Chapter 241

Until dawn, there was a slight movement in the house.

"woke up?"

Geoff looked at her anxiously.

Zhao Sihuai opened his clear eyes, met Qiao Fu's gaze, and asked strangely, "What are you doing?"


He was searching for the answer in her eyes, did she remember?
Zhao Sihuai frowned, and pushed him, "Didn't you wash up last night? You know I don't like dirty ones, so I'm not allowed to go to bed without washing up."

Geoff took a deep breath and asked, "Ma'am, who am I? Do you know?"

"You are my husband. What's the matter?"

Qiao Fu was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed ecstatically, "Yes, yes, I am your husband!"

He rushed out of the room excitedly, opened the door, and met the eyes of Qin Yilan and Yao Yao. He couldn't hide his excited pride, "She is mine! None of you can take her away!"

Qin Yilan understood this sentence as soon as she heard it, bowed her head and said to Yao Yao, "Your mother hasn't recovered her memory."

Yao Yao blinked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Qin Yilan struggled endlessly, "I shouldn't! Could it be that my medical skills...are inferior to others?"

Qin Yilan instantly ignited the fighting spirit of not admitting defeat, "I want to take the pulse."

Qiao Fu stared back fiercely, "I think you want to die!"

Yao Yao hurriedly stopped Qin Yilan and advised, "Forget it, Lord Hou, this may be God's will."

Qin Yilan looked sideways at the woman in his arms, finally sighed and shook his head, "Okay."

Zhao Sihuai changed his clothes and went out to meet people, "Last night I had a headache all night, and I was so tired. Could it be that you two haven't slept yet?"

"Mother." Yao Yao asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I feel refreshed. Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, you two big men go and bring me back some wild game. Get some more fish."

"Good lady." Qiao Fu went to get his hunting weapon happily, grabbed Qin Yilan's wrist and shouted, "Follow me!"

He couldn't let this guy stay by Zhao Sihuai's side, so as to save him from playing tricks again.

"Is Meng'er still awake?"

Yao Yao looked at the room next door, "I haven't woken up yet."

"Well, come in." Zhao Sihuai called her into the room, and just as the door closed, she turned her head and hugged her tightly.

Yao Yao asked in surprise, "Mother? What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Sihuai slowly backed away, the tenderness in his eyes had already said everything, "I'm sorry, my child."

Yao Yao covered her mouth and inhaled, "Mother?"

"I remember. Everything."

"But you just now?"

Zhao Sihuai said in a deep voice, "I just pretended."

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Who is that uncle?"

Zhao Sihuai lowered his eyes silently, "I don't know."

"I don't know??" Yao Yao blinked speechlessly, "Don't you know him?"

"Well. I don't know." Zhao Sihuai raised his eyes and said, "When I fell off the cliff, did you know who else was with me?"

"Nurse Qingying, there is another boy, right?"

"You are really looking into this matter." No wonder she has been suffering from headaches every day these days, and memories flood into her head out of her control, and even medicine can't restrain it.

Zhao Sihuai said softly, "That child is your aunt's son. In order to force me to submit, Yuwen Dongyue threatened me with their mother and son. Fortunately, someone with a heart helped me to bring out that boy. When I took him away, On the road, people were still chasing and killing the carriage. The carriage was driving too fast, and it was rainy night again, and the carriage fell off the cliff. Qingying grabbed me and said that she couldn't pull us together, and that she could only rescue me if I let go of the child. But how can I let go? In the end, we both fell off the cliff together."

"Nurse also went down." Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Did she die for the Lord?"

Zhao Sihuai felt a severe pain in his heart, and his eyes flashed with distressed light, "This silly girl is really a muscle. Where is she buried?"

Yao Yao sighed, "Someone helped you change clothes with her, making us think that you were the one who died in Luoya. Father regarded her as you and buried her."

Zhao Sihuai smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Alright. She should be treated like this. After you go back, go to her grave and kowtow for me."

"Okay, mother."

"Also, the child who fell off the cliff with me is not dead."

A wet nurse's body was found at the foot of the cliff, her mother was not dead, it is very likely that the child was not dead either.

"Where's the child?" Yao Yao asked anxiously.

"When I fell off the cliff, Shuang'er and I were rescued by a masked man."

"Mask man? Uncle Geoff?"

"It wasn't him." Zhao Sihuai said softly, "The man in the mask was very quiet, and I couldn't find out who he was, but he took Shuang'er away. When I was in a hurry to chase after him to find the child, I bumped into your uncle. "

Yao Yao said speechlessly, "Did you be forced to lose your memory?"

Zhao Sihuai lowered his eyes, and a bitter smile flashed on the corner of his mouth, "Yes."

Yao Yao clenched her fists tightly, "No wonder Lord Hou said he is not a good person. Mother, will you leave the valley with me?"

"No." Zhao Sihuai shook his head and sighed deeply, "I want to stay in the valley and avoid the world."

"Ah? Why, why?"

"That man..."

Just as Zhao Sihuai was about to speak, Meng'er's voice came from outside the house, "Father, brother-in-law, are you back?"

Zhao Sihuai was slightly startled, and exchanged glances with Yao Yao.

Qiao Meng, is he giving them a secret signal?Could it be that he was hiding outside the house and eavesdropping just now?

Zhao Sihuai hurriedly straightened out his clothes and packed them up, "Yaoer, follow me to the kitchen to make some preparations. Tonight's New Year's Eve dinner must be rich."


Qiao Meng and Yao Yao were both busy in the kitchen. She secretly looked at her younger brother from time to time, seeing him smiling brightly and not being troubled by what happened last night, Yao Yao felt relieved a lot.

Qin Yilan got into a fight with the scalper, and took the pills and fed them to him.

Seeing this, Yao Yao was so frightened that she hurried up to stop her, "Master Hou? What are you doing?"

Qin Yilan struggled, "Is my medicine not effective? It shouldn't be!"

While talking, he continued to feed the cattle to take medicine.

Yao Yao quickly grabbed the medicine bottle, "Your medicine may not be effective for my mother, but it doesn't mean your medicine is not good. It may not be right for the symptoms."

"Well, you're right." Qin Yilan had a tense expression that wanted to feel his pulse.

Yao Yao reassured, "Master Hou is free to help you chop fish?"

Qin Yilan looked sideways at the yellow ox and said, "This ox is raised with herbs. A bite of meat is very nourishing."

When Ah Huang heard this, his chewing movements stopped instantly, and he stared blankly at him.

Yao Yao also looked at him speechlessly, "Master Hou, what are you thinking?"

Qin Yilan smiled, "Isn't the animal raised to satisfy the appetite? The meat on this cow is comparable to Ganoderma lucidum! And it seems to understand human language."

Ah Huang licked his tongue, and spit out all the chewed pills in his mouth. The bull turned his head, pointed his butt at them, lifted his hind hoof violently, and kicked Qin Yilan with a bunch of weeds.

"Hey! You—" Qin Yilan quickly waved his robe, "Not only can you understand people's words, but you also hold grudges!"

Yao Yao smiled stupidly, "Master Hou, you are playing childish temper again, no one is fighting, what's the point of fighting with Ah Huang?"

"I will compete with it? I don't have the time to spare." Qin Yilan took out a pill and shook it, "Master, I'm in a good mood, I'm coaxing you. Come, eat."

Ah Huang seemed to smell something delicious, so he hurriedly turned his head and sniffed it, his saliva dripped out.

With a roll of his tongue, the pill was swallowed into his mouth, and Gazi Gazi chewed non-stop.

Yao Yao asked curiously, "What kind of medicine is that?"

It looked much better than the pills for memory loss just now.

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, "Tonic."

"Tonic? Can I take it? I feel that I need to nourish my body too."

Qin Yilan started on the first floor, "It's a tonic for men. It's useless for women."

"Ah..." Seeing his smile, it suddenly dawned on him, could this medicine be for men or something?

"The elixir from the Divine Doctor Valley is hard to find, and hard to buy with a thousand dollars. The value of this scalper has doubled again."

"Pfft—" Yao Yao couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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