Chapter 25

Hearing this, He Lanyu thumped and knelt down, "Master Hou! Absolutely not! Ganoderma lucidum is too...too precious!"

Qin Yilan nodded, "Of course I want it. The gift from the second lady was lost, and I must repay it a hundred times to be worthy of Master He's majesty."

"No, no, no, my lord, I, I—"

It's over, I will definitely be beaten to death by my father when I go home now, and I will die thoroughly.

"Second Miss, remember to tell Mr. He after returning home. In the future, Mr. He doesn't need to come to the Hou Mansion to give gifts. The Qin family can't afford it."

This sentence meant to drive the He family to a dead end!

Yao Yao looked at Qin Yilan speechlessly.

She thought that she was excellent at doing things, but she didn't expect that Master Hou was even better at doing things than her.He didn't intend to give the He family a way out at all.

She thought he should have come back long ago, and hid in the crowd to peek for a long time. Before she suppressed the servant and he didn't show up to speak, when she took out the dowry to pay for it, he came forward to stop her.

From the looks of it, he supports her in running the family, and also protects her so that her dowry money will not be damaged.

Sure enough, she married the wrong man, and this man was always thinking about her.

Yao Yao blushed and smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Looking back, Second Miss He was almost dragged into the carriage and forced to go back to He's house.This matter is so big, it is estimated that He Lanyu was pressed at the door by her father and slapped He Lanyu before she entered the door.

In the evening of the same day, the He family kept sending people over to thank Li and apologize to no avail, and they were all blocked outside the gate.

After Yao Yao heard this, she couldn't help snickering, "These people like to throw stones at their own feet."

Meng Tao laughed comfortably, "I heard that the second young lady was beaten by her father until her butt blossomed. It is estimated that she will not be able to bear it in three to five years."

"En." Yao Yao quietly embroidered.

Meng Tao hurriedly said, "By the way, Miss, do you want to investigate the person who stole Polygonum multiflorum? Otherwise, if the thief won't be caught for a day, I think my reputation is not worth it. I guess those servants will say that I stole it. "

The embroiderer's hand gave a hard stop, Yao Yao sighed and shook her head after thinking about it, "That's the end of this matter, I don't plan to investigate any further. Meng Tao, please forgive me. As long as you know, I absolutely believe in you. "

Meng Tao's eyes flickered, and she nodded hurriedly, "Well, it doesn't matter if others doubt me, as long as the master believes in me."

Hong Luo, who was busy arranging flower decorations in the corner, was thinking solemnly.

Didn't you take back the key in Meng Tao's hand?

What is Missy thinking?According to common sense, if such a big thing as the loss of Polygonum multiflorum is lost, the eldest lady should investigate thoroughly to the end, and the Mengtao key is not good for custody, so it will be confiscated directly.But the eldest lady didn't check, and she didn't punish her, so she just made a big show in the Hou's mansion.

Did she already guess that she stole the medicine?
If she has already guessed that she is playing tricks, shouldn't she be exposed and punished?Last time she was fined for so long just for saying a few good things to Zhang Huiyi, but this time she didn't care.How strange.

Meng Tao asked softly, "Miss, the noble young man who came to the house today looks a bit like a prince."

When Hong Luo heard this, her eyes lit up instantly, "Prince? The one who entered the mansion with Lord Hou just now is the prince?"

Yao Yao looked up at her and said softly, "Yes."

Hong Luo blushed instantly, "Miss, we have to entertain the distinguished guests when they come to visit."

Yao Yao shook her head and said, "It's nothing to do with me. Master Hou will entertain him."

Meng Tao said suddenly, "Master Hou is very imposing today. When he appeared on the stage at the right time, he made the servant look crazy. I never thought that a blind man could be so handsome."

Yao Yao was speechless, "Mengtao, keep your mouth shut."

"Ah——I'm sorry Missy, I was outspoken, and I made a mistake." How dare you call Master Hou blind?Her ass hurts, doesn't she?Meng Tao said with a playful smile, "Miss must reward Lord Hou well."

Yao Yao listened and smiled knowingly, "It's really worth it. Let's go, let's go to the small kitchen to make pastries."

"Servant help you." Hong Luo hurriedly rolled up her sleeves and followed.

Yao Yao wore a veil on her face, but she couldn't help coughing despite inhaling the dust, "cough cough cough..."

Meng Tao handed over the water glass and said, "Miss, drink some water."


While drinking water, Yao Yao heard Hong Luo blushing, and shyly said, "I never thought that the crown prince would be so handsome, he really deserves to be the future prince! I heard that he is also good at riding and shooting horses, not at all. Lose the champion of martial arts."

After drinking the water and continuing to knead the dough, Yao Yao exerted all her strength.

This is her thank you gift to Lord Hou, and it must be done delicately.

Hong Luo is also making cakes, but her mind is not on the cakes at all. She turned her head to Yao Yao and said, "Miss, next time you enter the palace, you promise me, you have to take me there. You can't do it every time." Only take Mengtao."

Yao Yao only entered the palace twice, but each time she brought Mengtao and not her.She didn't feel uncomfortable before, but now that she thinks about it, she always feels that there is something wrong with it.

Yao Yao said softly, "There are more rules in the palace than outside the palace. Especially in the harem, when you meet those concubines and empresses, they will slap you both because of your beauty."

Hong Luo was taken aback, "Huh? Is it so fierce? It's also a mistake to be beautiful!"

Isn't this a disguised compliment that she is more beautiful than Meng Tao?After hearing this, Hong Luo finally felt much better.

Two furnaces of pastries are out of the pan, and they are served on a plate for comparison.

The Xiaojiabiyu made by Hongluo and Yaoyao's are simply resplendent and resplendent, with perfect shapes and colors.

Hong Luo glanced at it secretly, and said sourly, "Missy is good at craftsmanship. Making a pastry is like a sculpture. If you serve it out, I'm afraid that Master Hou will not dare to eat it."

Yao Yao smiled contentedly.

But in the next second, Hong Luo said, "Hey, it's a pity, Lord Hou can't see it. What's the use of the pastries made by the young lady no matter how beautiful they are?"

As soon as these words came out, Yao Yao's expression froze instantly, and she looked at the pastry in her hand in disappointment.

Seeing this, Mengtao glared at Hongluo fiercely, and said, "It's okay, Master Hou can't see it, but he can touch it! It's also pleasing to touch!"

Yao Yao suddenly smiled, "Yes, he said he is very accurate, he will definitely be able to feel it. Let's send it to him."


In the gazebo in the garden, two men sit facing each other drinking tea and playing chess.

Because Qin Yilan couldn't see, when playing chess, the book servant Zimo would help call Luozi at any time.

Every time Yu Wenhong played chess with him, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The third brother played this blindfold game really neatly, never made a mistake, and he was also very skilled in chess. He played chess while reading a book.

If there was nothing wrong with Qin Yilan's eyes, considering his talent, it is estimated that all the girls in the capital would be crazy about him.

Let's just say that the two young ladies of the He family are deeply in love with him.Jealous of Yao Yao's position as Mrs. Qin Yilan, all kinds of difficulties can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Yu Wenhong couldn't help but think of what happened at the gate of the Hou's Mansion.

That woman looks weak and sick, but she has a strong aura when she manages people. To be honest, she is more than enough to be a queen.

If she becomes the empress, there must be no bloody storm in the emperor's harem.

It's a pity that she is not in good health, she is seriously ill, and she will die soon.

regret!What a pity!
Qin Yilan noticed that Yu Wenhong was in a daze, but he could guess his thoughts just by glancing at him from the corner of the eye.

This man is thinking about his wife.

"Cough cough cough..."

In the distance, before anyone arrived, the sound of coughing came first.

Qin Yilan happened to catch a glimpse of Yu Wenhong's dull pupils, which instantly brightened.

Qin Yilan straightened his face.

What is she here for?Can't you just hide in your room if you're not in good health?
(End of this chapter)

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