Chapter 210

As night fell, Yao Yao sent him out. The two of them were outside the gate, clasping hands. He exhorted, "I let Zimo stay in the mansion. I will also take care of General Song. If anything happens, you Let him mobilize troops to support."

Yao Yao nodded, "Master Hou, go back quickly, be careful on the way."

"Stay away from that monk if you have nothing to do, he looks at you in a wrong way."

Yao Yao was taken aback, "Is there?"

"It's just your stupid hindsight. You can't tell what a man looks like in a woman's eyes."

Yao Yao flicked her head, "At least I can distinguish one kind!"

"Huh? What kind?"

"Sexy eyes! Just like a scumbag like the First Prince, it's annoying to look at."

He scolded Yu Wenhong in his mouth, but the disgusted eyes watched him from beginning to end.

"...Wait a minute. Madame, don't you want me to..."

Yao Yao smiled gracefully, "Husband, go all the way."

See what she said as if she wanted to send him to the west, so that she could monopolize the entire Hou Mansion.

Qin Yilan was so angry that he pinched her face, held her up and kissed her hard.

"Ah, what are you doing?" A woman who likes to be shy can't bear this kind of intimate behavior in the street.

Qin Yilan happily got into the carriage and waved away.

Yao Yao went back to her room and entered the couch, holding a medicine bowl, and poured the soup out of the window as usual.

This is the only way she doesn't want to go to bed and keep herself sick.

There was the sound of small footsteps on the roof beams.

Before Yao Yao collapsed, her body tensed up.

Another assassin?
After Yao Yao was silent for a moment, she calmly went to change clothes.After a while, Zimo's voice was heard outside the house, "Clean up the corpse, hurry up! Don't disturb Madam's quiet sleep."


Yao Yao smiled with satisfaction and slept comfortably until dawn.

Just as the rooster crowed, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Madam! Madam!! Something is wrong!"

Is it Zimo's voice?Even the arrival of the assassin didn't alarm her, knocking on the door at this moment, there must be something important.

Yao Yao sat up, "What's wrong?"

"My lord duke is here, with a bed and quilt, and said he wants to live in!"


Yao Yao hurriedly got up and changed, and asked while dressing, "Is he going to the main house again?"

"Yes! Straight to the main house! He said he was going to help his son build the house."

Yao Yao had a splitting headache, "What kind of house is town? There are no evil spirits in the mansion, so why do you need him to come to town house?"

"But ma'am, the Marquis is not in the mansion right now. I think it's a good thing for the Duke to settle in the mansion. He brought a lot of guards here! He looks very considerate."

Yao Yao's heart also moved slightly, and she seemed to be very good!


She hurriedly dressed and went out, asking as she walked, "What's the situation with mother-in-law?"

"The old lady doesn't want to recognize the Duke."

"Or is it because the Duke is on the side of the emperor?"


"Then what should we do? It's not necessary to move the mother-in-law to the side garden, right? Although our Hou's mansion is large, there are only a few main houses, so we can't arrange it."

Zimo laughed three times, "It's not Madam yourself, everyone will go to the Hou Mansion."

"Don't nag, follow me to see my father-in-law first."


The two hurried to the front of the main house, and saw the guards blocking Qin Yan tightly.

Qin Yan's legs were sore from standing, but his temper was still good and he didn't lose his temper.

"Ahem, my daughter-in-law is holding her ears so tightly. If you don't come, they will refuse to move away. I can't even get in the door!"

Yao Yao smiled awkwardly, "After all, there are many guests in the room. Doesn't Daddy live in this room too noisy? Or? Move a yard for you?"

"I know you have a lot of guests in this room, so I want to live here. Otherwise, another assassin will come tonight, and I will kill that woman without saying a word!"

Yao Yao said disgustedly, "Daddy doesn't have the capital to play tricks, right? If you had, you would have done it long ago, why should it be my turn to do it?"

"Uh...hehe..." Qin Yan smiled awkwardly, "I can't kill her, but it's okay to hit them both!"

"Daddy, it's better to move to another garden. I have cleaned all the yards in our mansion spotless, no different from the main house. Really..."

Suddenly a maid came out of the room and whispered something to Yao Yao. "Jijigugu-"

Yao Yao was taken aback, "Really?"


After Yao Yao pondered for a moment, she nodded, "Father, please come in. I'll go to the room and make your bed."

Qin Yan muttered strangely, "Why did you suddenly change your sex?"

Qin Yan swaggered into the house following Yao Yao. There were already servants making his bed, and many maids were cleaning the room.Among them was a middle-aged woman with her face covered, her hands and feet didn't look very agile.

He couldn't help but look at her a few more times, wondering in his heart.

The Hou Mansion likes to raise idlers?Can this kind of person stay and work in the Hou Mansion?

When the woman walked past him, she was supported by other maids?

He deliberately turned his head to look at the back of her leaving, and his mind moved several hundred times.

what happened?

Why does he feel this back?

Yao Yao went back and forth, and there was an extra chessboard in her hand, "Daddy, the chessboard I promised you last time, take a look, and you are satisfied."

As soon as the box was opened, Qin Yan took a deep breath, "It's really fragrant - what material is this made of?"

"Sunken wood."

"Huh? It's a big price! It's a thousand taels a piece!"

Yao Yao just smiled, "Golden items should be accompanied by precious people."

"Hahaha, good daughter-in-law, come on, spend the night with daddy tonight! You don't want to give up, let daddy see how good your skills are!"

Yao Yao responded, "Yes, yes, but playing chess is too boring. I'll ask the singer from the house to come over and dance for fun?"

"Good, good, good, good! Daughter-in-law, you are really thoughtful! Listen to the little song, play chess, how much life is."

The chessboard was set, and the dancers stood behind the door and waited one by one.

Outside the door, a beautiful woman with a veil said to the singers, "You know, this is the Duke! As long as any of you have the ability to climb into the bed of the Duke, you will be innumerable glory and wealth in the future."

The eyes of the beauties are shining.

The beautiful woman reminded, "Go in later, you have to use all your strengths to seduce him to death, don't be afraid of wearing too little clothes, or you won't be able to take them off. Do you understand?"


After the beauties nodded in response, they entered the arena one after another with musical instruments. Those who played the piano played the piano, and those who danced danced. The tulle clothes and bellybands were clearly visible.

Qin Yan was still concentrating on playing chess, but his eyes were suddenly overwhelmed by a large number of beauties in bellybands in front of him. He stared round in horror and coughed awkwardly.


Sitting on the other side of Qin Yan, Yao Yao raised her head and smiled slightly, "What's wrong with Dad?"

Qin Yan signaled her with his eyes that something is wrong with the singers over there!One by one, they smell like foxes!Is she blind to see?
Yao Yao glanced sideways at those singers, although her pupils narrowed slightly, but she saw right away that it was arranged by her mother-in-law.

Haven't seen each other for many years, mother-in-law is here to test the loyalty of father-in-law!

Yao Yao pretended to understand, "Oh, I understand, Dad thinks this dance is not good-looking, girls, show the Duke a more moving dance."


All of them, even the words smelled of milk.

(End of this chapter)

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