Chapter 261

Occasionally, there were a few clashes of swords and swords in the misty forest, and the guard hurriedly came to report, "Your Highness, it's Master Yao, leading someone to pass through the pass. Do you want to pursue it?"

Yu Wenhong snorted, "Just send a few people there, my target is still in the mountains, keep besieging me. Strange, why can't I enter this valley?"

A lama said, "It seems to be a formation. With the fog and miasma protecting the mountain, it is very difficult to enter."

Yu Wenhong asked angrily, "Who can enter?"

The lama said, "I remember that there was an abbot who knew this, so I had to bring him here..."

"Don't go soon!"


Yao Yao listened to their conversations one by one.

Her voice came out from the mist, "Your Highness, don't worry. I'm here!"

Yu Wenhong's eyes lit up instantly, "Come out!"

Yao Yao emerged from the mist little by little, her elegant posture was like a fairy descending from the clouds and mist, her whole body exuded that inviolable fairy air.Especially those bright and piercing eyes, which seem to be able to lock people's hearts and souls.

Yu Wenhong looked straight again, stretched out his hand, and shouted, "Come back to the palace with me."

Yao Yao smiled indifferently, "It's rare to escape, how could you go back?"

"Your third sister is still in my hands. Don't you want to save her?"

"It's not such an important person. Let me see if I can save it or not. After all, the emperor is more important than her, and the Marquis is more important than her. All interests are based on the royal family."

With no other chips in his hand, Yu Wenhong was so angry that his teeth itched!
"I'm besieged here, you can't escape, don't you want to be trapped by me in the mountains?"

Seeing his men and horses surrounding him, Yao Yao immediately reprimanded, "Don't move, I still have cavalry beside me."

Covered by fog, the cavalry did not show up. They didn't know how many cavalry there were, and thought there were still hundreds of escorts. The guard lamas retreated one after another, not daring to act rashly.

Yao Yao spoke kindly to Yu Wenhong, "Why does Your Highness have to be so persistent with me? People look as if you are very affectionate. Isn't it a joke to say it?"

"It seems affectionate? Yao'er, you heartless woman, haven't you noticed that I treat you differently? If it's about women, I won't even take a second look at the woman I Yu Wenhong wants. Alone, even if I had a relationship with you, I will never forget it, and I still want to..."

Yao Yao couldn't hold back anymore, and said, "No! Your Highness, don't tarnish my reputation anymore. I didn't have any relationship with you that night. The woman you had a one-night relationship with was the maid I brought with me! I stood outside the house and listened to your affection all night."

After the words fell, Yu Wenhong's face gradually became grim, "Yao Yao, tell me, you lied to me just now, right? Tell me quickly, you lied to me, right?"

Yao Yao's eyes moved slightly, and the corners of her mouth smiled, "That night, I asked her to wear the same clothes as me, apply the same ointment as me, and be my substitute. The deal I made with you, but afterwards , your shameless behavior really makes me despise you. How can such a sentimental man be affectionate? "

Yu Wenhong went crazy, "You wicked woman! How dare you play with me?"

"Your Highness, don't you want to play with me? Knowing that I am your brother's woman, you don't even bother to think about it. Like a father, like a son."

Yu Wenhong clenched his fists tightly, not wanting to be humiliated by her again, and said angrily, "Set fire to the mountain! I will tear you and your man to pieces!"

Yao Yao covered her neck, her voice became more and more hoarse, the pain was unbearable, she didn't have the strength to argue with him anymore, and slowly disappeared into the mist.

The moment the torch was lit, the guardian mountain god appeared to stop it.

Qiao Fu stepped on a broken branch and slowly walked out of the fog. As soon as he came out, there was a shout, "Who the hell dares to act wild on my territory?"

Yu Wenhong roared wildly, "Dare to call yourself Lao Tzu in front of His Majesty? What kind of bastard are you?"

The one-eyed man narrowed his eyes, "She called you Your Highness just now? Then you should be Yu Wenhong, Yuwen Dongyue's eldest son, right?"

"Is your Highness's name also your name?"

The one-eyed man suddenly burst out laughing, "Hahaha... I thought it was some kind of god who went down to fight and severely injured the little trash surnamed Qin? You were the trash who messed with it for a long time? It seems that the little trash surnamed Qin The trash is nothing more than mediocre."

Yu Wenhong said speechlessly, "Are you really not afraid of death? Don't think that you can live in peace by hiding in the gossip formation. The world is so big that there are countless capable people and strange people. , more than enough for me to level.”

The one-eyed man still had an evil and arrogant smile, "Yu Wenhong, let me tell you a secret, do you want to hear it?"

Yu Wenhong narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Let me hear your last words."

The one-eyed man snorted and said, "Your younger brother Yu Wenqin, do you know the origin of his word Qin?"

Yu Wenhong was taken aback, "How would I know this?"

"Then let me tell you! The son born to Chen Shujia is not her and the emperor's."

Yu Wenhong was stunned, "Did Yaoer tell you about this? I already know about it, so I don't need you to tell me about it."

Qiao Fu continued, "Did Yao Yao tell you that Yu Wenqin's biological father is a child of the Qin family!"

When Yao Yao heard this, she immediately covered her mouth.

What rice?

A child of the Qin family?Which Qin family? ? ? ?
Yu Wenhong also asked the same question, "Which Qin family?"

"Which other Qin family? Qin Houqing's cousin."

Wait, Qin Yilan doesn't have a cousin.

Uh, no, it's Qin Yan, the father-in-law. He has a cousin. He was also a marquis before he was made a duke. They call him Qin Houqing.

Yao Yao suddenly realized that it was no wonder Concubine Chen was favored all the time. The reason was because Qin Yan and the emperor knew her secret, and Concubine Chen also knew the secret that the emperor was not the emperor. The two concealed each other and helped each other.

Yu Wenhong also understood, and squeaked, "It turns out that the second younger brother's father was the deceased Prime Minister of Qin Nai. So his name is Yu Wenqin?"

The one-eyed man smiled and said, "Then, guess how your Yu Wenhong came about?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenhong flew into a rage, "You're farting! I'm my father's own son!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The one-eyed man's loud laughter made everyone around him tremble with fear.

Yao Yao's face was also full of shock, she was immersed in the frightening fact and couldn't extricate herself.

Not to mention Yu Wenhong, his expression is almost crazy now, his shaking head kept shaking, "Don't laugh! You are not allowed to laugh anymore!"

"Yu Wenhong, your father had two right-hand men at the time, one was the civil official Qin Nai, and the other was the general Hongling Jishui. Hongling Jishui was the leader of the Hongling family. Enemy, in order to win over these two iron brothers, your father is willing to let his women serve them. Your father doesn't like those concubines, so when they are in the same room, he takes medicine by himself. It is impossible for your mother and concubine to conceive your father's child , so he knew in his heart that the children conceived by the two women were not his! Yu Wenqin was given the name Qin, and your Yu Wenhong, you know the origin of the name, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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