Chapter 206


When Yao Yao heard this, she was terrified, and hurriedly covered her mouth and coughed, "cough cough cough...cough cough..."

Qin Yilan's face darkened immediately when she saw her coughing.

Her rejection is too obvious!
"Ma'am, last time I forced you to be poisoned, your body should be much smoother. Isn't it effective?"

"Oh, um! My chest is still tight, and I feel like I'm going to faint at any moment."

Qin Yilan took her pulse and stabilized it, "You can bear me already."


"We can take our time."


A big heavy palm was dragged on the back of the waist, and the pressure suddenly doubled, "No, no, no! I don't think I can do it, cough cough... I really can't."

It's up to him to pretend to be sick, and there's nothing he can do.

Qin Yilan let go of her sullenly, thinking about his next plan.

"That wooden box, doesn't Madam want it?"

Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "If you need to sell your body to get what you want, then it's better not to have it."

Qin Yilan was dumbfounded, "You can really learn and sell now."

What is this girl afraid of?

He is such a gentle and big man, a perfect male god who makes people feel so dependent, why is she afraid of him?
In the early morning of the next day, when it was still daylight, Yao Yao heard the news that the crown prince came with his troops.

Just as Qin Yilan was about to get up and get dressed, Yao Yao pressed her on the bed and said in a soft voice, "Master Hou is going out today, and he won't be back until very late. We can't meet guests."

Qin Yilan reached out and pinched her little nose, "Got it."

I don't know what this little thing is thinking.

Yao Yao dressed up for a while, went to meet the guests, and saw the prince walking around the courtyard with familiarity.The vestibule failed to stop him, but was blocked from the main house.

Fortunately, he was not in the mood to break through, just wandering in front of the main house.

Yao Yao stepped forward and said politely, "I have seen the First Prince."

Yu Wenhong turned his head and stared coldly, "Where's Yilan?"

"Master Hou went out to do some errands yesterday, but he didn't come back."

Yu Wenhong smiled and asked, "Did you save someone?"

"I do not know!"

"Heh... this kid just likes to meddle in other people's business. If he is blind, he should stay in the mansion to cultivate well, and he has to run around to obstruct people's eyes."

"The First Prince's admonition is correct."

Yu Wenhong hinted at the main house with his eyes, "When did this place become a forbidden place? I think I came in and out here at will before you married into the Hou's Mansion."

"There are several distinguished guests in the main house, all of whom are female relatives, which is very inconvenient."

"Oh? Who are they? Tell me."

"Naturally, it's Her Royal Highness. The First Prince knows it in his heart, so why bother?" Yao Yao raised her head and asked softly, "Is the First Prince here to pick Her Highness back to the palace?"

Yu Wenhong shrugged, "My aunt wants to play here, why should I stop her? Let her play!"

The First Prince and Princess Hele are not on the same side.I heard that two waves of assassins were sent before, but before the assassination, the two sides fought directly.It was obvious that the two of them had never colluded.

"I'm curious, why did the father come to pick up people that day, but why did he return empty-handed? What kind of shady deal did he make with you?"

Yao Yao smiled happily, "There is no deal, it's just that the emperor wants His Royal Highness to have a good time, so there is no..."

"Don't do this with me. Damn girl, you have kicked me out of the crown prince, and you still want to pretend to be confused with me? Qin Yilan is my brother, and he is my capable minister who wants to be the main force. Are you led by the nose? When you marry into the Hou Mansion, you should lay eggs or not, but you want to participate in our men's affairs. Interesting?"

Yao Yao bowed her head to be insulted by him, and did not reply.

"You saved the man, that thing must be in your hands, right? Teach it out!"

"I don't understand what the First Prince is saying."

Yu Wenhong narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "Girl, let me say it again, don't pretend to be confused. Otherwise, I will settle the old and new grudges for you."

Yao Yao raised her head and smiled slightly, "The eldest prince, can I ask a question, please answer it carefully."

"What's the problem? Tell me!"

"Zhong Gong, who is supporting you, the First Prince?"

Yu Wenhong narrowed his eyes, "What?"

"I asked, in the middle palace, who is supporting the eldest prince? It's not the emperor, nor Princess Hele, nor the imperial concubine. But I can be sure that there is another one in the middle palace who is supporting the prince in planning."

“How come you see?”

"The thing that the eldest prince wanted was in the hands of my grandfather back then, and my grandfather was assassinated because of that thing. At that time, the prince was young, so it was impossible to plan these things. Therefore, it is certain that there is another person in the middle palace. The powerful people are plotting something."

Yu Wenhong's heart sank for a moment, and when he met Yao Yao's clear eyes, he was angry and annoyed.

This woman, why didn't she choose herself?If he could get her, maybe his power would be doubled.

Yu Wenhong leaned his head together and asked softly, "You want to know?"

Yao Yao nodded, "Yes, I want to know who killed my grandpa!"

Yu Wenhong laughed, "I can tell you, but you have to exchange with me."

"Is it the treasure that the First Prince longs for?"

"No! That thing, don't worry. The thing I you!"

Yao Yao turned slightly in disgust, "Aren't the eldest prince and Lord Hou brothers brothers? Would it be immoral for you to do so?"

"Women are like clothes. Whether he and I are true brothers depends on whether he is willing to give me a woman. As a courtier, he should give it to the future king unconditionally, isn't it?" Yu Wenhong said with a smile, "If you don't want Yilan to know, that's fine. Let's keep it a secret. Afterwards, I will treat you like a wife. In the future, your title as a man will be raised to a higher level. The Qin family has a century-old foundation, and it will last forever Bad. How?"

Yu Wenhong thought she would refuse, but unexpectedly, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

"Huh?" Yu Wenhong looked at her strangely, "Is that agreed?"

"I want to get news of the enemy who killed my grandfather, so naturally I have to do whatever it takes, but just for one night, what's wrong?"

"..." Yu Wenhong said suspiciously, "You can' something small, right?"

"No, I just ask the First Prince to keep it a secret. I don't want Lord Hou to find out about you and me!"

When Yu Wenhong heard it, his mind moved, and he responded, "Yes."

"Also, I'm shy. I don't want to do that during the day. I want to wait at night."

"What will I do when Yilan comes back tonight?"

"He's busy and won't be home tonight."

"Oh... damn girl, don't lie to me!"

"Certainly not."

Yao Yao lowered her head and lowered her calculating eyes.

Yao Yao took him to the small backyard on the westernmost side. Because the surroundings were full of big trees, the light was not good. Even in the daytime, the house felt very dark. At night, there was almost no half-dead light here.

Although the courtyard was dark, it was extremely clean.

Yao Yao took Yu Wenhong into the backyard and exhorted, "The eldest prince will rest here for a day, and I will come to find you in the evening."

"Oh, good!"

Just after Yu Wenhong settled down, Mu Li rushed over and brought a lot of people with him. She felt that if she couldn't get what she wanted today, she would cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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