Chapter 254

After being summoned into the palace, Qin Yilan stepped forward to take a look, and saw Yao Yao short of breath, sweating profusely, and his heart ached from guilt.

He is so bad!

Such indulgence, don't even consider whether she can bear it or not.

Yu Wenhong hurriedly said, "Help me see her, is there anything wrong?"

Qin Yilan sat on the bed and took a pulse, "Qi deficiency, high fever."

"Is it just a high fever? Is there any other problem?"

"No. Prepare some good medicine for her to drink and she will be fine."

"Okay!" Yu Wenhong breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's prescribe the medicine and ask someone to decoct it."


In less than an hour, the medicine bowl came over.

Yao Yao also just woke up, her whole body was hot and she knew that the injured part was more painful, and her waist couldn't move, as if it would shatter if she moved.

Yu Wenhong took the medicine and sat on the bed, flattering him, "Yao Yao, drink the medicine."

"I won't drink—" She turned her head and refused to look at him.

Yu Wenhong said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I was confused last night."

Speaking of this, he suddenly panicked, "Last night... Yaoer, how did you detoxify yourself?"

When Yao Yao heard this, she turned around angrily, "Get out——"

Yu Wenhong frowned and said, "There was an assassin attack last night, did you get killed by that assassin?"

The more he said, the colder his heart became, and he stretched out his hand to pull her quilt, "Let me check."

Yao Yao's face turned pale, "Go away - don't touch me -"

"Check it out for me! If the assassin humiliates you, I must dig him out and whip his corpse out!"

Qin Yilan saw that Yu Wenhong was about to go crazy, and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, it may be my master."

Yu Wenhong was startled, and turned his head to stare at him, "Your master?"

"Well. I went to see the little monk's injury before, and before it was my turn to do it, the hamstring was spliced. This skill can only be done by my master."

Yu Wenhong exhaled, "Could it be that your master attacked me too?"

"Maybe! My master is more warm-hearted and doesn't want others to be poisoned in front of him."

Yu Wenhong was very embarrassed, "Oh, I really thank him, old man. I really like to meddle in my own business."

Yu Wenhong thought of the concubine's grandma, and muttered, "Since he came to the palace, why didn't he go see my grandma?"

"I am not sure as well."

"Forget it, I don't want to participate in the grievances and hatreds of the older generation." Holding the medicine bowl, Yu Wenhong coaxed the woman on the bed, "Be good, girl, you are sick. Drink the medicine quickly."

"I won't drink, get out—" Yao Yao's stubborn temper came out, who can stop it?

Qin Yilan stepped forward and said, "How about I persuade you?"

When will his daughter-in-law have to be coaxed by other men to drink medicine?He's mad at him!

Yu Wenhong thought about it, and felt that she should listen to what the doctor said, so he stepped aside, "You try."

Qin Yilan took the medicine bowl, sat on the bed, and whispered softly, "Madam, it's important to drink up the medicine!"

Who knew that the temper of the woman on the bed was even more explosive, she raised her hand and smashed the medicine bowl on the ground, and even sprinkled the man all over.

Qin Yilan backed away in fright, her eyes widened.

Seeing this, Yu Wenhong laughed loudly, "It's nothing more than mediocre. You'd better get out of the way! I'll coax her!"

Qin Yilan stopped her hand and said, "Your Highness, why don't you slow down first? She is in a fit of anger, so don't make her angry anymore. Getting angry is not good for her injury. This woman is weak, and she might vomit blood if she is weak."

Thinking of Yao Yao's experience of vomiting blood several times, Yu Wenhong hurriedly nodded in response, "Master Gu is right, Yao'er, rest well, I won't bother you anymore. I will decoct the medicine for you again, and you can take the medicine while it is hot." Drink it, don't be angry with me! I promise, I won't treat you like this in the future."

A good one should be.

Qin Yilan almost rolled her eyes and stared at him to death.

Although he was very happy to pick up a ready-made bargain last night, the sense of crisis is too strong!Watching over this bastard who peeped at his wife every day.It really seemed to poison him to death directly!

After Yu Wenhong left, Qin Yilan didn't dare to approach the bed, and looked at the febrile and convulsive woman on the bed from a distance, feeling pain...and...and itching.

He still couldn't help but think of last night's debauchery, what to do!He felt like he couldn't control himself again.

The maid outside the door brought a second bowl of soup, Qin Yilan took the soup and said, "I'll give it to Madam, she's in a bad mood, don't bother her rest, stay away."


Qin Yilan blew on the soup, slowly moved to the bed, and whispered, "Ma'am, I was wrong last night, I admit my mistake, and I apologize, okay?"


She can give him a hum, which is already a great deal of face.

Qin Yilan coaxed, "It's not that I don't give my wife the medicine, it's that the concubine's medicine is too strong. My master said that he can't even cure the poison, and can only rely on the man's body."

After hearing this, Yao Yao turned around and stared at her, "Who said that?"

"My master told me. His antidote is useless!"

Yao Yao said angrily, "Have you tried it?"

"Since it doesn't work, why try?"

"Master Hou, you really want to piss me off, don't you? The medicine is effective and ineffective. You have to try it. You have no intention of detoxifying me. Your mind is only thinking about these nonsense!"

Qin Yilan said speechlessly, "Ma'am, how can this be called a bad thing? This is the way of loving husband and wife!"

"You love me and I want to be called affection, but you are just wishful thinking. Is this called affection?"

Qin Yilan's voice suddenly became hoarse, and he asked in a deep voice, "So...was it my wishful thinking all along?"

Yao Yao also lost her voice. After a few moments of silence, she gasped and said, "I don't like you treating me like that. And on that occasion..."

Qin Yilan was very disappointed, she approached with a medicine bowl and coaxed, "Drink the medicine. Don't get angry with me, okay?"

Yao Yao was still angry, she turned her head awkwardly, "I don't drink it. It's fine if you're sick, so you won't be peeped by some beasts."

How did he feel that the animal she was talking about didn't just refer to Yu Wenhong, but also included him?
The words wishful thinking lingered in his heart for a long time.

He lowered his head and looked down, thinking for a long time.

Thinking about protecting her for so many years since she was a child, and using all despicable methods to protect her in his arms, but in the end, she still didn't warm her heart. How can this sense of loss be filled?

He slowly took off the mask, stepped forward and put his arms around her head, then drank the soup, lowered his head and poured it into her hard.

"Well——" Yao Yao pushed the man on her body and shouted, "Master Hou cough—what are you doing?"

Qin Yilan licked the medicine stains at the corner of his mouth, "I'm more addicted to giving you medicine like this. Ma'am, you are right, I admit that I have the inheritance of violence from the Yuwen family in my body. When I lose control occasionally, I really can't control myself .”

After the words fell, he poured her another sip of the soup.

"Ahem - I drink it myself - I drink it myself!" She compromised.

Yao Yao stood up strongly, took the soup bowl and poured it for herself, "It's all right!"

Qin Yilan took the empty bowl and reached out to touch her hot cheek, "You...are you more happy than me? Don't ask for more, one point is enough!"

Facing the man's persistent eyes, Yao Yao turned her head shyly, "I don't even know what stupid question you are asking. Lord Hou, if you have time, please help me to see little master Xinyuan. His hamstring is really injured. Are you ready?"

Qin Yilan sighed, "Yeah. Everyone else is fine, but you are not good. You either vomit blood or roll all over the floor in two or three days. You are so anxious that I am going to have gray hair all over my head."

(End of this chapter)

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