Chapter 267

As soon as Zimo came out of the emperor's room, he opened the door and saw that Yao Yao was standing outside the door waiting.He choked hard, "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't condone Meng'er testing the emperor's medicine in private, I didn't even know about it. Don't blame me."

"How come!" Yao Yao beckoned, and two servants behind her came over with clothes, "Zimo, I made you a new set of clothes, come on, you can try to see if it fits or not."


Zimo took the clothes and was about to enter the house, Yao Yao raised her legs to follow.

He looked back in horror, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

"I want to see if the clothes fit or not."

Zimo smiled awkwardly, "Master, can I show you after I change it?"

"Why are you ashamed as a big man? I'm not ashamed at all. Take it off, just take it off here."

Zimo said speechlessly, "Master, I'm not worried about your being ashamed, what I'm afraid of is that you won't be able to pass the test of Master."

Yao Yao suddenly tensed up, and layers of fear flashed in her pupils.

Zimo said with a sly smile, "Master, you can't overturn that vinegar jar. If you want to overturn it, you are the one who suffers!"

Yao Yao's terrified expression slowly subsided, layers of black lines flashed across her forehead, just when Zimo thought she would turn around and leave, she heard her say, "Come on, take off his clothes for me. "

"Huh?" Zimo looked back in horror, "Master—you——"

Yao Yao snorted, "I want to see what he can do with me! Can he turn the world upside down?"

"Huh??? Hey-don't-don't-don't-"

A large number of attendants rushed into the house, and the thieves grabbed their claws one after another.

"do not--"

After stripping off her clothes, Yao Yao waved her hands, "Grab your hair up."

The attendant grabbed Zimo's head and forced him to look up.

Zimo said in horror, "Ma'am? You are not going to make clothes for me! You are clearly interrogating a prisoner. What did I do wrong?"

Yao Yao stretched out her hand to pinch his chin, and said coldly, "It's the fault, you should mention your master in front of me."

No way?
In the past few days, how much anger has Master's wife held back in her stomach?There is no place to vent, just looking for an opportunity to vent all on him at once?
Yao Yao pinched Zimo's jaw and twisted it to the left and right. There was no trace on his neck or shoulders, "Pick him up."

"Ouch! Tap, tap—"

His thin body was mentioned by several strong men, and his feet almost left the ground.

Yao Yao turned around and looked carefully, but there was still nothing.

"Master, what are you looking for? It's freezing cold, Ah Chi—"

Yao Yao lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "Take off your pants, too."

"Ah? Mistress, you're crazy—I'm still a pure little virgin! Master——Master, Master——Master, help—"

The attendants forcibly took off Zimo's underpants, and pressed them hard on the ground.


The cold floor almost took his breath away.

Yao Yao took a closer look, and there was indeed a blood-red birthmark on the lower back of her waist.It is shaped like a two-tailed fox, with a red mole dripping blood in the middle.

After a long time, the third prince they were looking for turned out to be Zimo.

Zimo cried and yelled, "Master, where did I provoke you? How could you torment me like this—do you want my fame?"

"Put on your clothes." Yao Yao turned her head and said, covering her dark eyes.

I have been a little angry these days, and I really can't control my temper.After all, he is also the third son of the emperor, so he has to be more polite.

Seeing that Zimo was half dressed, he greeted Zimo, "Zimo, come here."

"Oh, here we come."

Being tossed by Yao Yao like this, he felt that he was more obedient.

Zimo pounced over without even putting on his clothes and asked, "What's the matter, Master?"

"Kneel down." Yao Yao looked at the emperor on the bed.

Zimo knelt down without asking why.

Yao Yao said, "Kowtow."

Zimo raised his eyes in embarrassment, "The emperor hasn't died yet! What kind of head am I kowtowing?"

"Knock it if you tell it to, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, knock it now."

Zimo hit his head on the floor.How, is it sincere enough?Mistress, please do me a favor, don't mess with him.

After knocking her head down, Yao Yao bent down and whispered to the unconscious old man on the bed, "Your Majesty, my wife helped you find your son."

"Huh?" Zimo stared in horror, his pupils almost popping out of their sockets.

What did the mistress say?Why didn't he understand?
The old man on the bed also twitched his fingers violently.

Yao Yao caught a glimpse of Yuwen Dongyue's trembling hands, and smiled slowly at the corner of her mouth, "Back then, my mother fled the palace with her aunt's son, and was chased and killed on the way, and fled to the mouth of the cliff. Only my nurse was found, my mother and the child were rescued by Master Hou's master. Master Hou didn't know that the apprentice entrusted to him by his master was your own son."

"Puff—cough cough—" Zimo's legs slowly softened, "No, no, no! Mistress, you are kidding me."

"Who's joking with you? After kowtowing, come on, call your father."

Zimo quickly stood up, "Master, don't play tricks on me!"

Zimo turned his head and was about to go outside the house.

Yao Yao waved her hand, "Catch it back!"

A group of people blocked the way, lifted Zimo's arm, and dragged him back into the house.

"Don't, don't, don't—Master—help—"

Zimo was pressed to kneel on the ground again.

Yao Yao stretched out her hand, gently grabbed his head, and smiled softly, "Come on, call me Emperor Father."


With a loud gulp, Zimo looked at the delicate and frail woman in front of him in horror, his breath was choked in his chest and he couldn't get it out!
Yao Yao squinted her eyes and whispered, "Be obedient, call Father Emperor!"

"No, this, this misidentification of the royal family and nobles is a serious crime of decapitation, decapitation!"

"That man of non-royal blood can dominate the world, why can't you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors? Your biological father, lying half dead on the bed at the moment, was killed by Yu Wenhong. Zimo, I need you to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan , you need to assume the identity of the third son of the emperor, so that Lord Hou and I can justify our name and formally raise troops in your name."

"But I..."

Yao Yao whispered, "I am your cousin."


"Your mother and my mother are sisters. You and I are blood relatives."


"You have the blood of the royal Yuwen family on your body, and you are also related to Lord Hou. I believe that with the teaching of Lord Hou, even if you have the blood of a tyrant, you should not lose justice. When you become the throne in the future, you will become my ideal wise king. Right? Zimo!"

Zimo blinked his tearful eyes, "Master...I can't take on this important task——"

Yao Yao threw away his hair and ordered, "Kowtow, kowtow until he calls Father--"

"Ah—don't—don't—Master, help—"

Qin Yilan had already arrived, and she was standing outside the house at the moment, with a face full of panic, wondering if she should go in and stop her.

But depending on the situation, he seems to be unable to intervene.

Qin Yilan stood outside the house in embarrassment, looking up from time to time to take a peek.

Poor Zimo was pinched by the shoulders and kowtowed head to head in front of the emperor.

"Help—I can't—I can't misidentify the royal family—help—"

"Continue knocking." Yao Yao simply held the chair, sat down quietly, and drank tea.

(End of this chapter)

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