Chapter 168

While Yao Yao was busy talking, she asked, "Madam, where is the dumb father-in-law who fetched water from the well?"

"He, unbearable to be lonely in the cold palace, threw himself into a well last night."

Yao Yao suddenly raised her eyes and met Shang Hongling Fuxiang's gaze.

Hongling Fuxiang smiled at her, "I'm just kidding. I don't need him to draw water by the well at night, let him sleep in the woodshed."

Yao Yao inspected her again before continuing to serve dishes, "Your Majesty saw me today, what is the matter?"

"At first, I thought that you would definitely come to me again in a few days. Who knew that you were so patient and didn't even think about me? In the end, I couldn't help it and asked someone to call you over."

Yao Yao sat down and poured wine for her, "Then what? What do you want to say, but it doesn't matter."

"What else can I say, I just want to ask you, how is the investigation going? Is there something wrong with what I told you?"

Yao Yao remained silent, her expression getting darker and darker.

"Oh, isn't it very difficult to investigate? After all, those who knew the inside story of the incident were given to death. You can't directly question the emperor about this and that. It seems that the truth will always be covered with a mist in front of you. .”

Hongling Fuxiang snorted, took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, pushed it in front of Yao Yao and said, "Here, a gift for you."



Yao Yao raised her head suddenly, "What?"

"Poison! Colorless and odorless poison!" Hongling Fuxiang chuckled lightly, "If you don't take revenge for humiliating your mother, you will be Zhao Sihuai's daughter in vain."

Is Hongling Fuxiang going to let her kill the emperor?do you mean this?

The emperor conspired to assassinate the entire Hongling family, and for Hongling Fuxiang, there was indeed a family vendetta.It is completely reasonable for her to want the emperor to die.

"I heard that recently there have been rumors outside the palace that your mother colluded with the Fan clan. If the emperor wants to kill you, you probably won't be able to play tricks for long in the palace."

Yao Yao took the medicine bottle and stuffed it into her heart, "Thank you, Ma'am, for taking care of me. I offer you a toast!"

"Haha! Good! I just like your unpretentious temperament, do it!"

She drank it in one gulp, "cough cough—cough cough—" Yao Yao covered her mouth and coughed for a long time.

"This wine doesn't choke, your body is really delicate. Chi—"

Yao Yao put down the wine bowl and asked, "Ma'am, can I ask you for someone?"

Hongling Fuxiang shook her head directly, "No."

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Oh, I know who you want from me. To tell you the truth, I need him too. His mouth is so tight that no one can pry it open. After torturing him for so many years, there is no reason to give him to you , let you pick up a bargain for nothing, right?"

Yao Yao stopped talking, stood up and bowed her knees to salute, "cough cough cough... Madam, I am not feeling well, so I won't chat with you. Please resign."

Hongling Fuxiang regretted, "It's a pity that you have good wine and good food at this table, and no one will drink with me. Go—"

"Thank you madam."

Yao Yao turned around and stepped out of the house, Zimo quickly followed.

When he walked out of the gate of the palace, Zimo couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "Ma'am, which empress with such a background lives in this cold palace? How can she decorate the cold palace so luxuriously?"

"You also see the clue?"

Zimo rolled his eyes and said, "If you can't see it, there must be a ghost!"

Yao Yao thought for a moment and asked, "How do you see the martial arts of the palace guards?"

"The two at the door are so-so, but there is one in this room that is quite powerful."

"Can you beat it?"

"I can't beat it." Zimo said honestly, "I don't pay much attention to martial arts cultivation. I am a book servant and a liberal arts student. Learning martial arts is only for self-protection."

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "What about Lord Hou?"

"He!" Zimo laughed proudly, "If Lord Hou goes out, it must be a piece of cake."

Yao Yao's heart itch, "I want him to help me steal people."

"Stealing people?" Zimo asked in shock, "Ma'am, you want to steal people? Isn't that good? My Lord Hou won't let you steal people, but you still want Lord Hou to help you steal people? It's impossible. possible!"

Yao Yao was surprised, tilted her head and asked, "I said I want to steal someone, did you misunderstand what I mean?"

"Ah?" Zimo gasped and asked, "Is it really just a literal meaning? Isn't that...?"

"Hmm." Yao Yao glared at him unhappily.

Zimo scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'm overthinking."

Yao Yao turned her head and left, "Go and tell Lord Hou, I want him to steal someone for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Zimo said in a low voice, "Ma'am, if you have something to ask of Lord Hou, you can talk to him in person."

Yao Yao blushed, "I don't really want to talk nonsense with Lord Hou, it's annoying him."

"Then I can't help you. Let me tell you, it doesn't make sense at all. Madam, you can only ask for it yourself."

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." Yao Yao was so angry that she held her chest and coughed.

Zimo wondered, "Ma'am, you don't have to play tricks on me, I can't help you even if you cough to death."

"Ahem. That's fine! Got it! What a waste!"

He returned to the palace angrily, pushed the door open and entered, "Master Hou, I'm back."

"Yao'er, you're finally back." Qin Yilan stepped forward and put his arms around her waist, "I'm starving to death, and you just came back?"

Yao Yao asked strangely, "Didn't I prepare wine and food for you?"



What's the matter, he's tossing around like this before she asks him to do something, how can she speak up later?
Seeing her pale face, Qin Yilan asked, "What's wrong?"

"Cough, cough, it's okay. I just drank some wine and choked."

Qin Yilan said angrily, "You can't drink alcohol with your body."

"I know. I just took a sip, meaning it." Yao Yao pulled him away, took his hand, and led him to a seat, "Master Hou, why wait for me to come back? Look, the food is cold."

"Then warm me up."

"What's wrong! I can't rest assured!" Yao Yao stared.

Qin Yilan suppressed a smile, "You can use your mouth instead of your chest."

Yao Yao's eyes widened instantly, "You!"

"It's not that I haven't fed like this before." Qin Yilan pulled her into his arms and let her sit on his lap, "Hurry up, I'm hungry."

Yao Yao held back her anger and stared at him forcefully, her eyes full of displeasure.

Ever since he exposed his pretending to be blind, every time she looks at him, she will lose the wind. She is really not used to being stared at so unscrupulously by him, as if he wants to see you from the head to the heel, so as not to look at your body. Get hot and never give up.

"Master Hou, I have something to ask you."

Qin Yilan's ears pricked up when he heard it, "What's the matter, let's hear it."

He has to measure and measure, what kind of reward can he get in exchange for her request!

"Master Hou agrees with me first, and I will feed you."

"Well, this won't work. I feel that I will lose a lot." Qin Yilan vetoed, "Madam, tell me first, what do you want to do for your husband?"

Yao Yao held her breath and turned her head, "You don't have to ask Lord Hou to help me. I'm going to drag General Song, and he should be able to help me."

Qin Yilan immediately lowered her face, "Ma'am, you are going too far."

Yao Yao snorted and asked, "Do you agree?"

"Add a little more!"

Yao Yao frowned and muttered, "Add what?"

"It's been a long time since I've anointed my wife, I think..." Qin Yilan said while gesturing towards her heart.

Just this touch, I touched a hard object.

"Huh? What is this?" He quickly took out the medicine bottle.

Yao Yao's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly snatched the medicine bottle and hid it in her cuff, "Master Hou, don't mess with my things."

(End of this chapter)

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