothing. I don't allow you to sleep in separate rooms. Girl, get out of the way, I want to occupy the main house. If you don't let Yi Lan go to your room, then let him roll and sleep in the study!"

Yao Yao's heart was almost jumping in her throat, she simply walked to the gate of the garden, and blocked the door with her body, she raised her head in embarrassment, "Daddy! Don't make trouble, I, I know the boss of Zhiyin Pavilion, if you like it, I will ask him to give it to you personally. You order a chessboard, which is even better than Hara Dazai-sama's chessboard."

Qin Yan listened suspiciously, "Do you know the boss of Zhiyin Pavilion?"

"Recognize, recognize."

"Then you know who he is? How about? You give me a gossip?"

"Uh... this..." Yao Yao lowered her head again, feeling very embarrassed.

If daddy knew that she was making money by making public appearances, would he be disgusted by him?

How to do?
Yao Yao twitched her little finger, had no choice but to bite the back of her tongue and said, "His surname is...Murong."

When Qin Yan heard it, he suddenly clapped his hands, "Ah! So it belongs to their family! No wonder! No wonder!"

Yao Yao rarely lied, and she never thought that one day, she would be forced to lie.This feeling of guilty conscience is really unbearable.

Qin Yan squeaked, "Murong's family is originally a business family, I don't know why they are so secretive and secretive, but anyway, I'm not a man who doesn't know how to understand, let them make me a better chessboard than Dazai, I'll keep them silent. Otherwise, hum—"

Yao Yao nodded hurriedly, "Yes. Don't be impatient, Dad. I will definitely make arrangements for you."

"Well, it's still my good daughter-in-law's ability. Then I won't make things difficult for you!"

"Okay, Dad, please go back!"


"Boss Ling, hurry up... send daddy off."

Just now she couldn't wait to welcome him into the door, now it's as if she is sending off Lord Hades, wishing that he would leave sooner.

Really terrible headache.

Looking forward to a backer coming over, I wanted her to sue, but who knew that this backer relied on someone else.

It's no wonder, my son, of course he has to protect the calf, after all, she is just a daughter-in-law, and if the daughter-in-law and son quarrel, they have no reason to help her, right?

Qin Yilan heard that there was no movement outside the garden, so she showed up, and asked with a satisfied smile, "Madam, is your work done? If you are done, let's go back to the room, I'm hungry."

Look at this unteachable face, she is so angry that she has no place to vent it.

If she wasn't weak and weak, she would have whipped him with a stick long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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