Chapter 202

When Yao Yao went to the main house, she saw that the guards in the main house had three layers inside and three layers outside, and they were tightly wrapped. There were knife marks all around. The injured guards simply bandaged the wounds, and they were busy disposing of some corpses. All dressed in black.

It seems that she detained the princess, which put Hou Ye under a lot of pressure.The night she disappeared, Master Hou was also extremely busy.He didn't mention these things to her much.

Stepping into the garden, Yao Yao saw a beautiful woman sitting in a wheelchair, holding a mirror and kept looking at herself, muttering, "Well, it is still as beautiful as ever. Sure enough, the ice bed for so many years is not for nothing, so Speaking of which, that old man is not good enough for me."

"..." Yao Yao stood far away, not daring to disturb her mother-in-law's beauty.

Yuwen Liuli caught a glimpse of Yao Yao from the corner of her eye, and waved happily, "My good daughter-in-law, come quickly."

Yao Yao hurriedly stepped forward and knelt, "Greetings to mother."

"Well-behaved. Really well-behaved! Such a well-behaved daughter-in-law will definitely listen to her mother-in-law, right?"

Yao Yao asked softly, "What does Mother have to say, just say what you want."

"Get rid of the prince, get rid of the second prince, and get rid of the emperor."

Yao Yao's terrified eyes widened instantly, "Well, what then?"

Yuwen Liuli smiled proudly, "Then my son will become the emperor! You will be the empress, and I will be the empress dowager! Hahaha..."


Yao Yao was silent amidst Yuwen Liuli's crazy laughter.

As soon as the laughter stopped, Yuwen Liuli narrowed her eyes and said, "Yao'er, just do whatever you want, I've figured it out after being in a coma for so many years. Life is too short, if you don't give yourself a hard work, how can you do it? Now In this world, if you give the two sons of the emperor, that is to waste this great country. But giving it to my son is different, I believe that with the ability of my family, Yilan, the country will definitely prosper for a hundred years."


Yao Yao had a hundred questions in her heart.

What kind of monster did the Hou Mansion wake up?

"The emperor has a third son."

Yuwen Liuli stared, "Impossible!"

"Huh?" Yao Yao asked strangely, "Why is it impossible?"

"You don't know the emperor's temper, do you? That man fell in love with a woman back then, but that woman had a family background, and the emperor only wanted to please her. Shangxin, for her sake, does not want to be fortunate in the harem. So up to now, there are only two sons."

Yao Yao frowned and asked, "What mother said, could it be..."

"Yes, there is nothing to hide. It is your mother! My brother met your mother on a private visit that year, and it was love at first sight. He tried to find various excuses to invite her to the private meeting in the palace, but your mother refused. Nanman The Fan clan rebelled, and your mother saved a Fan clan patriarch. When the emperor found out, the original suppression turned into strangulation. Countless Fan clans experienced hell-like suffering overnight. After the man's eyes turned red, your mother persuaded him Do not listen."

Yao Yao asked anxiously, "The reason why the emperor killed a hundred servants for my mother..."

"What else is there? Your mother rescued you back then, and it was the leader of the clan who rescued you. She pretended to be held hostage by him and asked the emperor to let the leader of the clan leave. After the emperor snatched your mother back, rumors spread in the palace that The rumor that your mother was defiled by the Fan family. When the emperor heard the rumor, he immediately killed those servants who chewed their tongues. No matter how much your mother persuaded it, it was useless. I heard that she only saved one, and the one she saved was forced Tongue cut out."

That dumb father-in-law didn't actually have his tongue cut.I don't know what method my mother did back then to stabilize the red-eyed man and leave the last flame behind.

"Is the emperor mentioned by mother the same person as the emperor I know?"

"Huh?" Yuwen Liuli looked at her in surprise, "What? Has he changed his gender?"

Yao Yao said in a deep voice, "At least the emperor I know loves the people like his son. The Nanman Fan tribe who was strangled back then, the rest of the tribe changed their clan names and surrendered to our dynasty."

"Impossible! A dog can't change a dog man who eats shit. For a woman, he doesn't care about the relationship between brother and sister. Who do you think I owe it to me to sleep for so many years? The dog emperor knew that his own sister wanted to poison me to death, so he let it go." My mother raised him for so many years in vain, bah—”

Yuwen Liuli's eyes were full of annoyance, "We don't need to worry about anything right now, it's already started anyway, so let's just fight to the end! We're going to fight for military power, and the Mu family in Beisai is the one we have to win over. Girl, When you are free, go look for the flames of the Mu family and make friends with them."

Yao Yao smiled awkwardly, "This may not be possible."

"Huh? Why?"

"I have a little quarrel with the eldest lady of the Mu family."

"Ah? How come? Did the girl have some misunderstandings with her? If so, can you clear up the past? After all, if we want to usurp the throne, the Mu family is indispensable."

Yao Yao sighed, "Mother wants to usurp the throne? Make Lord Hou the emperor? Is Lord Hou willing?"

"Well, he is willing. For the sake of the country, he has to be willing if he doesn't want to! I gave birth to such a smart and good son. If he doesn't become the emperor, everyone will be angry!"

"No! I don't want to be the emperor, mother, don't talk nonsense." Qin Yilan just stepped into the room and heard these words.

Yuwen Liuli stared, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people! If you are not the emperor, are you going to leave the country to those two trash?"

"Whoever wants to be the emperor, anyway, I'm not the emperor."

When you become an emperor, the Sangong and Six Courtyards are indispensable, and if you are lucky enough to be favored by a few, you will have to be knelt down by all the courtiers.It's annoying!
"Bastard son! Do you want to abandon the world? Throw the country into the hands of the devil? The people are in dire straits!"

Qin Yilan sighed, "The emperor has indeed changed his ways. If you don't believe me, you can go and see him in person."

Yuwen Liuli muttered suspiciously, "Impossible!"

"Besides, if you want to usurp the throne, father will not agree. He will protect the emperor."

Yuwen Liuli was so angry that she stood up, her legs softened, and she sat down again, "That heartless thing! That heartless trash! Has he forgotten that I was almost stabbed to death by the emperor's sword back then? My emperor brother is going to kill me, but he actually protects that dog emperor? Good! Good, good! My old lady... I will remember this grudge."

Yuwen Liuli turned her head into the room angrily, and shut herself up, as if she couldn't breathe for a while.

Yao Yao stared sideways at Qin Yilan, and asked close to her, "Does Hou Ye want to be emperor?"

Qin Yilan shook his head, "I just want to spend time with you. Being an emperor is too heavy a responsibility. I'm either reading papers or discussing politics with ministers all day long. When I see you, I have to turn over my cards. I pamper you for a few days in a row, and I still have to worry about your fate." Fame, you will be said by those courtiers that you are flattering the monarch and ministers. I don’t want to be the emperor.”

"But my mother is right. If the emperor dies, I don't think it is appropriate for the eldest prince and the second prince to succeed. I want the third prince to succeed, but your mother actually said that the emperor has no third son? What is this? The situation? The emperor himself admits that he has an illegitimate child!"

"Maybe my mother doesn't know about the emperor's third son. But the Hongling empress should know, you can ask her."

Yao Yao looked sideways at the assistant room, and responded, "I'll go right away."

"Wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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