Chapter 293

The guards refused to report, and Qiao Meng sprinkled the powder, which stunned a large number of guards at the door.

Helpless, the guards had no choice but to enter the palace to communicate.

The news about Qiao Meng making a big fuss in the palace reached Yu Wenhong's ears. Yu Wenhong heard that the wind was like rain, and he didn't care whether Qiao Meng was really related to Yao Yao, so he arrested him and questioned him first.

Qiao Meng was led into the palace by an old eunuch, watching his swaggering posture, she didn't worry about how she would be tortured when she met His Highness later.

Seeing that he was handsome and cute, the eunuch couldn't hold back, and persuaded him, "When you see His Highness later, don't make him angry. Recently, His Highness has a very bad temper. Every now and then... uh... ..."

Will telling the child these things scare him?

Qiao Meng said crookedly, "I want to see the concubine, why do I see His Highness? I don't know him well!"

The eunuch said speechlessly, "It was His Royal Highness who wanted to see you before letting you into the palace. Do you think the empress dowager would take care of you, a little girl?"

"No, I'm not going to see His Royal Highness, I want to see the concubine."

The eunuch rubbed the space between his brows, "You can't decide what to do, little guy."

"Hey, why can't I let it be my decision? My feet are growing on my body, so I won't leave—" Qiao Meng sat down on the ground.

The eunuch twitched, and the guards beside him were not as good-tempered as the eunuch, so they stepped forward and scolded, "If you don't leave, I will take you away!"

Qiao Meng narrowed her eyes and snorted, "Do you dare to get close to me? Do you believe I can poison you to death in the blink of an eye, sir?"

When he said this, the guard froze his hands instantly.

"You don't even think about it, young master, why did I come to the palace, and why do I want to find a concubine! Do you think it is useful to show the majesty of the eldest prince to the young master?"

Thinking of his playing rough at the gate of the palace just now, the guards were indeed frightened and did not dare to do anything to this baby easily.But let him go to see the empress dowager?Fear is also very difficult.

"Ahem, let me pass it on for you, but whether the empress dowager is willing to see you or not is another matter."

The old eunuch suddenly said cleverly, "Please tell the guards to send a word when they pass it on to the concubine."


The old eunuch whispered a few words to the guard.

The guards left in two batches, one group went to the harem to report to the concubine Li Shenyue, and one to the eldest prince Yu Wenhong.

Yu Wenhong heard the poisonous baby playing his temper in the palace, holding back his stomach, lifted his robe and went to have a look, thinking about how to torture the baby later.

But when he arrived, he saw Grandma Taifei also walking over.

"Grandma Toffee."

Li Chenyue smiled fondly at Yu Wenhong, "You kid, you've been making too much noise recently, so be careful."

Yu Wenhong knew that he had gone too far recently, but in the face of so many bloody scenes, Grandma Toffee only cared about his body.This connivance made him sink even more.

"You are exactly the same as your father when he was young, no matter how much you persuade him, you won't listen."

That's right, that's right, he is the biological son of the father, so it is understandable that he looks like the father.

"It's okay. Grandma is here. Grandma will clean up the mess for you. You can play however you want. After all, the whole country is yours."

right!The whole country is his, and he can play however he wants!What else do you need to worry about?

Looking at Li Chenyue's smile, Yu Wenhong finally found a little bit of comfort in his hesitant heart.

Li Chenyue asked the guard, "Where is that baby? Where is it?"

Yu Wenhong asked strangely, "Grandma Taifei also heard that Yao Yao has a younger brother?"

"Oh? He's that woman's brother? I've never heard of that."

"Huh? Then why is grandma interested in that child?"

"I just heard that the baby looks exactly like your father when he was a child. So I'm a little curious, so come and have a look."

Yu Wenhong suddenly froze for a moment.

Following the guidance of the guards, the two looked at the baby who was squatting in the middle of a group of guards and eunuchs.

As the crowd dispersed, Qiao Meng's face was revealed.

With just one glance, Li Chenyue staggered violently.

"It-he-he he he-"

Yu Wenhong hurriedly supported her, "What's wrong? Grandma?"

"He and your father really look alike, exactly the same! Child—child—"

Li Chenyue threw away Yu Wenhong's hand and ran towards the child.

At that moment, Yu Wenhong suddenly noticed something was wrong, as if something important was moving away from him little by little.

Looking sideways, he saw Li Chenyue sitting on the ground, holding Qiao Meng's small face and kneading, "Who is your father? Where is your father? Who is your mother? Where is your mother? Where are you from? Tell me quickly!"

Qiao Meng was so uncomfortable being pinched by her, "What are you doing! Empress Dowager, don't pinch my little face, I don't like others pinching my face."

Li Chenyue was even more excited when her hand was opened, "Even the expression and tone are exactly the same! The eyes are also very similar. Son, tell grandma quickly, where is your father?"

Qiao Meng snorted, "You poisoned me, so I told you."

"Poison?" Li Chenyue asked strangely, "Why should I poison you?"

"Because I want to detoxify, I want to know what kind of poison you gave the emperor, and I can prepare the correct antidote after I taste it."

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenhong hurriedly stepped forward and scolded, "What is the emperor? What are you talking about? The emperor is dead!"

"He's not dead, he's in the Valley of Divine Doctors!"

The surroundings fell silent in an instant.

No one dared to say a word.

"Qin Yilan! It's him again! He's fighting against me again!" Yu Wenhong clenched his fists, "Where is the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?"

Qiao Meng folded her arms around her chest, raised her head and snorted, "Hmph, I won't tell you!"

Yu Wenhong's eyes turned scarlet instantly, and he stepped forward to pick up Qiao Meng's collar, but Li Chenyue suddenly turned to block him, "Hong'er, enough is enough."

Yu Wenhong was stunned for a moment, and staggered back, "Grandma, I——"

Li Chenyue instructed the eunuch, "Take the child to my palace to freshen up and bring him some delicacies."


Qiao Meng grabbed Li Chenyue's clothes and asked, "Won't the concubine poison me? Are you going to poison me? See if I can cure it?"

Qiao Meng's eyes were extremely eager to challenge, and his eyes were very hot.

The more Li Chenyue looked at him, the more she felt that he was exactly like her own son. At the stage when her son was eager to learn medical skills, he was also eager to ask her for advice.

In contrast, she looked at Yu Wenhong.

He didn't seem interested in medicine, and his appearance, to be honest, didn't look like her son's.In the past, she only thought that Yu Wenhong was like his concubine mother, so she didn't doubt it so much.But after thinking about it, even the second child is not her son's own. Could it be that the eldest is just a plaything for her son to play with women?
Seeing Li Chenyue casting suspicious eyes at him, Yu Wenhong felt even more uncertain.

If Li Chenyue knew that he was not related to the emperor by blood, then grandma would definitely take back all her doting on him without hesitation.

At that time, he will really be useless.

Yu Wenhong gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to grab Qiao Meng, but right now he could only watch him being taken away by Grandma Toffee.

This child cannot be kept!Absolutely not to stay!
(End of this chapter)

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