Chapter 247

The third sister lived a miserable life in the second prince's palace, but the second sister Yao Ying was full of pride.

Yao Yao also inquired about it, and the second aunt got the news before her father went to the execution ground, and forced her father to write her a letter of divorce, and hid back to Li's residence overnight to avoid disaster.

This move made Yao Wenwen so angry that he vomited blood.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when the disaster is imminent. I am afraid that this is the state.

Facing the cold-bloodedness of the second aunt, Zhao Xiang, the third aunt, was still by his side, which made him feel a little comforted.

But Yao Wenwen also knew in his heart that Zhao Xiang didn't leave because she had nowhere to go.

In addition to inquiring about her two younger sisters, she inadvertently found out that He Xiaolian was also being supported in the palace.

It's very strange, Your Highness is following her example and likes to raise so many idlers in the palace?Or, does he think that Miss He is Master Hou's first love, and that she still has some use value?Or, he was still thinking about wanting Master Hou and Miss He to have a fight in front of her, so as to satisfy his perverted desire for revenge?

Yao Yao threw money back to the palace, sat on the dressing table, opened it and took a look, and a heavy package appeared in the dressing box again.

She couldn't help smiling slightly.

This girl pretends to be a eunuch and mixes like a duck to water in the palace, doesn't she?

Yao Yao entered the palace alone, and didn't bring so much gold and silver with her. It was all given to her by a wealthy woman who pretended to be a eunuch in the palace.

It is said that after this girl pretended to be a eunuch, she ruined Mr. Jiang's reputation forever.Everyone in the palace knew that Master Jiang liked eunuchs and made leather drums.

A large number of maids ran in from outside the house, "Miss Yao, please take a shower and change clothes."

I don't know when, those maidservants changed their name to her girl instead of her wife.

Yao Yao doesn't like to resist, and obedience can give her more freedom, so she obediently went to take a bath and change clothes.

It's just that after taking a bath, she stepped out of the bathtub, but saw that the clothes were very revealing, and her face changed drastically, "What's going on? Why did you let me wear this kind of clothes."

Those maids didn't say a word, and held a posture that you like to wear or not.

Yao Yao had no choice but to wear extremely revealing clothes.

From the looks of it, tonight was a catastrophe for her!She has been at ease in the palace for a long time, so it is estimated that His Highness's patience has been worn out by her, right?
He had just changed his clothes and his hair was not dry when the door was pushed open.

Yu Wenhong stepped into the room, smelling the fragrance all over the room, a strong desire arose in his lower abdomen.

These days, his immobility has made him disheartened, thinking that maybe only this woman can cure him.

Sure enough, the fire of desire ignited in his heart, as if he wanted to break through that barrier of imprisonment.

Looking at the charming back of the woman, his breathing gradually became cloudy.

Yao Yao didn't dare to turn around to face him, and looked down at the clothes, it was really clear at a glance.

She had never worn this kind of clothes in front of Lord Hou, and this humiliation slapped her face several times!

Yao Yao went to the corner, touched the dagger she put under the dirty clothes, touched it, was it gone? ?
She panicked completely now.

"Heh!" Yu Wenhong snorted and laughed, "Don't look for it, someone took your dagger away. I can't let you keep threatening me with this thing!"

Yao Yao bit her red lips, and before turning her head, she was embraced by the man.

She gritted her teeth and struggled, "His Royal Highness, you are so vain about Chang Lun, the reputation spread..."

"It can't be passed on. Don't worry, if anyone dares to chew their tongues in the palace, I will cut off their tongues one by one."

Yao Yao's pupils dilated, "You! What are you trying to do??"

"I know you are a woman who pays attention to fame and integrity, so I'm trying to protect you, isn't that right?"

Isn't that right?
Does he know what he is doing?
Is he learning from the tyranny of the tyrant?Did he want her to experience her mother's pain at that time?Seeing a group of people die because of her?Let her bear the life debt of countless resentful souls?Guilty for a lifetime?
Yao Yao closed her eyes in pain.

Yu Wenhong hurriedly coaxed, "Yao'er, I've given you many days to think about it, and my patience is almost worn out by you. I can't wait any longer, so just tonight, give me a clear answer. Do you want to be sincere to me? ?”

Yao Yao slowly opened her eyes, and said softly, "It seems that I can't hide after all."

"Oh...and then?"

"Okay, I promise you!"

"Really?" Yu Wenhong turned her body excitedly, and asked, "Will you be the woman behind me? Yao'er, I promise you, I can give you all the rights you want except for your title! I……"

Before she finished speaking, Yao Yao suddenly frowned, and a mouthful of black blood spewed out of her mouth.

Yu Wenhong was taken aback, "What's going on?"

Yao Yao was also shocked, she raised her eyes and stared at him, "You poisoned me?"

"I didn't! How could I poison you? It's too late for me to guarantee you. It's impossible to poison you."

Yao Yao wiped off the blood stains from the corner of her mouth, and said angrily, "That's right, then in this palace, besides you, who else will poison me?"

Yu Wenhong immediately thought of someone, "Could it be my concubine grandma? She..."

"Ouch—" Yao Yao snorted, clutching her mouthful of black blood, "I knew she couldn't tolerate me at all!"

After saying this, she threw her head back and fainted.

"Call the Imperial Physician! Damn it—call the Imperial Physician—"

The palace boiled up.

Yao Yao lay unconscious on the bed, struggling in pain.

Doctor Chen gave her silver needles to slow down the poison, with a sad expression on his face.

"Doctor, how is Yao'er?"

Doctor Chen stroked his beard and said, "This poison is rare and difficult to treat. I'm afraid that the entire imperial palace will not be able to detoxify with such certainty."

Yu Wenhong's face turned pale, "Then what should we do?"

Imperial Physician Chen hurriedly said, "I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"You said."

"Your Highness, you can go to find the owner of the Valley of Divine Medicine. He has excellent medical skills, maybe he can detoxify Madam."

Yu Wenhong hurriedly asked, "Where is he?"

"It just so happens that this old slave met him outside the palace a while ago. I was lucky enough to have a chat with him, and I know that he is now living in seclusion in the woods behind the west gate outside the palace. The old slave can bring someone to invite him, but the owner of the valley has a bad temper. It's not very good, I don't know if I can be moved."

"The prince will invite you in person!" Yu Wenhong said with a ferocious face, "If he dares not come, and no one will save my woman, I will let him be buried with my woman!"

The woman on the bed slightly opened her eyelids, and she heard his words verbatim.

Yao Yao wondered, since when did this man pay so much attention to her?
Thinking that all three thousand beauties were tamed by him before, but recently he defended her like a jade?Not a single woman?How strange!

This mouthful of poisonous blood invited Gu Guzhu, a miracle doctor who lives in seclusion in the deep mountains, into the palace.

The owner of the valley arrived, and the news spread throughout the palace in an instant.Everyone was curious to see the demeanor of Master Gu, but the man who came here wore a white mask and refused to show his true colors.What a pity!
No one knows Gu Zhu's age and appearance, but only Gu Zhu's tall and straight figure and imposing manner.

Now let's see how the Gu Master's medical skills are.

When the masked man sat on the head of the bed, he took his pulse with his hand for a moment, pulled out the silver needle, and stuffed the elixir into the woman's mouth.


A mouthful of poisonous blood was forced out, and Yao Yao woke up immediately.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it, "This—"

There is really no one with this medical skill.

(End of this chapter)

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