Chapter 2
Hong Luo's words, every single word, were deeply engraved in her heart.

Holding the medicine, Yao Yu walked slowly to Yao Yao's bedroom.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." Yao Yao was sitting on the desk, writing a letter.

Yao Yu stepped forward, put the medicine by the table, and said softly, "Elder Sister?"

Yao Yao put down her pen and ink, raised her head and smiled, "Yu'er, I am about to write a letter to the Holy Majesty. Which of the three royal relatives do you think is the best?"

Yao Yu lowered his head and said, "I don't know, what do you think, eldest sister?"

"The crown prince and the second prince are both dragons and phoenixes among men, but, they may not be good husbands and sons-in-law. When we women find a home, we can't just look for background, but also the man's character. I don't think either of them is good, but that Marquis, I feel pretty good." .”

"Is it the Lord Hou who has eye disease?"

"En. Qin Yilan." Yao Yao murmured in a low voice, "This person should be a good man, so third sister, I plan to betroth you to him."


What Hong Luo said was true, her sister wanted to ration her to the blind Lord Hou.

The corners of Yao Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Hongluo's words just now echoed in his ears again and again.

Does her big sister really only treat her as a servant?Throwing the worst things at her indiscriminately?Pick the best for yourself?

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yao Yao clutched her chest, held the medicine bowl, and frowned and drank it, "This medicine is getting bitterer every day. Hey...cough, cough..."

Yao Yao picked up the letter paper on the table and handed it to Yao Yu, "You send someone to the palace for me to deliver to the emperor. My marriage is not in a hurry. I will arrange yours first."

Yao Yu picked up the letter paper and looked at it, and there was a line written on it: Yao Yu is interested in Lord Qin, please marry him.

Seeing this line of writing, Yao Yu understood that if this letter was sent to the palace and stuffed into the hands of the emperor, then she would definitely be given a marriage to the blind Lord Marquis.

The emperor will definitely agree to my sister's request.

Yao Yu's hand holding the letter paper trembled slightly, his heart was icy cold.

"Yes, sister, I will send someone to the palace right now."

"Well, you go, I'm tired too, and I feel sleepy after drinking the medicine." Yao Yao lay down on the bed contentedly.

Yao Yu took the letter paper, went back to her house, took a pen and ink, and forcibly changed Yao Yu's jade character to Yao.

The next day.

The letter paper arrived in the hands of the emperor.

Holding the letter paper, Yuwen Tongyue narrowed his old eyes.

Immediately called Qin Yilan over, and said to him, "Yao Yao has sent a letter. Your marriage has been arranged."

Qin Yilan hurriedly asked, "Who did she choose?"


Qin Yilan clenched his fist and nodded happily, "Okay. Very good."

How to use the word "very good"?

He seems very satisfied with Yao Yao?

Yuwen Tongyue said softly, "Maybe I will disappoint you."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Qin Yilan smiled slightly.

Yuwen Tong smiled and said, "This letter paper has traces of being altered. Yao Yao is interested in Qin Houye, and asks the emperor to marry him. But the Yao character, if you look carefully, there are traces of alteration."

Qin Yilan was anxious and asked, "Then what does she mean?"

"It's not very clear, but it's obvious that the marriage she arranged for you is not her own." Yu Wentong frowned and said, "If I use this letter to expose them, I will definitely find out the villain who tampered with the letter and punish everyone. Flip. At that time, I will not be happy with the Yao family, and I will not feel good. Qin San, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Qin Yilan said softly, "The emperor should pretend that the handwriting has not been tampered with, and just follow the arrangement written above?"

Yu Wentong smiled and asked, "What if Yao Yao comes to question me?"

Qin Yilan said, "Give the letter to her in public, and ask her in public if it was written by her? Ask her if it has been tampered with! Do you think she will recognize it?"

Yuwen Tongyue looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Hahaha—— Qin Laosan, Qin Laosan, you are such a thief."

Qin Yilan breathed out, "Please, Your Majesty, let me do it."

"Okay! Then I will make an order!"


The next day, Qin Yilan personally took the imperial decree and went to Yao's mansion.

"Yao Yao, the eldest daughter of Grand Tutor Yao Wenwen, come out to receive the order!"

Yao Yao was a little confused, but still called Yao Yu out to receive the order.

She wondered why Yao Yu didn't take the order?Is she here to receive the order?
"The daughter of the Yao family, Yao Yao, the eldest daughter, married the marquis Qin Yilan according to the emperor's will. Gift, a pair of blood corals, eighteen pairs of gold, jade, jadeite bracelets, and 28 pieces of golden toad silk satin..."

Yao Yao's mind was blown away as she listened, and her small eyes secretly glanced at Lord Hou who was beside the eunuch who read out the imperial decree, and saw that his expression was as calm as usual.

My mind is so messed up, what went wrong?
Why was she married to Qin Yilan by the emperor?Obviously she arranged for the third sister?
After reading the imperial edict for a long time, the eunuch laughed and said, "Miss Yao, accept the edict."

Yao Yao raised her head and asked softly, "Can the emperor receive the letter from the girl?"

"Got it!"

"Then this... this..." Yao Yao panicked so much that she couldn't even ask.

The eunuch cast a glance at Qin Yilan, saw his mouth twitch into a smile, took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Yao Yao, to let her see clearly, and asked, "Miss Yao, is this letter written by you yourself?"

Expand it.

It was indeed the letter paper written by her own hand, but the jade characters on it were forcibly changed to Yao characters.

Yao Yao suddenly shook her body, and suddenly turned to look at Yao Yu.

Yao Yu lowered his head from beginning to end, not daring to meet her eyes.

With this action alone, Yao Yao understood the whole story.

This girl actually tampered with her letter paper privately?
Listening to Qin Yilan's questioning, now she can only grit her teeth and nod her head, "It was written by Minnv herself."

If she said that she was changed by someone, the emperor would definitely be punished.When the time comes to catch the person who changed her letter paper, Yao Yu will not be...

Yao Yu, oh Yao Yu, what kind of medicine did this silly little sister take?

Yao Yao weakly accepted the imperial decree, "cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Listening to the sound of coughing, Qin Yilan took three steps forward and offered her hand, "Miss Yao Yao, get up, the ground is cold."

Her fiancé and son-in-law stretched out their hand, if she didn't accept it, it would be to disrespect Qin Yilan in public.

Yao Yao had no choice but to offer her little hand, and he lifted her up.

He staggered slightly, almost falling into his arms.

Yao Yao was really angry with herself for not living up to her health.

"Are you okay?"

I don't know whether Qin Yilan was intentional or unintentional, the voice of speaking was blowing right next to her ear, didn't he know how close his lips were to her ear?

Sure enough, a blind man is a blind man, he can't see, and no one can blame him.

"It's okay, thank you Lord Hou for your concern." Let go, and bowed, "The girl is not feeling well, so I won't entertain you. Yu'er, go and call Dad."

"Yes, sister."

Yao Yao pulled her face and whispered to Yao Yu, "Come to my garden later, I have something to tell you."


After sending Qin Yilan away, Yao Yu wandered nervously outside the door, twisting his little hands into twists.

Yao Yao's cough kept coming from the house, and Yao Yu was even more afraid to enter the house.

Hong Luo passed by the door of the room, saw Yao Yu's appearance, dragged her to the corner and said, "What's Miss San doing?"

"I'm afraid my sister will be angry."

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Now that the dust has settled, the eldest lady can't save the situation by scolding. Besides, now that the eldest lady has chosen Lord Hou, your future husband-in-law will be either the second prince or His Royal Highness the crown prince. In the future, you Her status is much higher than hers, do you still need to be afraid of her getting angry!"

Yao Yu frowned and muttered, "After all, my sister is still my sister, and she treats me pretty well on weekdays."

Hong Luo patted the back of Yao Yu's hand and said, "Miss San has grown up, what's the matter, can't you make up your own mind? Do you have to listen to her arrangement? Does her arrangement have to be good?"


"Miss San also agreed with my words, that's why she tampered with the letter paper, didn't she?"


Yao Yu really didn't like the marriage arranged by her eldest sister, she didn't want to marry a blind man.

This time, I made a lot of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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