Chapter 215

Yao Yao acted resolutely. After sending Yao Yu away, she asked someone to pack up Lin Xia's body and rushed to the palace with her body.

But before reaching the gate of the palace, a large number of guards rushed over to block the way.

"Mrs. Hou!"

The leader was a eunuch, whom I had never seen before.

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and asked, "Which one?"

"Mrs. Hou doesn't need to ask about the identities of the miscellaneous family. You just need to answer, did you kill the emperor's heir in Lin Xia's belly?"

Yao Yao asked strangely, "How do you know?"

"Oh, did Madam Hou admit it? Someone, take her down and send her to the dungeon."

"Wait a minute!" Yao Yao called, "If I'm guilty, I'll ask the emperor for my sin. What's the matter with a eunuch?"

"The old slave came here to arrest you by the emperor's order. This is the emperor's jade order."

"Then another father-in-law I know will come over, where is Mr. Hong?"

"Eunuch Hong is busy with his business, how can he have time to meddle in such trivial matters? Mrs. Hou, don't treat yourself as a big shot. To put it bluntly, it is just a mere imperial order. Murdering the emperor's heir is a serious crime. If the emperor is in a bad mood, It is not an exaggeration to implicate the Nine Clans."

Yao Yao snorted coldly, "I'm sorry, the child in Lin Xia's stomach is not the emperor's heir. It is a child of our Hou family, who will be born in the future, and his surname is Qin, and has nothing to do with the Yuwen family of the royal family. The crime of murdering the emperor's heir , I don't care."

"Presumptuous! The emperor did not give you the adoptive son of the emperor's eldest grandson to let you spoil it like this! If you disobey the order and disrespect it, it will be an even worse crime!"

"I want to see the emperor. Good dog out of the way."

The eunuch held his head up, his face was full of tiredness, "You can't see it. Come, Mrs. Hou resisted the order and disrespected, so I will kill you on the spot."

Yao Yao didn't expect that the eunuch would be so rampant, that he would come directly to him.

She turned her head to look at the guards she had brought, the number of them was not comparable to that of the eunuch, wondering if there was any chance of winning?
The guards on both sides burst into flames.

Suddenly there was the sound of horse riding in the distance, and with the loud shout of the riding soldiers, the fighting guards stopped one after another.

"General Song!"

Song Ci stared at the eunuch solemnly, and snorted, "Please make way for Eunuch, even if Mrs. Hou is guilty, please ask the emperor to decide whether it is okay or not?"

The eunuch said with a ferocious face, "What are you? A mere soldier dares to be rampant in front of me? Song Ci, you have to think carefully. If you walk with this murderer, you will be punished with the same crime!"

Song Ci raised his resolute eyes, and said disdainfully, "It's not up to you, father-in-law, to worry about my future! You should think carefully about the consequences of falsely preaching the imperial decree! Make way for me! Don't make me say it a second time!"

The eunuch still refused to give way, gritted his teeth and said, "Take this idiot down for me!"

Song Ci didn't lead any troops, but rushed over alone, brought Yao Yao's bodyguards with him, and killed all directions, but because the number was too small, he still couldn't crush the enemy.

The martial arts of the leading soldiers around the eunuch seemed to be very strong, and not one, but three.

Song Ci was surrounded by three people and was seriously injured.

Seeing that something bad happened, Yao Yao said helplessly, "Okay! Don't fight, I'll go with my father-in-law."

The eunuch smiled coquettishly, "Isn't it better to decide earlier? Do you have to make so many troubles?"

Song Ci dragged Yao Yao and hurriedly said, "Master Hou hasn't come back yet, you can't go with them, you will never return!"

"I know." Yao Yao smiled bitterly, "This is my catastrophe. If you can't escape, you have to face it. General Song's life is the most important thing, and my Wanwan depends on you to support me!"

Yao Yao turned around and said to the guards around her, "Everyone, step back. I'll go by myself."



Stopping everyone's dissuasion, Yao Yao walked towards the eunuch and whispered in the eunuch's ear, "Do you want to kill me now? Or do you want to kill me after you get what you want?"

The eunuch snorted coldly, "Madam, you really know how to think. Please, there is good tea in the dungeon!"

"Thank you, father-in-law. Please lead the way."

Yao Yao followed behind the eunuch, surrounded by a large number of guards, they did not enter the palace, but went to Taichang Temple.

When I got out of the dungeon, I saw a lot of instruments of torture on the way.

A good temple, an underground warehouse, has been transformed into a torture tool?
There should be monks living in the temple, but there are lamas and nuns who come and go in the temple.

But if you take a closer look, those nuns have hair under their hats, they walk and pose, and when they talk to lamas, they flick their collars up and down. They don't have the bones that nuns should have.

Yao Yao was locked in the dungeon, surrounded by darkness, and the damp straw on the ground could not sit on people.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Yao Yao covered her mouth and nose, disgusted with her fragile body.

With a creak, the prison door was opened.

A man walked in.

Yao Yao thought in her heart, is she going to be punished?Why is there only one person for execution?
The surrounding area was so dark that it was really hard to see the face of the person who came, only felt that the person suddenly rushed towards her, put his arms around her waist, lifted his mouth to her face.

"Who--get off--don't touch me--"

The anxious look of the man made her terrified.

This is not Lord Hou!It is certain that he is definitely not Lord Hou!No matter how anxious Master Hou is, he would not be so rude!

The fear of being defiled spontaneously arose, she was so frightened that she used all her strength to push the man away, stumbled to the corner of the wall, only to see the man was about to rush towards her again.

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous—get off—"

During the tugging, a corner of the collar was torn off.

The man finally squeaked, "What are you struggling with? It's not like we haven't loved each other before."

Upon hearing the voice, Yao Yao recognized the person, "His Royal Highness? Is it you?"

Yu Wenhong sneered, "It's me! What? Forget about old friends?"

Yao Yao shouted angrily, "Please respect yourself! Your Highness, if you dare to mess around again, I will..."

"How about you?"

"What else can I do? Let death prove my will!" Yao Yao had no other choice, this was her last resort.

"Ahem——" Yu Wenhong coughed.

Many guards walked in from outside the prison, lighting bright torches, and finally illuminated the dim cage.

Yu Wenhong smiled lightly, "Why do you bother to ask for guilt? Wouldn't it be better to submit to me earlier? If you like it in the future, I will let you enter my palace incognito and be my concubine. .how?"

Yao Yao shook her head speechlessly, "You are not my love, and I am not greedy for rich and powerful, why should I curry favor with you?"

"Not your love? Then tell me, who is the man you love? Qin Yilan? But you have already betrayed him, what should you do?"

Yao Yao bowed her head and remained silent.

"Do you still expect him to come to save you? Believe it or not, as soon as he arrived at the door of my cell, after I told him what happened between you and me, did you come in to save you? Or to stab you to death? Ah……"

Yao Yao remained silent.

Yu Wenhong said more and more vigorously, "Think about your father, your mother seduced a man, even if it was just a rumor, but your father couldn't bear this kind of rumor after all, and directly expelled her from the family tree, ha—— There is no man in this world who would accept cheating on his wife."

(End of this chapter)

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