Chapter 192

Back in Xiaoyuan, Yao Yao saw a room full of servants busy moving bricks and tiles.Repairing beams and columns, repairing walls, and some are repairing roofs.

"??" Yao Yao asked strangely, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just renovate the old house."

"Old house?" Yao Yao tilted her head and asked, "How long have I been here? You call a new house an old house?"

Qin Yilan blinked in embarrassment, "Ahem. I thought we were already married. I don't think this house is old, and I have to renovate it for you every now and then. You're used to it!"

Yao Yao rolled her eyes upwards, "Master Hou, you really like to open your eyes and talk nonsense! Ling Yu, come here!"

Ling Yu, who was busy, hurried over and said, "What's your order, madam?"

Yao Yao asked softly, "What happened to the house?"

Ling Yu hurriedly said, "Ah? Ma'am, don't you know? Someone assassinated last night and made a mess in the garden..."

"Hmm--" He was so angry that he couldn't wink at him, how dare this idiot kid talk nonsense?Did Zimo not explain?Is it too late to cough now?
No, coughing is useless!
Ling Yu said again, "It's ridiculous to say that there are not only one group of assassins, but two groups! Those assassins fought with each other before they landed. We lost several corpses for no reason. Now the corpses are still in the backyard Not buried, wait for Lord Hou to get up and hear the news!"

Yao Yao glared at Qin Yilan with a gloomy expression, "I found out that I fell asleep, why didn't Lord Hou wake me up?"

Qin Yilan held back his anger and coaxed in a low voice, "What's the use of calling you up? Are you going to fight the assassin?"

"I can't help in a fight, but at least give me time to get dressed. Even if I die, I must have a decent way to die! The clothes must be neatly dressed, otherwise it will be very embarrassing! When the body is found, all my famous names are gone!"

"..." Qin Yilan twitched speechlessly, his wife felt as if she was thinking about her own death all the time, "Ma'am? You don't trust me that much? With me sleeping next to you, you need to worry about being killed." stabbed to death?"

Yao Yao covered her mouth in embarrassment, "If there are thousands of troops coming, you can't stop them!"

"Can't I escape if I can't stop it? Don't worry, even if there is such a day, I won't wake you up when you escape. You should sleep and continue to sleep!"

"Ahem..." Yao Yao couldn't help coughing a few times.

Qin Yilan frowned when she heard her cough, and reached out to feel her pulse, but she stuffed her hand into her sleeve and hid it.

This small movement made him whisper in his heart.

Why did he sense her resistance?
Meng Tao suddenly hurried over and shouted, "Ma'am, Miss Murong's family is here to see you."



Yao Yao nodded, "It just so happens that I also need to find her. Please come to the inner courtyard."

"it is good."

Yao Yao sent someone to make tea, and as soon as Murong Qianxue entered the room, hot tea was brought to her.

The two were sitting in the small gazebo in the yard, Murong Qianxue poured a glass of water, disliked the tea was too hot, and chirped, "You want to burn me to death!"

"I didn't tell you to drink in such a hurry!"

"I ran all the way here, I'm too thirsty. Yao Yao, let me ask you, has Mr. Jiang been punished by the emperor?"

Yao Yao stared blankly, and nodded in response, "Yes. I rewarded several boards. I guess he is still lying down now!"

"Why? Why did the emperor punish him?"

Yao Yao said guiltily, "It should have been given to death."


"Fortunately, the emperor granted grace and did not grant death."

She didn't die, neither did Jiang Renlong, she was fined to kneel, Jiang Renlong was beaten several times, and the crown prince stepped down, this is really the smallest sacrifice.

Murong Qianxue said eagerly, "I, I, I, I'm going to serve him! It must be difficult for him to get out of bed now, and it's time for me to embody the virtues of being a good wife and loving mother. Tell me quickly, where is he now?"

Yao Yao said embarrassingly, "Should still be in the academy, where there is an imperial doctor to take care of her, and a maid to serve her."

Upon hearing this, Murong Qianxue said anxiously, "No, no, no! This won't work! The wound must be on the buttocks, how can I let those maids see his ass? His ass is mine!"

Yao Yao's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at her in horror, "Qianxue, what are you talking about?"

Murong Qianxue stood up and yelled, "I don't care, you go into the palace and help me get him out! There is no shortage of doctors outside the palace, so there is no need to treat him in the palace. How can I reflect my good wife and loving mother across a city wall?"

"The emperor forbids me to meet Mr. Jiang again. It seems that I can't help you with this matter."

Murong Qianxue stared and said, "The emperor forbade you to see him, but he didn't forbid me to see him! Since you can't get him out, then you and I can get him in, isn't that a problem?"

"Ah... uh..."

Yao Yao glanced awkwardly at Qin Yilan behind her, just in time to meet his peeking gaze, and saw him smile meaningfully.

Yao Yao looked back in embarrassment, "Is this not good? If you are found out, you will be punished."

"If I'm found out, why don't you come to protect me! You're the Marquise! You can't even protect someone?"

"..." Yao Yao was speechless.

"Don't worry, I won't let you help me for nothing! Here, I brought you all the presents!"

bang bang bang --

A pile of small boxes lay on the table.So familiar!
Yao Yao bulged her eyes in horror, "What the hell is this?"

"What the hell? This is ointment! Your Lord Hou often comes to our house to buy ointment, saying that it is your favorite skin care ointment."

"Me? My favorite? Favorite?" Yao Yao was so angry that she stuttered.

Murong Qianxue laughed and said, "How? I brought you all the floral fragrances, enough for you to apply for a while! Oh, it's strange to say that this ointment can be used for a year in a box, but according to Hou Ye You, use one box a day. Sure enough, you are rich and powerful!"


Yao Yao blushed while staring angrily behind her.

He still laughs!He even laughed!
"Ahem! Miss Murong." Qin Yilan said softly, "This gift is very popular with me. I will help you. I will send you to the academy tomorrow."

"Okay, okay! Then I won't bother you, I'll go back to the house and clean up."

"Wait a minute!" Yao Yao called out.

Murong Qianxue turned back and sat down, "What else is there?"

Yao Yao turned her head and glared at Qin Yilan, "Master Hou, please avoid it, I have some private things to say to Miss Qianxue."

Qin Yilan's face was displeased, as if she was very displeased that she had any secrets, but she obediently retreated three feet away.

Yao Yao pulled Murong Qianxue and said in a low voice, "Qianxue, you know that Zhiyin Pavilion is my shop, right?"

"I know."

"I have a lot of things to do recently, and I can't take care of them. The store has few stocks and a lot of orders. I hope you can settle in my store and help me take care of it."

"Oh, you really want to come with me. I saw your shop, there are many orders, but there are too few items. I have a lot of goods here, but the brand is not as famous as yours. If I am allowed to settle in, I can let you Your purse is bulging a hundred times!"

Yao Yao nodded in satisfaction, "Very good. However, there is one more thing, I hope you can agree."


"I don't want to use your Murong's business name. I want to use my own business name."

"No problem, just make up your mind. Have you drawn up the shop name yet?"

Yao Yao took out a piece of paper and handed it to her, "Just use this pattern."

(End of this chapter)

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