Chapter 179

Opening the curtain of the car and stepping out slowly, she knew what kind of scene she was going to face, and she was prepared in all kinds of ways, but when she saw the Shura field, she was still shocked!
"Why did Madam come out? Didn't I tell you not to come out!"

Yao Yao covered her mouth with her handkerchief and said, "I just want to remind myself that I am not drinking at the player's house! I may experience more in the future. If I can't even face this now, how will I achieve my ultimate goal in the future?"

Zimo twitched, "Ma'am, Master Hou told you..."

"If exhortations are useful, there will still be bad people in this world?"

"Uh..." Zimo shook his head and stopped trying to persuade her, "Ma'am, what should I do with these assassins?"

Yao Yao asked back, "What's your opinion?"

"After all, you are Mrs. Gaoming. If they failed to assassinate, just send them to Shen Xingsi directly. There is nothing wrong with it."

Yao Yao shook her head, "There will still be troubles, if you take the official route, the emperor will have to ask for an excuse."


"Send it back wherever it came from." Yao Yao asked with a smile, "Do you know who sent it?"

"Ah... I know. It's just that His Royal Highness has a bad temper, and you have provoked her again and again..."

"You said it the wrong way! Mrs. Ben has a bad temper, and she provokes me again and again!"

"'re right!" Zimo scratched his head speechlessly, "Then I'll send them there!"

"Remember to take off all your clothes. Animals should look like animals and cannot wear human clothes."

Zimo hurriedly disposed of the corpse with his guards.

Leaving Yao Yao alone, she hurried to the cold palace.

The two guards on duty at the gate of the Leng Palace saw Yao Yao coming and went to greet her. Before they could salute, the man in black who fell behind him knocked his neck with both hands and passed out.

The new guards replaced the two of them, helped stand guard, and pushed open the heavy cold palace door for Yao Yao.

Taking small, unsteady steps, covered with a heavy hood, he entered the cold palace step by step.

The old courtyard door opened with a creak, and two maids and an eunuch went out to greet him first, "Is this Mrs. Hou?"

Yao Yao slowly took off the hood, showing a perfect smile, "Yes."

The big maid hurriedly said, "My mother has been waiting for you for a long time, please come in and talk."


"Huh?" The servant girl blinked, "Didn't Madam come here late at night to talk to your empress?"

"There's a lot to say."

"Then why don't you come in?" the servant girl asked curiously.

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes, "I'm not in good health, and I can't smell too much dust, so let your mother go outside to talk."

The servant girl's heart skipped a beat, and she sensed the strangeness, so she hurried into the room to squeak.

Hongling Fuxiang's voice came instantly, "Ha - good girl! I forgot that she is Sihuai's daughter! Come out as soon as you come out, I'm not legless!"

After a while, the curtain was lifted, and Fuxiang Hongling stepped out of the room fully dressed, and greeted her, "My niece and I are born!"

"Your Majesty was joking. You and I have never been in touch. We can't talk about our identity."

"Since you don't come into the house to talk, then you want to make a long story short with me, right?"

"Yes. I've never liked to beat around the bush. It's too much trouble!"

Hongling Fuxiang tilted her head in response, "Speak, I'll listen."

"I want to ask my mother to follow me out of the palace and move to the Hou's mansion."

Hongling Fuxiang was dumbfounded when she heard it, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly!"

"I would like to invite my mother to move to my Hou's mansion."

In an instant, there was a long silence, and after a long time, Hongling Fuxiang held his breath and asked, "No, shouldn't you ask me first, why did you give you poison to murder the emperor, and then let people arrest you?"

"I don't want to ask!"

"..." Hongling Fuxiang became a little angry, "You don't play the cards according to the cards, it makes me very upset!"

"When you enter my Marquis' Mansion in the future, there will be many things that will make you uncomfortable. Please get used to it a little bit, Madam! Come on—"

Yao Yao stretched out her little hand that had been buried in her cuff all the time, and stretched it towards her!
Hongling Fuxiang froze, her face stretched bloody.

The stalemate between the two sides was less than half a cup of tea, and a man in black floated down behind Hongling Fuxiang. Just as his raised arm was about to fall, a sharp sword flew from the air, forcing the man in black Take dozens of steps back.

Before the two women could react, there was the sound of fighting on the roof.

No swords were used, but fists and kicks. Both sides should be afraid of making big noises.

Hongling Fuxiang couldn't help looking up the eaves, with a confident smile on her lips, "I brought a lot of experts here, it seems that the girl is well prepared."

"Yes! Tonight I must take you out of the limbo."

"Where did you get the courage? The emperor gave it to you?"

Yao Yao raised her crooked eyebrows, "You gave it to me, Your Majesty!"


"Before I entered the cold palace, the emperor was my most respected and beloved elder. But your remarks instantly made him my biggest enemy in this life. The poison you gave me made my mind flash a thousand times." How to kill him by poison ten thousand times. Let me ask, I dare to kill the emperor now, so what's the point of taking a concubine from the cold palace?"


Yao Yao beckoned, "Be obedient and follow me so you don't have to suffer! You have no other choice!"

Hongling Fuxiang snorted, "Let's see if the guards you brought here can withstand my Hongling family's cavalry!"

The moment the voice fell, there was a clang.

The man in black fell heavily at Yao Yao's feet, vomiting out a mouthful of old blood, even the mask on his face couldn't block it.

Seeing this, Yao Yao's heart turned cold, she stared at him in panic, and almost blurted out an exclamation.

he is injured?

Is the opponent really that powerful?
The man on the ground barely stood up, and seeing Yao Yao's concerned eyes, his eyes smiled into crescents.

"Since you can't beat it, you will be king and loser, please go back, girl!"

Just as Hongling Fuxiang finished speaking, another man fell from the eaves.

The eunuch's clothes are the iron cavalry that Hongling Fuxiang talked about, right?
The eunuch was facing down, and the loud noise when he fell down scared Hongling Fuxiang back dozens of steps.

"Oranges! Oranges!"

Hongling Fuxiang rushed over, grabbed the eunuch's head, and called him several times, but he didn't respond at all.

Yao Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the silence next door.

Sure enough, he didn't disappoint her!
Hongling Fuxiang turned her head angrily, and when she was about to scold angrily, a shadow flashed in front of her eyes, pinched her teeth, and stuffed a medicine bowl into her mouth.

Gulu was forced to choke, his consciousness blurred for a moment, and he fell straight down.

The man in black went to the corner and waved a handful of powder, which stunned all the idlers.

Yao Yao stepped forward and said, "This brave chivalrous man, please help me carry her back to the palace."


Seeing him putting on airs and refusing to make a move, Yao Yao asked with a blink of an eye, "Do you want me to hug? Although my mother is a woman, with my strength, it would be difficult to hug a dog! Chevaliers, please help!"

The man in black rolled his eyes, "I never hug women."

"Nonsense!" Yao Yao turned her head angrily, "Could it be I'm the only one who saw your dishonest hand?"

The man couldn't help laughing and said, "Yes! Do you feel honored?"

"You fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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