Chapter 171

Eunuch Hong took the letter from the prince to Yao Yao.

Yuwen Dongyue asked, "Yao'er, tell me, what's wrong with this letter?"

Yao Yao said softly, "This letter is a letter of thanks from a Fan person for saving my mother's life. It uses the correct Fan language, but the grammar is wrong, there are typos, and the tone is not honorific. If it is really a letter of thanks to the savior, it should be in honorific language. It is said that the letter of thanks written by that person to my mother, and this letter is handed out, and those who understand the language will look ridiculous. Those who forge letters will fail the Fan Wen."

Yu Wenhong changed his face instantly, "You!"

It turned out that she had already seen through that the letter was a fake, and she was able to pretend until now!

Yuwen Dongyue snorted and asked, "Prince! You really disappointed me! Tell me, you are the one who spread the rumors outside, right?"

"It's not me! Father, you have to trust me! I didn't!"

Yao Yao said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince threatened me several times, asking me to obey him and obey him. That day in Zhuqing Palace, he also threatened me like this, and even tore my clothes to force me to submit—"

"Bastard thing—"

Yuwen Dongyue just raised his palm, and with this slap, Yao Yao would have to take half his life if he didn't die.

Suddenly, a big palm was received in mid-air.

Yao Yao looked sideways and saw Song Ci with a grateful look in her eyes.

Song Ci nodded, grabbed Yuwen Dongyue's arm and said softly, "Your Highness, don't lose your dignity in front of the palace."

"You!" Yu Wenhong angrily reprimanded.

"Haven't you made enough noise yet?" Yuwen Dongyue slapped the table and was furious, "Come here, declare the imperial decree to depose the eldest prince Yu Wenhong from the position of Prince Yu Wenhong. The East Palace is banned!"


"Take it down! I don't want to see him again!"

"Yes!" Song Ci bowed his hands and accepted the order, and the returning guest said politely, "Prince, please!"

This is the last face he gave him, don't drag it away, it's too ugly!
Yu Wenhong also knew that there was no way out this time, so he had no choice but to turn around in frustration. Before leaving, he gave Yao Yao a deep look, with extremely vicious eyes shining in his eyes.

He only kidnapped her once, and she framed him twice in succession!
After one time, two times, but three times, it's no wonder that the father can bear it for making mistakes three times in a row!
When the news spread outside, he should have guessed that he would not have a good ending!

How could this woman have so many eyes!

"Hmph! Just wait and see!" Yu Wenhong snorted sinisterly in her ear.

After Yuwenhong left, Yuwen Dongyue stared at Yao Yao coldly and said, "Yaoer, are you satisfied with this result?"

Yao Yao curtseyed and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

"What a saint. Girl, is your man unable to control you or something? Telling truth and playing with fire in front of me? Do you think it's fun?"

"The courtier's wife doesn't understand what the emperor means."

"Hmm--" the emperor snorted, and the guards brought Jiang Renlong out from a corner, with his hands tied behind his back, his mouth covered with a veil, and he was thrown on the ground.

Judging by his pale appearance, it seems that he has already been tortured.

Jiang Renlong was thrown at Yao Yao's feet, and she glanced at him indifferently.

Yu Wentong hummed, "If you have anything to say to me, just say it!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Jiang Renlong frantically hinted at Yao Yao.

He didn't explain, didn't say a word, Madam had to grit her teeth and deny it!
Yao Yao looked at Jiang Renlong, but she didn't know if she had received the signal from under his eyes.

Looking back, Yao Yao raised her eyes and said, "What else do I need to explain? Didn't the emperor already see through it? The prince of Zhuqing Palace humiliated me because I framed him. My mother's collusion with the Fanren was also the result of me. Let people spread the word, and then put the blame on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" How did this silly woman recruit all of them at once!Why not resist?
Jiang Renlong bowed his head speechlessly.

Yuwen Tongyue's face became more and more gloomy, and her pupils flashed red, "You are so courageous! How dare you tell stories in front of me? Do you not want to live anymore?"

Yao Yao opened her mouth and yelled, "The emperor, you killed me! Why did you depose the prince? You killed me directly, you don't need to justify my mother's name! My daughter has already handed you the knife, you just need to The sharp knife fell down, and the little woman's head fell to the ground immediately."

"You think I dare not do anything to you, don't you? What are you!"

"Ha - I'm really not a big shot, with a delicate body and a low life, so I'm nothing to be afraid of! But the emperor is a generation of wise kings, and it is impossible for you to destroy the stories you made up for the whole world by yourself. So this time , Between the crown prince and me, you chose to defend me and abandon His Royal Highness the crown prince."


"You are presumptuous!"

The emperor was furious.

The sound of beating the table was heard directly outside the house, Qin Yilan hurriedly wanted to enter the house, but Eunuch Hong blocked the way, "Master Hou calm down, the emperor doesn't eat people."

"My daughter-in-law has a fragile body. I can't bear to be scared!"

Eunuch Hong smiled and said, "Master Hou, you are joking, your wife can't scare her. Just like her mother, she is cold-blooded and ruthless! Listen, is it the emperor who is angry?"

"Will the emperor be serious?"

"The emperor dismissed His Highness the Crown Prince because of her, do you think the emperor will touch her?"


"Master Hou listened to the servant's advice, don't go in, Mrs. Hou is weak, so the emperor just scolded her a few words, but if you go in to protect her, the emperor will be really impatient!"

Eunuch Hong is right, he can no longer trespass.

Qin Yilan still had a pale face, wandering back and forth, like a lion waiting to be released.

In the room, Yuwen Dongyue was so angry that she stood up, pointing her finger at Yao Yao's nose and scolding, "I think you are Sihuai's daughter, and even if you dote on you a little bit, don't be shameless, if I want to take it back This grace is all in the blink of an eye."

Yao Yao raised her eyes indifferently and asked, "Does the Emperor think that I will need the favor of an enemy who insults my mother?"


"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Jiang Renlong kept rubbing his elbows against Yao Yao, signaling her to say less.

Doesn't she know who she is provoking?

Yuwen Tongyue endured great anger and shouted, "Who did you learn your bad temper from? Your father is the grand tutor appointed by my relatives. He is full of education and ethics, and he can't teach you, a rebellious girl! How dare you stand in front of me?" Xiaoxiao, who are you trying to drag down? Your Yao family, or the Qin family?"

Yao Yao lowered her eyes slightly, with a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth, "No."

"Then you should see if I will!"

"No. If the emperor wants to kill me, he will definitely give me a cup of poisoned wine and kill me secretly. After all, the emperor still has so many lives in his hands, doesn't he?"

"You—" She dared to say it!How dare you say it!
"Prince and I choose one. You chose me. Do you really want to protect my mother's reputation? Do you want to protect the benefactor's daughter? I'm afraid not! What you want to protect, the emperor, is that you slaughtered so many slaves as a mother It's just a crime!"

Yuwen Tongyue raised the teacup in her hand and slammed it down at her feet.


There was another loud bang.

Yao Yao just closed her eyes tightly, not dodging or dodging, because she knew that she offended Long Yan, and whether she would die or not, the emperor blinked.It's just that she didn't expect that, she thought the teacup would fall on her head, but instead it fell at her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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