Chapter 153

A group of people returned to the Murong mansion, and all the guards brought by Yao Yao sat on the seats and helped eat the wedding banquet that was originally planned for the wedding.

Yao Yao took Jiang Renlong into the gazebo of Murong Qianxue's backyard, and the three of them sat together.

Murong Qianxue dragged her cheeks and stared at Jiang Renlong without eating.

This look is really familiar!
Oh!I remembered, Master Gu Gu, the genius doctor.

Why does her look look the same as Gu Zhu's?Like a wolf like a tiger!It's like eating people!
Jiang Renlong was restless and restrained tightly by her stare, and he couldn't move his buttocks several times, but he couldn't move away from her chasing eyes.

Murong Qianxue kicked Yao Yao under the table.

Yao Yao shook her chopsticks and dropped her things on the ground. She smiled helplessly, raised her head and asked, "Master Jiang, are you so old that you have no plans to marry a wife?"

Jiang Renlong shook his head, "I have a heavy responsibility, and I don't want to marry a wife. I'm afraid that I will hurt my wife and children in the future."

Yao Yao paused slightly while drinking tea, "Are you talking about my grandpa?"

Jiang Renlong said seriously, "Yes."

After listening to Yao Yao, she asked, "Is there another inside story?"

Jiang Renlong secretly glanced at Murong Qianxue.

Murong Qianxue felt that the two of them had a secret, she pulled her face and sat on her buttocks, "Say it, I want to listen too."

Yao Yao wondered, "Qianxue, can you avoid it?"

"Don't evade, I will listen to any secrets you have! You and I are girlfriends, and there should be no secrets between girlfriends!"

"But this matter..."

Murong Qianxue said with her hands on her hips, "My father bribed officials."

"??" The two stared at her.

"And there's more than one!"


"Let me tell you this secret, is it enough to exchange your secrets? If not, I will send you the list of officials my father bribed? Take it to the emperor, and my Murong family will collapse immediately. What?"

Yao Yao rubbed the center of her brows, "Is there someone as cheating as you?"

"Because I trust you!" Murong Qianxue laughed, "I want to be on the same boat as you! We will live and die together! Tell me, what's your secret?"

Seeing that she refused to leave, Jiang Renlong sighed, "Ma'am, I found out that there is an eunuch in the cold palace who seems to know something about that year. When the emperor was massacred, he escaped by pretending to be deaf and dumb."

"Massacre?" Yao Yao stared and asked, "Are you talking about the emperor?"


Murong Qianxue's expression also changed.

This secret is amazing enough!

The ears are erect and straight.

Yao Yao's palms were sweating, "The emperor doesn't look like such a cruel man."

"A person should not be judged by his appearance. Companion to a king is like companion to a tiger!"

After a moment of silence, Yao Yao asked, "Can you help me get him out?"

"That man is very guarded and doesn't trust anyone. I tried it several times, but he just pretended to be deaf and dumb and refused to talk to me!"

"Then how did you know he was pretending to be deaf and dumb?"

Jiang Renlong scratched his head in embarrassment, "I have seen a real blind man with scars all over his hands, but his hands have too few scars."

Hearing this, Yao Yao seemed to be awakened by something.

The paranoia buried in his heart resurfaced little by little.

"Really blind? There should be... many scars on his hands?"

"Isn't it supposed to be like this?"

Yao Yao covered her heart, got up quickly and said, "I'm going back."

Murong Qianxue said anxiously, "What are you doing! We haven't finished our meal yet!"

"Hou Ye should go back to the mansion, I have to go back to the mansion to 'serve' him!"


Murong Qianxue couldn't stop her, Yao Yao left quickly.

Leaving Jiang Renlong alone, it is impossible for him to stay and eat alone. He smiled apologetically at Murong Qianxue, "I'm sorry, Miss Murong, I'm an official..."

Murong Qianxue was disappointed, "Can't we leave after eating?"

"No, no! I have something to do at home, so I don't want to bother you. Thank you Miss Murong for the banquet, and I will leave."

Murong Qianxue called out, "Master Jiang, remember to come here often—"

This was heard by Murong Shanhe who was hiding in the dark, he ran out angrily and scolded, "Girl, what did you say? You said it like the girl in the brothel?"

Murong Qianxue stared and cursed, "Daddy! You're really outrageous! How am I like a brothel girl?"

"Then why do you come here often? Are you inviting guests?"

Murong Qianxue almost burst into tears, "Daddy!!! The more you talk, the worse it gets, I want to tell my brother—"

"Come back!" Murong Shanhe scolded, "Girl, I tell you, this time you went to the Zeng's house to make such a mess, I dare say that there is no good family in the whole capital who dares to marry you."

"Well—I know—"

"So... if you really like that Jiang, Daddy will support you!"


Murong Shanhe beckoned, "In the future, don't talk nonsense about what comes here often. If he doesn't come, you can go there by yourself. We can't lose face anymore, and we won't be able to marry Hao Erlang!"

"Oh, let daddy arrange it!"

The two father and daughter hid in the corner and chattered non-stop, their eyes full of calculations.

Yao Yao returned home in a hurry, and asked as soon as she entered the house, "Has Master Hou come back?"

"I'm back, I'm chatting with the old lady in the main house. I haven't finished my meal yet, so I said I'll cook for him when you come back."

"..." Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "It's just that I came back early. If I drink wedding wine until midnight, will he wait for me hungry?"

Manager Ling said with a sneer, "It's not that I haven't waited."


Yao Yao went to the main house angrily, and waited outside the house for a while, trying to eavesdrop on some voices, but there was no movement inside the house.

Zimo popped his head from the side, and said with a smirk, "Ma'am? Are you eavesdropping?"

Yao Yao was taken aback, and smiled awkwardly, "Uh, hehehe..."

"Don't worry, ma'am, it's not like you don't know that my Lord Marquis is not talkative. When he comes to see the old lady in the main house, he just sits and rarely speaks."

"Not talkative? Is he not talkative?"

Zimo took it for granted, "Yes, my Lord Hou is notoriously taciturn."

"..." Yao Yao said speechlessly, "It's possible that I met a Lord Hou who is different from you."

Rolling his eyes, he opened the door and entered the house, calling out, "Master Hou, I'm back."

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "Madam, come and sit down. The old lady misses you."

"I'm busy this morning and didn't come to say hello. It's my junior's fault." Yao Yao went to the bed and greeted her, "Ma'am, Yaoer went to drink a wedding today, and she was in a hurry to go out this morning."

The beautiful woman on the bed kept tapping her fingers: the gourd beside the bed, tell him to get out——

Yao Yao smiled awkwardly, "Master Hou, Madam please go out."

Qin Yilan was stunned, "Am I so unpopular?"

"The old lady said you were bored, so I guess you came to accompany her, and you seldom talk to annoy her."

"Ah...cough." Qin Yilan pulled Yao Yao's hand and whispered, "Come out quickly, I'm hungry."

Yao Yao shook his paw with her backhand, and even touched it carefully.Her expression moved slightly.

Qin Yilan was stunned by her behavior.

what happened?

Why is her little finger drawing circles on his palm?Is she hinting something to him?

Going out to drink a wedding wine, did you suddenly get enlightened?It shouldn't be!
With some doubts, Qin Yilan left the house, stood at the door and began to eavesdrop.

Seeing this, Zimo asked with a smirk, "Master and his wife are really married. You love to eavesdrop, and Madam also loves to eavesdrop."

Qin Yilan coughed awkwardly, "Don't talk nonsense."


Yao Yao's voice came from inside the room, "Is the old lady comfortable lying down? Do you need to turn over?"

"Are your feet sore? Which foot? Shall I rub it for you? Is it here?"

After chatting for a while, Yao Yao came out of the house and said, "Master Hou, let's go back to the house, I'll cook some side dishes for you."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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