Chapter 157

Hongling Fuxiang opened the curtain to let her into the house. The fire in the house was burning brightly and it was very warm.

Coal is uniformly distributed in the palace, and one of the things that should not appear in the cold palace.

Yao Yao took off her heavy coat, and followed Hongling Fuxiang to the inner room to take a seat.

The empress made tea herself, which surprised her a little.

The tea was pushed to the hand, Yao Yao held the tea and smelled it.

Hongling Fuxiang smiled and asked, "Which family are you from? You look familiar."

"Daughter of Master Yao."

"Teacher Yao? The eldest daughter Yao Yao?"


"Then your mother is Zhao Sihuai. Ha, yes, only her daughter will come to this cold palace to meet me."

"Your Majesty knows my mother?" Yao Yao's eyes lit up slightly.

"Fate on one side. But just one side, it almost killed me."

"How do you say that?" Yao Yao asked hurriedly.

Hongling Fuxiang sneered and asked, "What? You don't know anything about this?"

"I don't know. Please ask your mother to clarify."

"Since you don't know, it's hard for me to say anything. After all, it's a secret kept by the emperor. I'm just curious. Why did you marry that kid from the Qin family? Instead of marrying the crown prince or the second prince?"

Yao Yao said softly, "When my mother rescued me back then, the emperor gave me the grace to let me choose my own marriage, and I chose Lord Marquis."

"Hahahaha! A discerning child! If it were me, I would choose him too!" Hongling Fuxiang snorted after laughing, "But the emperor shouldn't have given you to the Qin family, it's not like him Besides, your mother didn't have any kindness to save her, even if she did, the emperor would have paid it off long ago. How many people's blood has been stained on the kindness he paid back, if I tell you, I'm afraid it will scare you to death. "

Yao Yao's face gradually became stiff, and her hands became cold.No matter how hot the fire in the house was, it still couldn't warm her body and mind. "Madam, can you write to me in more detail? I promise not to reveal a single word to the outside world. This matter is related to my mother. I really want to know." Know the truth of the matter."

"See that fool outside the house?" Fuxiang Hongling gestured out of the window.

Yao Yao nodded slightly, "Yes, I see." She was here for him.

"That idiot was the only survivor your mother saved. Fortunately, he is now blind, dumb, and illiterate, so the emperor spared him."

"It sounds like the empress is saying that the emperor wants to kill and my mother wants to save? Is that what you mean?"

"Oh, smart."

"The emperor massacred my mother for my mother?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I heard that my mother was insulted, and the emperor did it to keep her mouth shut..."

"Yes, that's right."

The more she asked, the colder Yao Yao's heart became.

It turns out that these are not groundless rumors, are they all true?

"Who insulted my mother?" Yao Yao asked eagerly with her eyes wide open.

Hongling Fuxiang smiled brightly, "I finally asked the key question. Guess who it is?"

"Is it that kind of person? My mother once saved a kind person, is it because he repays his kindness with revenge?"


Yao Yao was taken aback, "No, isn't it?"


Yao Yao blinked in panic, and after a long silence, she looked up hesitantly, "Could it be? It's the emperor?"

After Hongling Fuxiang was startled for a moment, she laughed loudly, "Hahaha! She really deserves to be the daughter of a talented woman, and her thinking is very clear! You guessed it right, it is the emperor."

"Impossible!" Yao Yao stood up immediately, but after taking a few breaths, she closed her eyes and sat down slowly again, "Your Majesty, don't lie to me. My mother is the wife of the Emperor's subjects. The Emperor is also a gentleman."

"Bah - is he considered a gentleman? If he was a gentleman, he would slaughter so many people? You didn't see how despicable and shameless he was that day. When your mother refused to submit, he just pulled a servant and killed him on the spot. Show her. After insulting her, your mother wanted to commit suicide by hitting a wall, and he killed a group of people to vent her anger. He even forced your mother to kill with a dagger. Here, the last mute outside the house, he The tongue was cut off by your mother, it was the only condition for him to survive."


Yao Yao clenched her fists tightly, her nails sank deep into her palms, her pupils were red, she couldn't hold back, she spurted out a mouthful of blood, "vomit—"

Seeing this, Hongling Fuxiang was taken aback, "You—"

"Cough cough cough—cough cough cough—"

"I know some medical skills, and I'll give you a pulse. Girl, stretch out your hand."

Yao Yao raised her bloodshot eyes and stretched out her hand out of breath.

Hongling Fuxiang was silent for a while, and thought, "Poisoned? Who gave you the poison? Or slow poisoning? But it seems that you have been cured a lot."

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, do you know what kind of poison I have?"

"Slow poison that hurts the spleen and lungs should be snake venom."

He confronted the imperial physician again.

It means that Lord Hou really lied to her!
The emperor also lied to her?

"Your poison is very mild. If you don't cure it, you can live for ten years. Take good care of your body. If you take good care of it, you should be able to be about the same as ordinary people."

In the past, the doctor only gave her a three-year lifespan. After recuperating in the Hou Mansion for a period of time, her lifespan was extended to ten years.

But what is this?
Conspiracy and reward?
After Yao Yao calmed down, she asked softly, "May I have a chat with the father-in-law outside the house?"

"He's dumb, what can you talk to him about?"

"Talk about what's on your mind and relieve your boredom."

"..." Hongling Fuxiang snorted and said, "Whatever, you go."

Yao Yao went to the well, saw the eunuch was dumb, she knelt down and stuffed her hand into his palm.

There are calluses in the hands, but the scars are really not many.

Just when Yao Yao was about to pull her hand, suddenly, the eunuch grabbed her backhand and swiped her palm a few times.

Yao Yao was slightly taken aback.


"Have you finished chatting? Girl!" Hongling Fuxiang called out.

Yao Yao hurriedly replied, "The chat is over."

"Then what did he say to you?"


"Let me just say, he's dumb and can't speak. Don't waste your time, come in and have another cup of tea."

"No." Yao Yao got up and saluted, "It's getting late, I have to go back to the palace. Lord Hou must be waiting for me in the palace."

Hongling Fuxiang smiled and nodded, "Okay, then come and sit with me when you have time, the cold palace is too cold, and there is no good sister who talks. Girl remember to come and chat with me often."


Yao Yao looked sideways at the eunuch sitting by the well, then turned and left silently.

Not long after she left, the corners of Hongling Fuxiang's smiling mouth slowly froze.

The maid next to her hurriedly asked, "Ma'am, how is Zhao Sihuai's daughter?"

"What can I do? My own daughter, who grows melons, has almost the same virtues as her mother. I thought she would come to look for me when I was dying, but I didn't expect to find me so soon. Heh... ..." Hongling Fuxiang narrowed her eyes, "This girl is also very suspicious. I didn't drink the tea I made for her. Have you seen her move?"

"..." The servant girl blinked speechlessly, "It means that she doesn't believe what the empress said?"

"It's up to her to believe it or not. After all, it's the truth. But her reaction disappointed me a bit. She was obviously already in a hurry, why can she suppress it to this extent. Tsk, it's as boring as her mother." Hongling Fuxiang She nodded and said, "Go and prepare some poison. I'll wait for her next visit."


(End of this chapter)

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