Chapter 291

The lieutenant twitched his lips, "Madam, what exactly do you want?"

Yao Yao stretched out a finger, "The first step, I need you to kneel down and kowtow to me unconditionally."

While talking, Yao Yao dropped the general's head on the ground, kicking and playing with one foot from time to time.

Wait for 3 minutes, no one is willing to kneel, because the lieutenant will not kneel.

They seem to have no reason to bow their heads to this woman!

The lieutenant sighed, "Ma'am, I am kind enough to negotiate with you!"

"No, I announced the result unilaterally. I have no intention of negotiating with you! Since no one agrees to the first step, let's move on to the second step. Release the women in the red tent and give them daggers. If they recognize the bastards who have abused them, let them kill as much as they want. No one is allowed to resist, and whether they can survive depends on whether the woman is willing to show mercy. If anyone dares to resist, he will be sentenced to death."

After listening to Yao Yao's order, a woman in a red tent was let out. Her clothes were in a mess and she was holding a bloody dagger in her hand. The woman's pupils were scarlet, and she threw herself into the crowd and cut anyone she saw.

"Die to me--to--"

A soldier didn't hold back, and pinned the woman under his feet with his backhand, but the next second, the soldier was stabbed in the throat by a short arrow and died.

All the soldiers stepped back several steps, not daring to get too close to the red tents.

So many people can hit the bull's-eye when surrounded by so many people. This shooting technique is really amazing.

Two soldiers ran over from outside and shouted, "Lieutenant General, the camp is surrounded."

The lieutenant turned pale and hurriedly asked, "The outside world is surrounded? How many troops are here?"

"It's not the army, it's the civilians. There are a lot of people. They lit torches and surrounded our army. The messengers who reported the news were all squatted and killed!"


Yao Yao snorted and said, "Don't be surprised, you are forcing the people to rebel. Now they want to rebel, it is the trend of the situation. Come on, the next one, the cavalry, tell them not to kill randomly, only kill animals , don’t hurt other loyal people. I don’t believe it, in the entire military region, I still can’t find half a righteous person.”

The second woman was pushed out. Compared with the first one, her eyes were much calmer. She held a dagger and met the soldiers one by one. When she recognized a guilty man, she raised the dagger When he was about to assassinate him, the man quickly pinched the woman's throat with his backhand, and threatened, "Let me go! Madam Hou, or I will...uh—"

The man didn't finish his sentence, another short arrow fell to the ground.

The soldiers finally started to panic, and someone murmured, "Ma'am? Is it too late for us to surrender now?"

Yao Yao snorted and said, "It's too late, I gave you a chance! Now, I only want those kind people. I have no ethics in my heart, and I don't treat women as human animals. What's the use of keeping them? Woman, pick up your dagger and continue looking for someone, whoever you shoot, I will protect you and kill."

Just when six soldiers fell down one after another, the lieutenant shouted loudly, "Damn it! Let's rush in and fight a bloody path!"

"Yes!" Several soldiers responded accordingly.

But there were also many soldiers who resisted, "No - we didn't play with women! We don't want to go crazy with you!"

"That's right, we looked down on the rotten deeds of you scoundrels and didn't want to join forces with you. Why do we continue to do evil for you bastards?"

"That's right! If you want to die, you should die! I don't want to provoke the Hongling Cavalry!"

"You—" the deputy general gritted his teeth, "If the general dies, I will be your supreme commander. I want you to rush forward and fight to the death, do you hear me? This is an order!"

Yao Yao spoke at the right time, "Kill the deputy general! This is an order!"

The lieutenant was stunned for a moment, and looked back in embarrassment. The moment he suddenly came back to his senses, countless blades slashed at him!
It was also an order, but the moment the woman said it, he knew that he was doomed!

After the lieutenant general was hacked to death, a group of men took the lead to kneel down, "The little ones are willing to follow Madam and swear to protect her to the end."

The remaining group of people also knelt down in a dull manner.

Yao Yao looked at Wu Ya, and said in a cold voice, "Talented women are selected. Whoever is selected, I will give you a chance to use various means to ask the women's forgiveness. If they forgive, you will have a way to live. If they are not willing to forgive , you commit suicide and apologize with death.”

Then I saw many scenes of men lying on the ground crying and howling, begging for apology and forgiveness.

Some were forgiven, and it is said that the man promised to marry the woman and take care of her all his life as a confession, while others were not forgiven, and a dagger was placed in their hand, waiting for them to kill themselves.

Most of the rest of the men quietly huddled around and waited for orders.

What happened in the third district could not be spread. The wandering residents in the village helped to keep an eye on it, and not a single scout who reported the news was let go.

Qin Yilan was busy cleaning up the dirt from her hair. Outside the tent, Wan He dragged a woman who was yelling wildly to ask, "Ma'am? What's wrong with this woman? Why do you keep scolding you?"

None of the military prostitutes who were rescued said such stupid things to their saviors. Only this woman scolded her very badly. The word "slut" almost never left her lips.

Yao Yao was a little tired, and said to Qin Yilan, "Master Hou, help me deal with it, I'm tired."


Qin Yilan opened the tent, glanced at Yao Ying, and snorted, "Do you want to die?"

"Bah--why let me die? Why didn't she die? You two bastards, why don't you die! It's all her! My ending is all her fault! It's all this bitch! Tell her to come out, tell her to come out and apologize to me—you hear me!"

"Gag her, tie her up, and talk about it in a few days."

Yao Ying became even angrier when she heard this, "Why don't you just kill me! Anyway, I'm not close to you, and you don't recognize me as a younger sister. If you kill me, it's like killing a dog, right?"

Wan He reached out his hand to cover her mouth, but she opened her mouth and bit her.

"Fuck! Crazy woman!"

"Let go of me—Yao Yao, die for me! Kill me if you have the ability—come out and kill me if you have the ability! If you hadn't betrothed me to His Highness, I would have been tortured by him Isn’t it human, ghost or ghost?”

At this moment, a woman's crazy laughter came from not far away, "Hahahaha—hahaha——"

Yao Yao, who was indifferent to Yao Ying's yelling, heard the laughter and hurried out of the tent to look for someone, "Hongluo?"

With her bald head, Hong Luo swaggered over and said coldly to Yao Ying, "Second Miss can really shirk responsibility? Why? Have you forgotten? How much money did you give me back then? You want me to try my best to persuade Third Miss Change the letter paper of my eldest lady? The purpose is to let you marry the prince as a side concubine yourself! Right?"

Yao Ying choked instantly, "You! Aren't you dead?"

"Hmph, which eye of yours saw me die?" Hong Luo snorted and said, "Second Miss, come on, keep shouting, did my eldest miss cause you to marry His Highness the Crown Prince? Or did you play tricks yourself? Conspiracies and tricks? Let yourself be the concubine of His Highness the Crown Prince? you want me to tell you how much silver and all kinds of jewelry you gave me back then, one by one?"

"I... I..."

(End of this chapter)

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