Chapter 273

Li Xuexuan was placed in the firewood room, but this woman was too noisy, howling constantly in the middle of the night, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.If it wasn't for Zimosai's enough money, the two peasant couples wouldn't be able to take her in.

Zimo wanted to gag her, but it felt inhumane, so he thought about feeding her dumb medicine.A hesitation still startled Yao Yao.

Waking up from sleep, Yao Yao pushed the door out, looked at the firewood room and asked, "Who is locked in that room?"

The farmer came over with a medicine bowl and laughed, "It's our silly girl who has hysteria, so I locked her up."

Yao Yao's eyes flickered, she turned her head and said, "Zimo."

"Hey, Mistress."

Yao Yao asked, "There is a girl locked in that room, have you seen it?"

"No!" Zimo smiled awkwardly.

Yao Yao stared, "You are a doctor, and you didn't go to see the farmer's daughter who was suffering from hysteria?"


"Who is locked in that room?" The voice became more and more familiar.Yao Yao vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

Zimo replied helplessly, "It's your second aunt."

"Li Shi?"


"Strange, why is she here?"

Zimo muttered awkwardly, "I heard that I followed your father's trail."

"My father is around here too?"

Yao Yao thought for a while, "It is indeed possible. Zimo, go and find out for me and find out where my father is."

Zimo nodded, "Okay. That lady, that woman in the room, can I give her some dumb medicine?"

"No, let her howl. I'll go and see her later."

Zimo turned his head and told Little Slender Brother, "Be careful, don't let Master Mistress walk around, I will go back as soon as I go."


After Zimo left, Yao Yao went to the door of the firewood room, opened a crack in the door, and looked at the women in the room.

Shouldn't this woman who betrayed her father be happy in the palace?

The ragged woman in the room was half awake, clutching her neckline, rolling and howling, "—all go away—beast—go away—don't touch me——"

Hearing this voice, there is no need to explain, Yao Yao knows what Li Shi has experienced.

"Don't touch my daughter—please—don't touch her—"

Yao Yao sighed deeply.

Is this the price of marrying the prince?

If she was the one who married the prince back then, would she have gotten the same result?

The more she thought about it, the colder Yao Yao's palms became.

"Husband, come and save me - save our daughter - save -"

Yao Yao looked sideways and asked Brother Xiangshou, "Is there any news from Master Hou?"

"No, Master Hou has only been away for half a day, so the results should not come so quickly. How is Madam? If you feel better, let's go back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors!"

Yao Yao shook her head in disgust, "It's too far away, if Lord Hou calls me for something, I won't be able to come back in time. I'd better stay here and wait for his news."

The woman in the room suddenly woke up, she heard Yao Yao's voice, her eyes widened in fear, "Who is outside?"

Yao Yao hurriedly turned to face the firewood room, only to see the door was opened with a bang, and the scarlet eyes of the disheveled woman gleamed.

"It's you!"

Yao Yao stepped back slightly, "Second Aunt, I..."

Before Yao Yao could speak, Li Xuexuan rushed over and grabbed her throat with both hands.


She rushed over so hard that both of them fell to the ground.

The little skinny brother was terrified, and hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing? Let go of my wife! Let go! Uncle and aunt, hurry up and help!"

The old man and the old lady hurried over to arrest people, but they don't know where Li Xuexuan got the strength to grab Yao Yao's throat and refuse to let go.

"I'm going to strangle you—I'm going to strangle you, bitch! It's all because of you, bitch! It's all because of you—if it wasn't for you—my daughter wouldn't be so miserable—"

"Well—" Yao Yao was pinched so hard that she couldn't even speak.

"Crazy woman—" The little skinny brother had no choice but to pick up a stone and smash it hard on the back of Li Xuexuan's head.


"Ah—" Li Xuexuan fell down.

Yao Yao clutched her stomach, saw a trace of blood spilling from between her legs, and shouted in fright, "Tell Zimo to come back!"

The little skinny brother was crying, "Well, I don't know which direction he is going. What should I do?"

Zimo knows how to do light work, and he ran away without a trace, how could the little thin brother keep up.

With a gray face, Yao Yao gritted her teeth and raised her hand to whistle.

A series of whistles came out.

Countless birds hovered in the sky, flying around.

This vision attracted many villagers to watch and whisper to each other.

"Help me up, go back to the house and let me lie down."

The little thin brother hurried to help others, and the farmer and his wife hurried to boil water, thinking that the woman might have a miscarriage.What a suffering child.

Li Xuexuan, who fell on the ground, slowly woke up after a moment of coma. In a daze, she saw Yao Yao's back, and her murderous aura slowly rose again, heading straight to her forehead.

She picked up the stone that the little skinny brother threw at her just now, walked quietly behind Yao Yao, raised her hand high, and was about to throw it down when she heard a loud shout from a distance, " stop--"

Everyone looked towards the gate of the fence, and saw a ferocious one-eyed man flying over with a saber in his hand, and slashed with it.


The woman behind Yao Yao was split in half.


The little skinny brother fell to the ground in fright.

Yao Yao lost her support and fell limply.

The one-eyed man stretched out his hand and held her firmly.

He looked down and saw blood oozing between her legs, and frowned.

When Yao Yao saw the man, the corners of her mouth parted and she smiled comfortably, "Uncle! Where are I and my mother?"

The one-eyed man snorted, "Annoyance! You are really annoyance! Get yourself settled first, don't keep looking for your mother."

The one-eyed man hurriedly carried her into the house, and said angrily, "Where is your husband? Why did you leave you alone in the wilderness?"

"Master Hou is looking for you, we saw the mark you left for us."

"What mark? I didn't give you a mark."

"It should have been left by my mother."

The one-eyed man narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "It's impossible for your mother to leave a mark for you! I'm going to take her to find a new place to live in seclusion. It's impossible to leave a mark for you to find."

When Yao Yao heard this, she panicked and stared, "Then who left that mark?"

"I don't know! Stop talking, I'm afraid the fetus will be lost."

Yao Yao's face turned even paler, and she felt that there were countless mountains in her heart that were about to crush her. She gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle, save my child. Please——"

"Then be quiet and shut up. I'll do my best!"

A few silver needles were taken out, and Yao Yao passed out after a stabbing pain in the back of her neck.

Zhao Sihuai then came, looking for the birds in the sky, standing outside the fence of the farmer's house, saw a dead body lying in the house at a glance, walked over with a solemn expression, and took a closer look.

I said a word in my heart.


How did she end up in this situation?
Zhao Sihuai hadn't recovered yet, only heard a call from behind.

"elder sister!"

The familiar voice made her pupils constrict.

But in the next second, she closed her eyes hard, tried her best to reverse her thoughts, and turned her head slowly.

At a glance, I saw an old man I hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhao Xiang.

And Yao Wenwen.

The two came hand in hand.

Zhao Xiang rushed over excitedly and cried, "Sister! You are not dead? Sister, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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