Chapter 181

After Ge Xi closed her eyes, she could only get discouraged, "I'll take it off myself! Don't bother Madam!"

Taking off the clothes one by one, Qin Yilan pulled him back into his arms again, "Ma'am, have you become obsessed with taking off men's clothes recently?"

Yao Yao was discouraged, "I just can't find a more humiliating punishment than stripping them naked."

"I want too."

Yao Yao was taken aback, then raised her head and stared at him, "What did you say?"

"Come into the house later, you take off my clothes yourself..."


Yao Yao held back her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not free! And you're injured!"

"Help me into the house."

Yao Yao held the man's palm and glanced back.

Just one glance, instantly stunned——


why do they...

This is not normal!

Qin Yilan caught a glimpse of her panicked expression, and suddenly became angry.

Why is it so annoying?

Entering the room, getting into the couch, and helping him to lie down, Yao Yao saw him holding his heart and enduring the pain, and a little heartache flashed in Yao Yao's heart.

"Does Hou Ye have any medicine to rub?"

"Yes, in the cabinet over there, there is a medicine box with a blue screen and a white cover."

"it is good."

Yao Yao went to find the medicine box, took a small bottle back, and put it on the bedside, "Master Hou wipe it by himself..."

Qin Yilan turned his head and snorted, "You have no conscience again."

Yao Yao sighed, "It's not that I don't have a conscience, it's just that I don't have time. What if that lady suffocates to death later?"

"She can hold back the effort of rubbing the medicine, don't worry."

Yao Yao wondered, "Okay then, let's make a quick decision."

Yao Yao opened the bottle cap and muttered strangely, "Master Hou tore off the clothes!"

Qin Yilan pulled his face, "I can't even move, please help me take off my clothes! Just now I kept yelling, Lord Hou, I'll help you take off your clothes later."

Yao Yao looked at him in shock, "Master Hou, how can you open your eyes and talk nonsense? When did I make a noise to take off your clothes?"

"Do you believe that I asked all the maids and guards in the palace to come and testify for me?"

"You!" Yao Yao bit her mouth in anger and choked hard, "Okay, I'll take it off for you—"

The collars were peeled off one by one, revealing strong muscles.

He obviously didn't take off his pants, so he couldn't control it at all.I keep remembering that just now in my mind!
why them?

Could it be that Master Hou has been secretly taking some kind of messy medicine?
Qin Yilan held back her smile, peeking at her peeking expression

Yao Yao stared, her face flushed red, she didn't dare to exhale loudly, she obediently gave him the medicine.

Suddenly there was a scream outside the house.


dong dong dong-

"Get me out—get me out—help—"

Zimo hurried over and shouted, "Ma'am, Your Majesty is awake."

Yao Yao hurriedly put the medicine beside the pillow, "Master Hou, there is still some you can rub yourself. I have to go!"

Qin Yilan grabbed her wrist and said softly, "I'll wait for you to come back."

"You have the strength to drag me, how about spending some effort to apply medicine to yourself? Don't delay your injury, be obedient!"

"I'm going to wait for you to come back. You can't wait for me to delay the injury and come back quickly. Do you hear me?"

Yao Yao sighed helplessly, and kept slandering her in her heart.

Isn't every man as clingy as Lord Hou?

Yao Yao walked to the big tree in the backyard. As soon as the person arrived, the chairs, tables, and tea were brought over for her.

She patted the dust off her legs, sat down safely, covered her body with a thick cloak, held the stove in her hand, and exhaled hot air.

Under the ground, the woman's scream kept coming, "What is it? What the hell? Let me out--does anyone hear?"

Yao Yao said softly, "I heard you, Madam, stop shouting."

Hongling Fuxiang stared, "Where did you lock me up? What the hell is this next to me? Ugh—"

"Your Majesty is really forgetful. This is the dumb little eunuch in your palace who has served you for many years and fetched well water for you! I haven't seen you for a day, so you forget?"


she!Was she buried in a coffin?

Yao Yao sneered three times, "I blame General Ge, I have searched inside and outside the house, and on the top of the sky beam, but I just don't have the determination to dig three feet!"

Hongling Fuxiang yelled angrily, "The emperor doesn't dare to treat me like this! How dare you?"

Yao Yao slowly touched the stove in her hand, raised her eyebrows and asked, "The emperor does not dare to treat you harshly, because the emperor has a stake in you. Your highness the princess takes care of you, and also because there is nothing between her and you." People's secret activities. What about me? My lady, tell me, what is the relationship between me and you? Do I need to show you face? Where should I lock you up? Do I need to ask your opinion?"

Hongling Fuxiang gritted her teeth and said, "Hmph, I know, you're just mad at me for killing this little eunuch, are you trying to get revenge on me?"

"Yes." Yao Yao didn't beat around the bush, "When I came to ask for someone from your empress, you should have given it to me honestly. Why do you have to fight with me to this point?"

Hongling Fuxiang held back her anger, and snorted, "Girl, you are not afraid that I will report it to the emperor..."

"There is no chance. Since I decided to steal you out, I don't intend to let you go back to the cold palace. Even if I can't hide it, someone wants to snatch it. When you snatch it back, you will cut your tongue and goug your eyes just like the little eunuch." , broken finger, ah... I missed one, and I still have to take poison! I don’t have any good poisons in my hand, but the ones my mother gave me, I didn’t use them on the emperor, but I kept them!”

Hongling Fuxiang finally didn't dare to speak loudly anymore, because she could clearly feel that the other party's determination was somewhat unshakable.

Taking a few breaths, Hongling Fuxiang said softly, "Girl, although I have no interest in you, I am also a comrade in arms, right? We both have a common enemy. I will give you poison to make you revenge. This is against you." Well, how could you treat your benefactor like this?"

Yao Yao sneered coldly, "Mother, don't say it so brazenly, you just want to use me as an executioner to fulfill your purpose for you. It's a pity, I have my own thoughts. How can I avenge my mother's humiliation?" , it's not your turn to point fingers in front of me!"

Hongling Fuxiang stared blankly, her heart skipped a few times.

This woman's aura is really strong!If she jumped onto the queen's throne, wouldn't this world be turned over by her?
When I first saw her, I never saw her so aggressive.I always thought she was a weak little sick cat.

She missed it!
"Okay, girl, what do you want to do with me?"

Yao Yao responded, "Before we start negotiating, I need to hear your apology first!"

Hongling Fuxiang hurriedly said, "Got it, I apologize, I'm sorry. I gave you poison, turned around to frame you, and grabbed your bag. But little girl, you have to understand that I am in the cold palace, and I am a little out of shape. By yourself. The person who arrested you is the princess. She wants to frame you, and I can't stop her. My purpose is indeed to assassinate the emperor, and it is not my intention to frame you. I am willing to accept any misunderstandings in the process. Take it, I'm sorry, are you satisfied?"

(End of this chapter)

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