Chapter 256

With so many people besieging him alone, he can still hold on, which shows that he is really good at kung fu.

But his kung fu is so excellent, it stands to reason that he should be able to escape with ease, but he refuses to escape!
There is only one reason, his heart is still in the palace, if his heart is not gone, how can he be willing to go?
Yu Wenhong waved his hand, and a woman was pulled out from behind the curtain. He grabbed her with his palm and strangled her neck.

Qin Yilan looked back and was distracted, and was kicked twice by a lama.

The person fell to the ground and rolled around, barely holding on.

An object on his body slowly fell.

He panicked and stretched out his hand to grab it. Those lamas surrounded him again and slashed at his front and back with two knives.

"don't want--"

Yao Yao shouted in a hurry.

With her shouting, the lama guards stopped their hands. They turned to look at Yao Yao, and they still had a defense line of money in their hearts.

Damn it, they all took her money, and her order was like a spell, so they had to stop.

Yu Wenhong was not impatient either. He looked at the hairpin that had fallen to the ground and sneered, "Oh, good stuff! Take it here!"

The eunuch hurried over, picked up the hairpin and handed it to Yu Wenhong.

Yu Wenhong pinched Yao Yao's neck with one hand and the hairpin with the other, and asked Yao Yao, "I heard that you gave this hairpin to him? There is still a treasure hidden in it? What kind of treasure is it?"

Yao Yao bowed her head and said nothing, her eyes resentful.

Yu Wenhong asked Qin Yilan, "Third brother! Tell me, what is in this hairpin?"

Qin Yilan clutched his wound and said nothing.

Silence for a long time.

Yu Wenhong laughed suddenly, "I guess you probably don't even know yourself, right? This girl likes to play mystery! I'm really curious, what kind of treasure she hid in your hairpin. See if it's worth it." It's not worthy of your cherishment, and because of it, I was hacked twice."

Qin Yilan clenched her fists tightly, feeling heavy in her heart.

To be honest, he also wanted to know the answer.

The hairpin was always in his hands, and he didn't want to smash it, and he felt itchy if he didn't smash it, and he has been patient until today.

If Yu Wenhong smashed the hairpin cruelly, it might be able to solve the confusion in his heart.

So he didn't plan to stop it.

I saw Yu Wenhong raised his hairpin high and threw it on the ground viciously.


The hairpin shattered to the ground.


The breeze blew gently, and the things in the hairpin floated out.

"Hair, hair??"

Everyone stared at the fluttering hair, speechless and shocked.

There is hair hidden in the hairpin?

Qin Yilan's pupils dilated instantly, looking at the fluttering hair, he suddenly realized!
This!What does it mean?
Yu Wenhong's face turned pale, and he groaned while shaking his fingers, "Having hair? Is that what you mean?"


That's right!
It's a knot!She wholeheartedly wanted to be his first wife, so she gave him such a token of love!
Qin Yilan's heart fluttered in a trance, his trembling hands could not conceal his ecstasy.

It turned out that when she gave him this gift, she had already secretly promised him with her heart!He also foolishly kept begging her for a little love.

Who knows, what she gave him was not just one point, but everything!

Seeing that the little secret in her heart was exposed, Yao Yao bowed her head shyly, not daring to watch the man on the other side.But she was also worried about his injuries, so she raised her head and looked at him with concern, but only saw the man's affectionate and complacent eyes, which made her feel ashamed again.

When Yu Wenhong saw that the two of them were eyeing each other, he became angry.

He grabbed Yao Yao's hair and pulled her gaze back to him.

"Tell me, do you want to save him?"

Yao Yao asked coldly, "What do you want?"

"Follow me, obey me, and I'll let him go! Otherwise, he won't survive tonight."

Yao Yao shook her head, "No! You can't do it!"

"I can do it! Here are all my people! As long as I order!"

Yao Yao stretched out her hand, stuffed it into her mouth, and whistled.

The sky was dark and a large flock of birds flew in, and the birds disappeared after a while after circling.

Yu Wenhong narrowed his eyes and asked, "What did you do?"

"Rescue soldiers." Yao Yao said indifferently, "This world is not yours. If you don't tame all your subjects, there will be people who will resist you. Lord Hou, I must protect him from worries, but I won't either. Compromise with you!"

The moment the voice fell, a large number of men in black flew over the palace wall.

The moment the man in black landed, many lama guards were killed by them.

Yu Wenhong gasped slightly, "They are!"

"Red Ridge Cavalry."

Yu Wenhong was stunned, "It really is the iron cavalry of the Hongling family! Damn it—"

Yu Wenhong yelled at the people in black, "I am the crown prince of the royal family! You rebels should be loyal to our royal family, why are you rebelling?"

Wan He walked up to the nave step by step in the blood, "We don't know why we were exterminated and forced to embark on the path of rebellion. But we all know one thing! The former royal family did one thing wrong! We The executioner is burdened with a lot of debts. It is too heavy! So we want to choose to save the world now! Your Royal Highness, someone told us that she is right and you are wrong. We choose the right side , Abandon the wrong side. That's all!"

The men in black hacked down the corpses of the guards one by one and turned them into a city wall of corpses. With the power of a thousand cavalry, they are so magnificent and domineering.

Wan He knelt on the ground, stabbed a knife in his side, and said, "His Royal Highness, please let Lord Hou and Madam Hou go, and let them go. I, Wan He, are willing to offer this head as an apology with death!"

Yu Wenhong's eyes were scarlet, and he yelled, "What do I want your head to do! You are worthless! Cavalry, let me tell you, no matter how strong you are, you are only a few hundred people. If I take the imperial power, dozens Wan Dajun is nothing to worry about! If you dare to fight against me, I will destroy all of you! All of you!"

Wan He sighed helplessly, he could only draw his sword and look at Yao Yao, "Madam Hou, please tell me."

Yao Yao groaned, "Take him away."

Qin Yilan hurriedly shouted, "Let's go together! I will never leave you alone in the palace!"

Wan He looked at Qin Yilan, then at Yao Yao, feeling entangled.


Whom should I listen to?

Yao Yao yelled at Qin Yilan, "I can only drag you down by your side. Lord Hou, I'm just a woman, and I can't achieve any hegemony for you. If you leave me, you won't be tied down. Be obedient, the emperor needs you, your father needs you." You. You are needed for the entire pilgrimage! Come on, don’t drag yourself down because of my burden.”

"Don't be silly! I have worked hard all my life, not for others, but only for you. If you leave, I don't care what the world becomes!"

Qin Yilan snatched the sword from Wan He's hand and said, "I must take my wife away. If you don't want to, you can leave on your own."

After a moment of silence, Wan He nodded in response, "I will accompany you to the end! Kill me—"

The scene became hectic again.

When Yu Wenhong saw this, his heart became even colder. The woman he loved, whose life was clearly in his hands, dared to talk affectionately to his man, how could this be called him?

Yu Wenhong immediately took out the dagger and pressed it tightly to the woman's neck.

Yao Yao groaned in pain.

The scene froze again.

Qin Yilan shouted in horror, "What are you doing?"

Yu Wenhong smiled slightly, "Third brother, do you think I really won't kill her?"

Qin Yilan clenched her fists and clenched her teeth, not daring to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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