Chapter 151

Murong Qianxue also took three steps back in fright, staring sideways at the woman on the ground, feeling a little pity in her heart.

At this time, Murong Shanhe came out, "Aunt Guan, let them handle the matter of the younger generation by themselves, let's not come out and get involved."

"What happened! How can I stand on the sidelines?"

"Because you are not qualified to speak!"

"Why am I not qualified? He is my son!"

"Just because your son married someone else, you didn't notify us in advance. You didn't stand up to speak out about this matter, and now you have no right to speak! Don't think that if you kneel down, the sky will not fall. Old man Let me tell you, the god of your Zeng family is me! I, Murong Shanhe, let it collapse, and it will collapse! No one can kneel!"

"You! You are too bullying—" Aunt Guan cried heartbreakingly.

A sudden call came from the crowd, "Lord Guoqin is here—"

Everyone gave way.

Xia Guoqin got off his horse in a hurry, walked up to Murong Shanhe, and stared.

With a straight face, Murong Shanhe stretched out his hands and said in a salute, "Caomin has seen Mr. Guoqin!"

Xia Linglong rushed to Xia Guoqin's back and cried, "Daddy! The Murong family bullied us! They brought people from the Hou family to make trouble!"

"Houfu?" Xia Guoqin asked coldly, "Why did the Houfu intervene in this matter? Master Hou is in the palace, who is here to put on my shoes?"


A mouthful of blood sprayed on Xia Guoqin's feet.

Xia Guoqin backed away in fright, "What, what?"

"Cough cough cough—cough cough cough—"

A weak woman who was supported by someone came out, took three steps to catch her breath, walked ten steps staggered and needed someone to support her to stabilize her body, and walked up to Xia Guoqin crookedly, "cough cough cough..."

Before the words were spoken, the coughing sound was almost uninterrupted.

The blood handkerchiefs were thrown away one after another, all at Xia Guoqin's heels.

When everyone saw this sick and delicate beauty, they immediately recognized her.

"It's Madam Hou!"

"Cough like this! It's her!"

"There is no second sick girl in Beijing who is so sick!"

Xia Guoqin looked embarrassed, bowed his hands and said, "I have seen the Marquis."

"Cough cough cough... my lord, wait for me... cough cough cough... I will talk after coughing."


Seeing her coughing like this, Xia Guoqin immediately lowered his voice by three points, and said with a stiff expression, "Madam, it's cold outside, why don't we go in and sit down and have a peaceful talk?"

Yao Yao blinked and smiled, "It's still good."

With a wave of her hand, the guards blocking the door gave way one after another.

With a clear eye, it was indeed the guards brought by the Hou Mansion, and the battle was not small.

Yao Yao turned her head and said, "My ears are precious, and I can't hear crying. Aunt Guan, don't go in, or you will cry, make trouble and hang yourself later, and I will be pissed off by you. Your Zeng family can't afford it." The Marquise's life."

Aunt Guan was taken aback, then nodded aggrieved, "Uh, yes."

"Master Murong, Qianxue, come in together, let's sit down and have a good talk."

"it is good."

Yao Yao led the people into the house, and she sat down on the original high hall seat, and the other end of the high hall was naturally reserved for Xia Guoqin.

The rest of the two rows of seats are all full.

"Cough cough cough..." Another bloody handkerchief was thrown on the ground.

Before and after, it felt like she was about to cough up half a bucket of blood, right?

I heard that she has already walked through the gate of hell twice before, and it has long been heard that she can't last half a year.But she has been married to Lord Hou for more than half a year, why hasn't she died yet?
Yao Yao glanced at Xia Guoqin, and clearly saw the three words "you are going to die, you are going to die" from the bottom of his eyes.I couldn't help covering my mouth and snickering.

So many people wanted to see her die, but she couldn't die because of this breath, was she angry?

Yao Yao raised her head after taking a few breaths and said, "Master Zeng did not tell the Murong family about marrying Xia Linglong. This is, Master Zeng is wrong. Is it reasonable?"

Zeng Kefu nodded hurriedly, "It's true that I was wrong. I just thought that after Qianxue came in, I would make it up to her a hundred times. But I didn't expect that she wouldn't even give me a chance to make it up. What happened in front of the door? Like, it really makes me unable to step down."

"Then let me tell you first, you let Murong Qianxue change from a wife to your concubine for no reason, did you let the Murong family not come down? The Murong family is in the capital, and they are also prominent figures, not worse than you, the number one scholar in the Jin family, right?" ?”

"I... I said, I will make it up to her!"

"The word humiliation, can you make up for it? It seems to be the first time I've heard of it."

Zeng Kefu was taken aback, "Why, why can't I make up for it? I didn't mean to humiliate her, I just... just hope she can be wronged for me once, just once!"

After a moment of silence, he continued, "I still hope to marry Qianxue. Linglong doesn't mind Qianxue's existence at all, so why should Qianxue care about wives and concubines?"

Murong Qianxue was so angry that she almost wanted to lift the table again, Murong Shanhe pressed her daughter's hand, and signaled her to be quiet with his eyes.Mrs. Hou has already appeared on the stage, and the place will be managed by Mrs. Hou.

Murong Qianxue swallowed her anger.

"Hehe..." Yao Yao covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Master Zeng has a good idea. He said it as if all women in the world must be wronged for you. Why?"

"I have been in love with Qianxue for many years, shouldn't it be?"

"The relationship of many years can't stand your knife today. If you cut it off with a knife, then the relationship between you two is not worth mentioning."


Yao Yao stretched out her hand to interrupt him, "Master Zeng, now that the husband is unmarried and the daughter is unmarried, there is no relationship between you two, let's start from scratch, you hire the Murong family, and see if they are willing to let their family My daughter married you as a concubine?"


Murong Shanhe slapped the table and shouted, "Fart! I will never wrong my daughter! I will be your concubine? Are you worthy too?"

Yao Yao nodded and said, "This is the reason why you concealed your double marriage today, right? Mr. Zeng knew that Master Murong would not allow his daughter to be a concubine, so you didn't want to hide it. You wanted to wait until the raw rice was cooked and everything was settled. , then you are the biggest winner.”

Being told his mind, Zeng Kefu bowed his head, deeply ashamed.

"I, I just don't want to lose Qianxue. I really love her!"

"I've never seen such cheap love! Mr. Zeng, your love is too generous. You'll make people laugh if you say it."

Zeng Kefu clenched his fist and said angrily, "Okay! This is the end of the matter, Qianxue, what do you want from me? Just say it!"

Murong Qianxue held back her anger and said, "There is no way to arouse the hatred in my heart."

This humiliation and betrayal cannot be discouraged by just slapping her a few times.

Yao Yao said softly, "How about this, Mr. Zeng wants to worship Gaotang when he gets married. The Murong family subsidized your imperial examination and raised you up to now. This kindness must be repaid. You and Qianxue have no chance to become husband and wife, so let's be mother and son!"

"What, what?" Zeng Kefu looked up in horror, "Mrs. Hou? What did you just say?"

"I said, let you recognize Murong Qianxue as your adoptive mother, you marry Xia Linglong, let Qianxue be your high school, and be worshiped by your husband and wife. Enmity and hatred will disappear!"

This suggestion made Murong Qianxue stand up abruptly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Okay! Okay! This is good! I want to sit in the high hall! I want to recognize him as a son of a bitch! I want to be worshipped by them both."

"I don't want—" Xia Linglong screamed, "Daddy—"

 Thank you girls for voting enthusiastically, five-star praise and various rewards, I will add a new chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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