The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 22 The Lost Treasure

Chapter 22 The Lost Treasure
After Polygonum multiflorum was put into the warehouse, Zhang Huiyi waved to Hongluo when she met Hongluo, and the two hid behind the rockery to talk in secret.

Zhang Huiyi asked straight to the point, "Did your eldest miss give you the key to the warehouse?"

"No, what's the matter?" Hong Luo asked strangely.

Zhang Huiyi covered her mouth and snickered, "You and Mengtao are both personal maids brought in by your eldest lady from her natal home. There are only two keys to the warehouse, one is held by your eldest lady, and the other one is given to her by her." What does it mean that Mengtao won't give it to you?"

When Hong Luo heard this, her face collapsed instantly.

Seeing Hong Luo's expression, Zhang Huiyi felt much better.

There are two servants beside Yao Yao, Hong Luo has been dissatisfied with her preference for a long time, right?That's why she had these small thoughts.

Hong Luo rolled her eyes at her, and said softly, "Sister Mengtao is indeed more capable than me, and she is also more careful. I can't help her to please the eldest lady."

It's not just a matter of a day or two that she and Meng Tao are at odds, and she is still needed to sow discord?

Just mentioning the key to the warehouse, Hong Luo really couldn't bear it.

She and Mengtao have the same status, they are both maidservants next to the young lady, and she has always felt that she is superior to Mengtao, but since the key was given to Mengtao to take charge, the maids around her all regard Mengtao as a sister.And she can only be ranked second.

Every time she thinks of this, she gets angry.

Zhang Huiyi said in a low voice, "I'm sure I can't manage the warehouse anymore, but I'm so angry, why does Mengtao have the key and you don't? What can Sister Hongluo do? At least, snatch the key from Mengtao girl Got it? If there is only one female housekeeper in the Hou Mansion, it must be you!"

Well, this has been heard a lot.

It's not in vain that she said the wrong thing for her last time, annoyed the eldest lady and was fined to kneel for most of the day.

Hong Luo squinted her eyes and snorted, "Look for opportunities."

Hong Luo turned her head to look for someone, and when she heard the third aunt of the Yao family coming, she hurriedly chased her to the living room.

Yao Yu's mother, Zhao Xiang, looked at Yao Yao with a tangled expression, faltering and hampering her speech, but the problem was that she couldn't get to the point.

While drinking a cup of tea, Yao Yao knew what the third aunt wanted to say, "In a few days, the imperial concubine's birthday, what gift did the third sister prepare?"

Zhao Xiang hurriedly said, "Yaoer, your third sister really can't afford anything. Originally, her dowry is not as rich as yours, plus she has too many places to manage in the palace, so just give it to me." What should I do if she doesn't seem to have anything good to honor her mother and concubine for a piece of silver?"

Yao Yao sighed, "Gifts don't have to be expensive to make people happy."

While talking, she took out a small box from her pocket and handed it to Zhao Xiang, "You ask Sanmei to give this to the imperial concubine, she will be happy."

Zhao Xiang opened the small box and took a look, frowning tightly, "This...wouldn't this be too..."

Yao Yao smiled confidently, "I can guarantee that your mother will definitely like it."

Hearing what she said, Zhao Xiang couldn't refuse any more, so he could only stand up and thank her and leave.

Seeing Zhao Xiang coming out, Hong Luo hurriedly and secretly intercepted her, "Third Aunt."

"Ah, Hong Luo."

Hong Luo smiled and said, "What did my eldest miss give you? Are you going to give it to the imperial concubine?"

Zhao Xiang took it out in embarrassment and gave her a look.

Hong Luo gasped, "Ah? No way? My eldest lady actually gave you such a cheap thing? Send it to the imperial concubine?"

Zhao Xiang didn't say it just now, but she actually thought so in her heart.

Hong Luo said again, "My eldest lady just got a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, the kind that turns into a human form yesterday. Didn't the eldest lady even mention it to you?"

Zhao Xiang's face turned ugly instantly.He bit his lip aggrievedly.

Hong Luo sighed, "I really feel sympathy for the third miss. It's true, since the eldest miss is so merciful, but what I gave you is really worthless. Originally, the third miss came from a bad background. She was discriminated against in the palace, and she won the second prince's heart only because of her stunning appearance, but the imperial concubine didn't want to see her at all. The first time she entered the palace to pay her respects, she was punished by the imperial concubine to kneel down. The eldest lady never mentioned it to you Bar?"

Hearing what Hong Luo said, her eyes were red, "What? My Yu'er was made to kneel?"

"Yes, it is!"

Zhao Xiang shed tears directly, feeling wronged to the extreme.

I couldn't help it, and there was a trace of complaint in my heart.Looking at the worthless little wooden box in his hand, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Hong Luo suddenly pressed her ear, "Third Aunt, don't be impatient, let me help you."

"How, how can I help?"

Hong Luo bit her ear, "After dark, I will help you steal the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum for you."

"Huh? This...this...isn't that good?"

Hong Luo patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "It's okay, there are many treasures in the Marquis Mansion, and it's a common thing that they are hidden deep and can't be found. Anyway, the eldest lady just took charge of the house, and she didn't dare to publicize when she lost something. Otherwise, Master Hou will definitely say that she is incompetent if she finds out about it. So even if she finds out about this, she still chooses to let it go. Third Aunt, you should think more about Miss San's future."

After Zhao Xiang heard this, he hesitated again and again, but finally nodded, "Then thank Miss Hongluo, if my family's Yu'er can be appreciated by the imperial concubine, I will definitely reward you with a lot of money."

"There's no need for a lot of money, I'm just complaining for Miss San!"

The two looked at each other, and there was a heart-to-heart friendship in their eyes.

At night, Hong Luo knew that Master Hou was coming back late, and the eldest lady was sleepy after drinking medicine, so she took the opportunity to steal Yao Yao's key, stole the Polygonum multiflorum from the warehouse, and sent it to Zhao Xiang. Give her a letter and tell her to deliver the letter to Miss He's second.Also ask her to keep it a secret.

Thinking of kindness, Zhao Xiang didn't even look at the envelope, and obediently sent the letter to He Mansion and gave it to He Lanyu.

Early the next morning, He Lanyu sat in the living room of the Hou Mansion with a smile on her face, waiting for Yao Yao to wake up.

It was three days in the sun, and as soon as Yao Yao entered the living room, she heard He Lanyu's sarcasm, "Yo, Mrs. Hou is really at ease, there is no need to greet her, Master Hou leaves early and returns late, and Madam sleeps until the sun is three and no one cares about her."

Listening to her sour tone, Yao Yao walked to the high platform without anger or anger, and sat down gracefully, "Why is Second Miss He visiting?"

He Lanyu raised her head and said, "That Polygonum multiflorum, I don't want to give it to you anymore, please give it back to me!"

Is there a way to take the gift back?

what!This really taught her a lot.

But Yao Yao didn't laugh at anything, but told Meng Tao, "Go to the warehouse and bring Polygonum multiflorum and return it to Miss He Er."


Meng Tao went back and forth, but her hands were empty and her expression was extremely flustered.

Yao Yao looked strange, "What's wrong?"

Meng Tao whispered in her ear, "The Polygonum multiflorum is gone."

Upon hearing this, Yao Yao's face finally froze.She turned her head and saw He Lanyu's gloating expression, and she understood half of it.

She seems to be in the game.

He Lanyu asked at the right time, "What's the matter? Sister, where is my Polygonum multiflorum? Why didn't you give it back to me? Could it be lost by my sister? Sister, I paid a lot of money for that medicinal material! You lost it after only giving it to my sister for two days? Sister, you are too incompetent as a housekeeper, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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