Chapter 244

Qiao Meng heard that someone was poisoned, and shouted excitedly, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, why don't you take me to see the patient? I want to try detoxification, okay?"

Qin Yilan frowned and said, "Don't make trouble. These two people can't let you practice. They are noble, and if there is a slight mistake, you can't afford it."

"Well——sister, sister, quickly ask brother-in-law to take me to practice!"

This time, Yao Yao didn't answer him anymore, she shook her head resolutely, "No. Meng'er, you can go back to your room and read. I will call you when you are eating."

Qiao Meng heard that Yao Yao refused, so she stopped pestering her.

It seems that this kid still knows how to measure, when he can act like a baby, and when he can't act like a baby.

Qin Yilan went into the room to feel the emperor's pulse, while Yao Yao was waiting beside him, seeing his frown, she was also anxious.

It seems that Master Hou is indeed not omnipotent.

Is the opponent's master of poisoning really so clever?

Thinking about it, the past few decades of her mother-in-law's coma are the best proof.

I heard that Hongling Fuxiang's ability to use poison was also taught by the empress dowager?
Who the hell is the empress dowager?Where does such a great ability come from?
Suddenly there was a voice outside the house, "Who is it? Surround him!"

Yao Yao was very nervous when the cavalry scolded her. Could it be an assassin?
She turned her head and saw that Qin Yilan's expression remained unchanged, and her heart calmed down, "I'll go outside and have a look."


Lord Hou was willing to let her go out, proving that there was no danger, and she felt much more at ease.

Pushing the door open, I saw a group of farmers outside the house, surrounded by a young monk.

Yao Yao made a pair of eyes and immediately recognized the person, "Master Xinyuan."

Xinyuan quickly called out, "Madam! It's me!"

Yao Yao waved and said, "General Wanhe, please step down, my own."

Wan He nodded, "Ma'am, you should be more careful. If there is an assassin, you will be easy to hide. You need to search your body and pinch your face before letting him get close."

"Uh...heh..." Yao Yao smiled awkwardly.

She has never seen any disguise technique.

"Don't worry, you can tell if it's the deity with just a look. There's no need to pinch your face."


Yao Yao greeted Xinyuan and asked anxiously, "Didn't you tell me to bring my mother and yours? Where are they?"

"They are fine. They have been secretly investigating the emperor's whereabouts, and they are very busy. It's just madam, you must not go to the execution ground tomorrow."

Yao Yao asked strangely, "What are you doing in the execution ground?"

Xinyuan was startled, "Madam doesn't know yet?"

"What should I know?" Yao Yao muttered, frowning.

Xin Yuan covered his mouth and said awkwardly, "Pretend I didn't say it."

Yao Yao sighed speechlessly, "It's late. Little master, you should explain it to me. I'll ask someone else."

"Why am I so stupid, huh? It's normal for the world to be so secluded here." Xin Yuan said angrily, "Ma'am, your father will be beheaded at noon tomorrow."

Yao Yao was shocked, "My father is going to be beheaded? So? Is Zhonggong also under control?"


If His Royal Highness were to succeed to the throne, her father would not be involved, as Concubine Chen still had a little affection for her.

"It seems that the middle palace is full of people from His Royal Highness right now? Are the Second Highness and the others still in the palace?"

"I don't know about that. But it's true that there's a lot of chaos outside. There's been fighting for several days. People have suffered heavy casualties."

Yao Yao clenched her hands tightly, "What is the name of His Highness wanting to behead my father?"

"It is said that it is harboring an assassin."

"What kind of assassin is he harboring?" Yao Yao smiled wryly, "their father and son are exactly the same."

"Ma'am, I advise you to be more cautious and not go to the execution ground. You are a weak woman, and it is useless to go there."

Wan He suddenly said, "Ma'am, we are willing to go through life and death for you! We can rob the execution ground for you."

"Yes! We are willing to fight for you!"

Yao Yao suppressed their hands, "You are the last bargaining chip in the emperor's hand, so you can't move easily. After the emperor wakes up, you will need to rely on you to find the emperor's troops at the first time."

After General Song led the enemy away, his life and death remained uncertain. He and his Imperial Forest Army, with [-] people, disappeared as soon as they said they disappeared?That is impossible!Must have been detained somewhere.

After thinking for a while, Yao Yao said softly, "Xinyuan, I have something to ask for your help."

"Please speak, ma'am."

"It could be dangerous..."

"Madam, don't worry about my safety. I have been working hard for my mother's blood feud all my life. As long as Madam can help me realize my wish, even if it is death, I am willing."

Yao Yao responded silently, "I intend to let you replace the third prince. I will take you to redeem my father!"

Xinyuan nodded without hesitation, "Okay! I am willing!"

"What are you willing to do? Don't mess around!" Qin Yilan pushed the door open, "Ma'am, what are you planning? Are you taking people to exchange hostages? Do you know who His Royal Highness is targeting? Do you think he will be satisfied as long as he wins the Third Prince?" Yet?"

Yao Yao looked back and whispered, "I know. But I think I can!"

"What can you do?"

"Walk in the rain without getting your shoes wet."

Qin Yilan snorted angrily, "I don't like your self-confidence. You don't worry about taking risks, I worry about it. Please stay in the mansion quietly, and I will take someone to rob the execution ground tomorrow."

Yao Yao turned her head away, unwilling to look at him.It seemed that something had been planned in my heart.

At noon the next day, Qin Yilan changed into her night clothes and summoned many guards in the mansion.

Yao Yao dragged Qin Yilan into the room and arranged his clothes, "Master Hou, if you use force, you will definitely see blood. For my father, it is not worth using so many troops to hurt your brothers. How can I bear it?"

"Then I can't stand idly by, let alone let you be a woman..." Qin Yilan suddenly got tongue-tied, and he looked at Yao Yao in surprise, "Madam! When will you...give me...down..."

Yao Yao smiled slightly, supported Qin Yilan who was about to fall, and proudly said, "My Meng'er is really ruthless, Lord Hou, you can't underestimate him!"

"Depend on--"

Yao Yao put the person on the table and lay down, straightened her clothes and went out.

A group of men in black saw that the master didn't come out, but the lady did, and they were embarrassed, "Ma'am? Where is the master? We have to go!"

Yao Yao waved her hand to suppress the bloody male Lang who was in a commotion, "If you don't fight and kill, this business is not worthwhile. We use tricks to seize people. You all stand still and wait for orders outside the palace. I will take Master Xinyuan to the meeting first. Your Highness."

"But ma'am—"

"Hush—" Yao Yao pressed her index finger to prevent them from speaking.

This booing really pushed them back ten steps, and they didn't dare to say anything.

After all, even Lord Hou couldn't stop what this woman decided.

Xinyuan drove the carriage and took her to the execution ground nervously.

Yu Wenhong stood guard in the center of the execution ground, looking around anxiously, he had a premonition that the woman would definitely come!

Sure enough, here she is!

He didn't bring any soldiers and horses, only a monk.

Oh, how interesting!
Go ahead to dangers.This woman is surprisingly courageous.


The moment Yao Yao showed up, she was stopped by everyone.

She jumped out of the carriage, took three steps forward, and looked sideways at the distressed father who was being suppressed on the guillotine, and the third aunt beside her father.

The second aunt was not inside.It seems that Second Sister's side concubine is not in vain.

It is good to have a relationship account!

Seeing the concerned look in her father's eyes, Yao Yao smiled peacefully in her heart.

Don't worry, Daddy, no matter how much estrangement there is between father and daughter, she can't just ignore him.And third aunt can't die, because she still has something she urgently needs in her hand, and she hasn't returned it to her yet!

(End of this chapter)

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