Chapter 238

Zhao Sihuai said, "Living here is too quiet. I have no motivation to recall the past. I seem to be resisting something in my heart. Every time there is thunder, I feel heartbreaking pain. I hope someone can spur me, maybe Someone encourages me, and I have the courage to face these."

This is an olive branch, she threw it directly to Yao Yao.

Zhao Sihuai actually wanted Yao Yao to make this decision whether to let her restore her memory?

Yao Yao looked at her mother in surprise, then turned her head to look at Qiao Meng with a childlike face, she lowered her eyes and remained silent.

The little hands twisted out of shape, just like her heart now.

She suspected that the huge burden carried in her mother's arms should be the third prince.Now she is also trying her best to track down the whereabouts of the third prince. She really needs her mother to restore her memory and tell her what she wants to know.


After Ruoniangqin regains her memory, she will definitely be in pain and despair. At that time, Meng'er's life will also be broken by her.Will the peaceful hut in the valley still be so peaceful?
After struggling again and again, Yao Yao put down her chopsticks and stood up, "Master Hou, let's go back."

Zhao Sihuai looked at her in surprise, "Didn't you agree to stay overnight tonight?"


She has to leave quickly, she is afraid that she will be in a daze, and then she will do something stupid, what should she do if she hurts her mother and Meng'er?Go early, so she can give up sooner.

Qiao Meng grabbed Yao Yao's wrist and said, "Sister, stay here. Tomorrow night is the New Year's Eve, why don't you stay after the reunion dinner before leaving!"

Yao Yao recalled in a daze that a year had passed.On New Year's Eve, she and Master Hou actually wandered outside, living a life of wandering.

Qin Yilan also pulled her into the chair and coaxed her, "You're right, even if you leave in a hurry, let's talk about it after tomorrow night."

Qiao Meng kept coaxing, "Sister, I haven't found a chance to resign from my father yet! I must follow you out of the valley this time. I'm going to find the valley of magic doctors. My brother-in-law promised me to take me to the valley of magic doctors." After the reunion night, I will go with you, okay?"

Yao Yao looked at him in embarrassment, "You want to leave the valley? Your father won't agree."

"So I need time to convince him. Sister and brother-in-law stay for two days!"

She wanted to leave alone, but the three of them held her back, her footsteps were like being filled with lead, and she couldn't move another half step.

Zhao Sihuai cheerfully cleaned up their room, but there were too few rooms, they slept in Qiao Meng's room, and he had no place to sleep.

Seeing Qiao Meng quietly entering the main house, Qin Yilan begged his father to take him in tonight, but he was kicked out directly.

After rolling several times on the ground, Yao Yao ran to help him up in distress.

Qiao Meng smiled awkwardly, " sister has never seen it before, there is such a cruel father in this world."

Yao Yao laughed awkwardly, "Sleep in our house at night? It's better to sleep on the floor than in the cowshed."

Qin Yilan said, "The cow's body temperature is very warm, and you don't need a quilt to live with it."

Qiao Meng snorted speechlessly, "Are you speaking human language? Just because I'm small doesn't mean I have to be bullied! Hmph, I'll listen to my sister, I'll go to the house and make a bed on the floor."

Qin Yilan wanted to scold him, but Yao Yao pulled him back, "Master Hou, don't be like a child, he is only ten years old."

Qin Yilan stared coldly, "I knew everything when I was ten years old."


"A child who studies medical science is more precocious than others. He understands everything you don't understand!"

"..." Yao Yao was speechless, "Master Hou. After all, this is his territory, you can't be so arrogant. Let's make it tonight. Okay?"

"Hmph!" Qin Yilan had no other choice, and could only make do with the vinegar pot being overturned.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yao Yao covered her mouth and coughed twice.

Qin Yilan took out the pill and handed it over, "Take the medicine. Although there is less fog here, there is still a lot of fog, which is not good for your health."

Yao Yao took the pill and asked strangely, "Huh? Why is the pill this time brown in color? Yesterday's pill was red in color?"

Qin Yilan blinked and muttered, "There are naturally different medicines inside and outside the Valley of Misty Obstacles."

"Oh. But I feel that the medicine you gave me yesterday was not very good." Yao Yao murmured, "My legs are weak, my heart is flustered and my energy is weak. Master Hou, has your medicine expired?"

"How is it possible? Although the medicine has some side effects, the next day after taking it, don't you feel refreshed and feel very comfortable?"


Yao Yao rolled her eyes upwards.

Don't want to talk about it with him anymore, because it reminds her of all kinds of uncontrollable emotions in the cave last night.

Qiao Meng rushed over suddenly and said, "What kind of pill is so miraculous? Take it out and let me see if I can figure out the ingredients of the medicine?"

Qin Yilan stared in the past instantly, "Nonsense! How can someone else's exclusive secret recipe be passed on privately? You are not my apprentice!"

"Brother-in-law, you are so stingy. You study medicine, and I also study medicine. The two of us learn from each other, which is also to improve medical knowledge! In the future, I will become an apprentice under the master Gu Gu, the genius doctor. I am in a good mood, and I will teach you in private later. Some unique secret recipes. How? Is this a good deal?"


Qiao Meng rushed to Yao Yao's back and said angrily, "Sister, he is fierce to me!"

Qin Yilan was so angry that he was going crazy, "You are not allowed to cling to him, you get away from me! Be careful, I will also give you a kick and kick you out!"

Yao Yao pulled her face away, without making a sound, she stared at him coldly.

Qin Yilan choked slightly, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He really can't accept her protective expression, what should I do?Thinking about having children in the future, can he let her have a son?

Before I had dinner, I heard noises from the main house next door.

It was the uncle's voice.

"Why do they have to stay for another night? They agreed to leave tomorrow, what do they want to do with shame?"

Yao Yao went to open the door and secretly saw her mother closing the door in a hurry.

Husband and wife must quarrel with the door closed, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

Mother is not the kind of woman with a loud voice, just like her, she doesn't like to speak at a high volume, so when the door is closed, they can't hear what mother is saying.

The uncle's voice was also silent, probably coaxed to silence.

Qin Yilan stuck behind Yao Yao, took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, and handed it to her, "If your mother lost her memory due to taking medicine, this bottle of medicine should be able to restore her memory."

Yao Yao looked up in fear, "Master Hou, you..."

Qin Yilan stuffed it into her palm, "I know you are conflicted now, and your mother entrusted you with this important choice. You have a day to think about it carefully. Do you want to wake up your mother's memory?"

"No—" She hurriedly pushed the medicine back to him.

Qiao Meng was still feeding Ah Huang outside the house, Yao Yao peeked at his innocent back from the crack of the door, flustered, "I don't want to..."

"You don't want it or your mother doesn't want it?"

Yao Yao lowered her eyes and said, "My mother said that recalling the past will make her suffer."

"Pain is pain, but her amnesia is evading the problem. Moreover, she has forgotten her beloved, which is actually a kind of pain to her. She asks you for courage, and you should give her courage. .”

Yao Yao turned her head and pushed him away, "Don't say any more. Master Hou, you may not understand at all. If a woman is defiled by a man, this shame can kill her! If this happened to me... …Well--"

Before she finished speaking, Yao Yao was blocked by his palm.

"Don't talk nonsense, stupid girl."

Yao Yao tore off his claws forcefully, exhaled, "So I can't do it!"

 A new chapter has been added!

(End of this chapter)

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