Chapter 295

Three days later, the imperial list revealed that the eldest prince found the third son who had been lost for many years and was named Yu Wenmeng.

When Yao Yao saw the imperial list, her jaw almost dropped.

How could it be so simple for Qiao Meng to recognize his ancestors?

Where did Menger get such a big trick?
If Qiao Meng is really going to be regarded as the grandson by the concubine, then Meng'er does not have any worries about her life for the time being.

After Yu Wenhong released the imperial list, he sneaked out of the palace to find the residence outside the palace of Princess Hele Yuwen Xueling.

The reason why Yuwen Xueling lives outside the palace is that she doesn't like being imprisoned by her mother and concubine.So a long time ago, many mountain residences were arranged outside the palace.

Seeing Yu Wenhong's appearance, Yu Wenxueling couldn't close her mouth with joy, she taunted directly, "The third son of the emperor? The concubine mother wants you to pave the way for the third son of the emperor! Haha Haha, Hong'er, Hong'er, I didn't expect you to be abandoned one day."

Yu Wenhong kept his face sullen and didn't speak, just drinking tea. Recently, the smell of blood on his body is too strong, and his whole body is full of hostility.

"Tell me, how many bargaining chips do you have now that you can use to negotiate with me? How much military power do you have? Now the one with the most military power is Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li, you are under the control of the concubine's grandma, and the Mu family's army has returned. Qin San. What about you?"

"The three districts, eight districts and eleven districts outside the palace are all my soldiers and horses. Not too few, right?"

Yuwen Xueling made the calculations, and said falteringly, "It's true that there are quite a few, but compared with the Li family, it's still a little bit worse. But it's better than nothing. I'm already very satisfied that you are willing to join hands with me. The result I want is to kill you with your own hands." The old woman, oh no, I prefer to watch him die in your hands now. Hahaha—let me see my grandson who has been doted on by her for many years. When she becomes a white-eyed wolf, she will Will not be sad, will not be sad!"

Yu Wenhong drank a cup of tea silently, no one knew how much his heart hurt when he made up his mind to rebel.Compared with the time when he decided to kill his father, it made him feel even more uncomfortable.After all, he has known for a long time that the current Holy Majesty is not his own father, and he can only make this decision if he wants to win the throne according to the plan of Grandma Toffee.

But to him, the concubine's grandma is a blood relationship!
But now, the blood relationship is gone, but this family relationship is not something that can be cut off just by cutting it off.

His inseparable family affection was like garbage in front of the concubine's grandma, and she threw it away whenever she wanted.

Is he the white-eyed wolf?Or is his grandma too ruthless?
Ge Xi hurried over to support her with majestic steps, "Princess, Lord Hou and Madam Hou are asking to see you."

Hearing this, Yu Wenhong's eyes widened.

The moment he met Yuwen Xueling's eyes, he hesitated and his heart beat endlessly. "aunt."

Yuwen Xueling blocked her hand to signal him to be quiet, "Don't be afraid, I am more interested in you than Qin San. Even if they are stronger than you, they may not be able to win my heart. Go hide behind with Ge Xi, and I will Come meet the couple."


Yu Wenhong retreated to the ear room with Ge Xi.

Qin Yilan took Yao Yao's hand and went to the living room.


"I have seen Her Royal Highness."

The two still followed the etiquette and said hello.

Yuwen Xueling couldn't hold back her laughter, "Oh, I'm really flattered! I used to want to get close to you, but you are only willing to call me Your Highness the Princess, and you don't want to call me Auntie. Why do you suddenly change your mind now? Do you have to be kind?"

Qin Yilan raised her eyes and said softly, "Now I'm outside the palace, leaving aside the status of the royal family, my aunt is my aunt after all."

"Don't blame me for assassinating your mother?"

Qin Yilan raised her eyebrows slightly, "Mother came back to life, if she wants to hate it, she will hate it herself. Auntie, we came here today to discuss something important."

"Okay, I know what you're going to say! You don't need an opening statement, just ask for conditions. If I help you, what can I get?"

Qin Yilan asked in a low voice, "I don't know what my aunt wants?"

"How about making me a county king?"

Yao Yao interjected, "No land, Your Royal Highness."

Yuwen Xueling squinted her eyes and muttered, "Don't you know that your husband is begging me to do something now? Don't you know how annoying you are in my eyes? Have you forgotten how you imprisoned me? You even robbed me The Hongling Cavalry! This amount of hatred is here, and you still come to me and dawdle in front of me, blocking my eyes, you don’t want your husband to negotiate with me, do you?”

Yao Yao couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering, "His Royal Highness still holds grudges as always."

"You don't hold grudges?? As far as your heart is concerned, you are younger than my old lady! We are not the same, so you should talk less!"

"Okay." Yao Yao quietly closed her mouth.

Qin Yilan breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "After all, the emperor has not died yet. He will wake up one day. If my aunt is willing to join hands with me, the emperor will definitely remember you when he wakes up in the future. What do you want? , His Majesty will definitely consider it carefully."

"It's really vague, think carefully, but you may not be able to fulfill your promise. You think I'm an idiot!" Yuwen Xueling gasped, "If your woman hadn't snatched my Hongling cavalry back then, otherwise my mother would have risen up Rebellion! Is it the turn of that old woman to make trouble in front of me? Look at your wife, what did she do after taking away the iron cavalry? She didn’t even let out a fart! She just deliberately occupied the latrine and didn’t shit! Really My good move wasted in vain."

"Heh—" Yao Yao covered her mouth and snickered again.

Yuwen Xueling scolded her old face, "You're still laughing!"

Yao Yao withdrew her smile and said softly, "Don't blame your highness, you can't do much with the military power of cavalry. Is the imperial power something we women can easily subvert? Before that, you have already made up your mind that the second highness is not The emperor was born himself, so there is no need to control him, and His Royal Highness is the concubine's person, so you can't control him, so all you want to do is find the third prince, and then rebel in his name is your only way out. Right?"

"Hmm! You're the only one who is smart!" Yuwen Xueling rolled her eyes wildly.

"I also know that Her Royal Highness is not so attached to the imperial power. You are just angry that you were abandoned by your mother and concubine, and you have been brooding on it to this day. Compared with treason, what you want more is your mother and concubine to say sorry. Yes ?"


The teacup in Yuwen Xueling's hand was accidentally knocked over.

This movement still revealed her heart.

She was hit by her words!

For so many years of persistence, so many years of rebellion, and being arrogant and domineering for so long, the purpose is to get an apology from her mother and concubine.

It was hard to hide it, Yuwen Xueling's pupils turned scarlet, and even her breathing became cloudy.

Yao Yao said softly, "Actually, Your Highness really doesn't need to be too obsessed with that maternal love. Have you forgotten, Your Highness? You also have a twin brother. It doesn't matter if your mother doesn't love you, your brother has always valued you, Isn't it?"

Yuwen Xueling recalled all kinds of past events again, her arrogance and self-willedness made her brother look down on her repeatedly, but he didn't even say a serious word except for rolling his eyes at her a few times.Indulgence and connivance, is it because of the brother-sister relationship of the younger sister?
(End of this chapter)

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