Chapter 212

If it is said that the wooden box was stolen by the father-in-law, it is obvious that the father-in-law should know the god hidden in the middle palace.

Yao Yao hid in the distance, peeping at the sticky old couple, not daring to disturb them for a while.

After finally waiting for him to calm down, Yao Yao stepped forward and asked softly, "Daddy, can you take a step to talk!"

Qin Yan turned back and waved, "I know what you're going to say! I think it's better for you not to interfere in this matter! The other party's background is not simple, powerful, and he is good at poison. The Hongling empress is one of her disciples."

"Could it be mother-in-law's poison?"

"Nine out of ten!"

The other party's methods really have to be a little more cautious. After all, it took more than ten years for Master Hou to unravel her mother-in-law's poison.

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "Father, I know I can't hit a stone with an egg, but at least, please let me know who the enemy is!"

After being silent for a while, Qin Yan slowly said, "The imperial concubine."

Yao Yao blinked strangely, "Is it the emperor's mother concubine? Didn't the emperor's mother concubine die long ago?"

"It was the empress dowager who died, and also your mother-in-law's biological mother. The son born to the empress dowager will be adopted by the empress dowager."

Yao Yao nodded suddenly, "The crown prince is the eldest grandson of the imperial concubine, so there is nothing wrong with her protecting her own eldest grandson."

"Things are not as simple as you imagined. In short, you should stop participating in these things."

"Is the imperial concubine still in the palace?"

Qin Yan sighed in distress, "She has escaped into the Buddhist gate, and she is leading the cultivation in a nunnery."

"Is it true to escape into Buddhism? Or is it a feint?"

"Hey, why don't you listen to persuasion, kid. I told you not to join in, don't join in, and insisted on bumping into the fire pit all the time."

Yao Yao said softly, "If you're afraid, you're afraid, Daddy, you still have other secrets in your hands that you haven't let me know."

Qin Yan blinked in embarrassment, "cough cough cough..."

"How did daddy meet my grandpa? Can you tell me?"

"When I was young and frivolous, I asked him to play chess, and I lost every game! Your father also wanted to entrust his own daughter to me. He repaid my kindness and took the stolen goods for me."

Yao Yao covered her mouth in surprise, "My grandfather wants to entrust my mother to you? Ah, that, that, then you... refuse..."

Yuwen Liuli stretched out her ear and picked him up directly, "I just said, you praise Zhao Sihuai all the time! After a long time, it turns out that you have already harbored ill intentions towards her!"

Qin Yan yelled anxiously, "I didn't! What do you always blame me for? I was a pure and straight man back then, and I never had any love between men and women in my eyes and hearts."

"Don't think I don't know. Before you were at home, you sneaked out from time to time to chat with the young lady! When you came back, you smelled like a woman! Even if you can't read Zhao Sihuai's head, you probably found other girls, yes wrong?"

Qin Yan said speechlessly, "Madam, are you pretending to be dead for more than ten years and refusing to let me know because you are jealous of me?"

"Bah! Who's jealous of you! Get out of here, I'm thinking about divorce now!"

"Don't don't—"

"If you don't want me to divorce, then you can accompany me to usurp the throne! I want to put my son on the throne!"

"..." The corners of Qin Yan's mouth twitched wildly, "Husband, madam! What are you thinking about?"

"What? Is my Yuwen Liuli's son unworthy to be emperor?"

"Uh... no, no! This! This matter is really inappropriate. His surname is Qin, not Yuwen, and it doesn't make sense if his name is wrong!"


Qin Yan hurriedly shouted, "Daughter-in-law, quickly persuade your mother-in-law."

Yao Yao let out a long breath, "My daughter-in-law manages it herself. I'm busy too! Father, mother, and daughter-in-law are going to rest, and the two of you will eat and live in the main house."

When she turned to leave, she suddenly remembered something, and asked back, "Is Princess Hele the Emperor Dowager's biological daughter?"


Yao Yao asked strangely, "Aren't she and her mother on good terms?"

Qin Yan smiled awkwardly, "The royal family has always favored sons over daughters. Princess Hele was kicked out for marriage and married a man she didn't like. She would naturally resent her mother."

"In that case, let's do it!" Yao Yao called the guards over, "Send Princess Hele back to the palace."

The guards muttered blankly, "Madam? If you let the tiger go back to the mountain like this, you are not afraid of her..." Revenge after returning to the palace?

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Give her another big gift before leaving!"

Yao Yao walked to the auxiliary room, reached out to Hongling Fuxiang and said, "Token."

Hongling Fuxiang stared at her blankly, "Why should I give it to you? You can give it if you say it? Am I short-tempered?"

"You'd better not try to make yourself lose your temper and turn in the token. And I don't use this token for myself."

"Who is it for?"

Yuwen Xueling happened to be dragged to Yao Yao's side, Yao Yao pointed to Princess Hele, "His Royal Highness, let her take the token and go back to the palace to be arrogant!"

The two women were dumbfounded.

"Are you crazy?"

"Are you crazy?"

Yao Yao chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, I know what I'm planning. Give her the token! Your Majesty!"

Hongling Fuxiang still wants to say this stubbornly, but I don't!

But after thinking for a long time, she decided to turn in the token.

After Yao Yao took the token, she walked up to Yuwen Xueling, and gently handed the token over, "His Royal Highness, here it is!"

Yuwen Xueling's teeth itch with anger.

She had imagined countless scenes of winning the token, such as stomping Hongling Fuxiang under her feet, making her cry and hand over the token, and then holding the token, she would kill all directions and dominate the world.

Instead of being handed over to her life's wish so easily by the woman she hates the most like now.

Right now, in her eyes, this token is no longer a treasure that she has longed for all her life, but like a pile of excrement. If she takes it, it is equivalent to swallowing excrement in her throat.

Yuwen Xueling snorted, "Don't think you're selling me favors. Let me tell you! I won't accept your tricks!"

Yao Yao put the token directly into her palm, "After returning to the palace, Your Royal Highness, you can do as you like, but there is one thing that I need your help with. If it is done, I will return the token I gave you." Kindness."

"What's the matter?" Yuwen Xueling asked curiously.

"I need Miss Mu Li to marry the Second Prince as his wife immediately, and to be the official wife."

Yuwen Xueling asked speechlessly, "In this case, won't your third sister be forced to abdicate?"


"Aren't you cheating on your third sister!"

"You don't need to worry about this, Your Highness the Princess. You go back to the palace to help me with this matter. The kindness between you and me will be lost. How to play the chess game afterwards is up to you. How I take the move is up to my mood."

Yuwen Xueling finally felt a lot more relaxed when she heard it, "Okay! Okay! Okay! I will take this token! This time, I will forgive you for the feud of being grounded. But next time, whoever lives and who dies will be punished." Don't turn over old accounts."


Yuwen Xueling took the token, and left the house happily. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she met Yuwen Liuli, and the eyes of the two women collided again.They all snorted and tossed their heads. Those who went back to the house went back to the house, and those who left the house went out.

(End of this chapter)

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