Chapter 148

After seeing off the prince, Yao Yao sat in front of the dressing table with the letter paper in a daze.

Thinking that her mother was just a deceased person, why did His Highness the Crown Prince get entangled in her mother's side?
Probably just wanted to use her mother to threaten her to do things for him.

She didn't want to take the bait, but the bait was too big for her to ignore.

How would she explain to Lord Hou?ask directly?Or... spying?

A burst of hot air suddenly came from her ear, which scared her to the point of jumping out of her wits, "Master Hou? Are you back?"

"Hmm." Qin Yilan's eyes glanced at the letter paper on the dressing table, and his brows furrowed instantly.

what? ?

Yao Yao hurriedly turned around and folded the letter paper, stuffed it into the dressing box, with a slightly guilty look on her face.

Strange, why is she guilty?He can't see again!You don’t understand Fanwen when you see it?Why are you so flustered?
After taking a few breaths, Yao Yao's expression softened, "Master Hou, do you want a cup of hangover tea? Shall I make tea for you?"

"Let the servants do the preparation, you don't have to rush around, just help me up."

Yao Yao froze, "No."

Qin Yilan stared blankly, suddenly recalling what happened at dusk, he caught a glimpse of the girl's frightened expression again, and exhaled helplessly, "Don't be afraid, I won't touch you again tonight."


"I want to have a good chat with you."

"Okay." Yao Yao hurriedly helped him to the bed.The two sat on the edge of the bed, silent.

For a moment, Yao Yao felt as if she had returned to the day when she got married, and the two of them were also like this, sitting on the edge of the bed without saying a word.It's just that the current her doesn't seem to be as pure-minded as the day she got married.

Live a good life, wait at home to die, take care of your own affairs, don't bother Master Hou to worry about yourself.

Today, her body is getting healthier day by day, and she always feels that she is more eager for life, thinking about living a few more days, and making herself happy for a few more days.

People are greedy after all.She is no exception!

Even if she is like this, Master Hou should also be a greedy man.So don't be too hard on others...

"Yao'er, shall we play a game?"


"You ask me to answer the game, you ask me a question, as long as I answer it, I will ask you a question instead, you can choose not to answer, but you can't lie."

When Yao Yao heard this, she felt that the game was very beneficial to her, so she nodded quickly, "Okay."

"Women first, madam, you should ask first."

Yao Yao twisted her fingers, feeling terrified, because she had a bunch of questions to ask, because there were too many, and she didn't know where to start.

After struggling for a long time, she raised her eyes and asked, "Does Hou know the whole process of my mother's rescue?"

"Small knowledge. After all, I was still young at that time."

"Then my mother..."

"Shh-it's me, girl, don't break the rules."

Yao Yao stared, "Wait, is this an answer?"

"Forget it. How you ask, I will answer. Remember, before you ask a question next time, you have to think about how to ask so that you don't suffer. Understand!"

Yao Yao turned around angrily, with a gloomy expression on her face. "Then it's Lord Hou's turn. You can ask, Lord Hou!"

"Then shall I ask?"

"Well. I'm listening!"

"I want to ask, when I kissed you, did you feel blushing and heart beating?"

Yao Yao's pupils dilated, and she stared over in disbelief, "Master Hou, what the hell question are you asking?"

Qin Yilan rolled his eyes upwards, "You ask your questions, I ask mine, you just have to answer me, yes or no."


"This question is not difficult, is it? Ma'am, I think you still have a lot of questions to ask me, so don't be easily stumped by me."

Yao Yao's face sank, and she exhaled, "A little bit."

Qin Yilan finally smiled, feeling quite satisfied with the answer, "Now it's Madam's turn. You can ask!"

"I hope Lord Hou can tell the whole story about my mother's rescue."


Yao Yao stared blankly again, "Master Hou, you broke the rules."

"There are no bad rules. Said, it is a question, not a question. I will give you another chance, and you can ask again."

After Yao Yao pondered for a moment, she clenched her fists and asked, "Master Hou, my mother, have you ever been bullied?"

Qin Yilan was silent, and clenched her fists tightly.

Yao Yao looked at him nervously, "Master Hou, can you answer me? Yes? Or no?"

"I only answer what you and I know, your mother, your father is not the only man."

"So there is?" Yao Yao stood up and asked, "Who insulted her?"

Qin Yilan raised her head and said, "Calm down, Yao'er, didn't you hear me clearly? Your mother is not the only man with your father, but it doesn't mean that she was bullied. It may also be her own will."

Hearing these words, Yao Yao recalled what the crown prince told her just now.

Could it be that her mother colluded with the Fan clan to pretend to save her?In order to draw a false name?
Do not!This is impossible!

"Master, I..."

"Shhh - it's my turn! It's time for me to ask questions!"

Yao Yao stood up straight and stared at him nervously, "Master Hou, you ask, I'll listen."

"When I kissed you, what other reactions did you have besides blushing and heartbeat? Physically, for example..."

"Compare, compare, say what?"

Qin Yilan stood up and whispered something in her ear.

Even though the two of them were locked in the room, he still asked closely, one can imagine how serious this question is...

Yao Yao pushed him away and shouted angrily, "Master Hou, are you making things difficult for me on purpose? Chunxin doesn't want me to ask you questions, right?"

"Answer me, yes, or no?"

"No!" Yao Yao didn't even want to refuse directly.

Qin Yilan snorted, "You lied. Is the game over?"

Yao Yao shook her head when she heard this, "No! I still have something to ask you."

"Then answer my question honestly. You know, I actually know the answer, I just want to hear it from you. Yes, or not?"

Yao Yao turned her head away, endured her blushing face, and exhaled, "Yes..."

"Do you know what the word 'have' means? Yao'er, you don't have any friendship with me, you are emotional for me, right?"

Yao Yao stared and shouted, "Now it's my turn to ask questions. Master Hou, don't break the rules."

Qin Yilan exhaled heavily, "Okay, you ask."

"Is the man who had a relationship with my mother a fan?"

Just as Qin Yilan opened his lips to answer, Yao Yao suddenly stopped him, "No, no, no! Don't answer this question! This question is not very important, I want to ask another question."

Qin Yilan smiled, "You can ask one by one, and I can answer one by one."

"No! I don't think I can insist on your third question! Lord Hou, please answer me, did the emperor ask you to do something that has already threatened His Highness the Crown Prince?"

very good!Finally asked the export!
Sure enough, it was the prince who sought her out and wanted to entrust her as an internal response.

After a moment of silence, Qin Yilan nodded, "Yes."

"What's the matter?" Yao Yao subconsciously asked.

Qin Yilan smiled, "I asked you to ask, not to question. I have no obligation to answer your question, and... I feel that it should be my turn."

(End of this chapter)

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