Chapter 299

Yao Yao and Qin Yilan lived in their palace in the imperial palace. Qin Yilan was busy in the court all day long, and Yao Yao's bad habits also came out. It was not pleasing to the eye and had to be cleaned.

All the eunuchs and maids have been ordered by her. After the emperor was killed, his concubines were also imprisoned in the cold palace. Now that they are released, they have long lost their noble arrogance. In turn, they have to shoot Mrs. Hou I'm afraid that Master Hou and Madam Hou will be as cruel and bloody as the First Prince.One is not happy, so he pulls a few concubines and gives them to the soldiers as playthings.

These concubines who were kept in the cold palace all survived because they were getting old and their appearance was declining. But those who are in better condition on weekdays, those who are close to Concubine Chen before, and those who have had conflicts with the eldest prince , the end is very scary.

So when they saw Yao Yao covered her face and rolled up her sleeves to clean up with the maids, who would dare not follow?Quan changed into commoner clothes and diligently cleaned the palace together.

Before, because of the strong smell of blood in the palace, from time to time someone would pick up a severed hand or foot from some corner, or fish out two corpses from a certain well.

At the beginning, they were not used to it, and when they saw any broken limbs, they would scream back and forth in vain, ah ah ah ah non-stop.

Until later, they saw Yao Yao holding a severed hand, and indifferently ordered the maid to bury it.As soon as this momentum came out, it seemed as if he had seen the posture of the Empress Zhonggong.While hiding the fuss from himself, he subconsciously began to imitate it.

After all, she is a concubine and the lord of a palace, how can she be so ignorant?
After learning everything, maybe in the future, when the emperor returns, seeing such a majestic posture on them, the phoenix seal managed by the Six Palaces will be handed over to them for safekeeping?

So, strangely, Yao Yao has a large number of followers behind her, no matter what she does, they have to learn from her and imitate her.

Yao Yao was also very pleased to see them, they were willing to learn, that was a good thing, after she and Lord Hou left the palace in the future, she hoped that the emperor's harem would not catch fire.

Eunuch Hong suddenly ran over to look for someone, "Mrs. Hou, good morning!"

Yao Yao looked at him in surprise, "Eunuch Hong, where have you been these days?"

"The servant died with the emperor, wandering outside, begging for a living!"


"You dare to return to the palace only when you see that the central palace is under control. Where is the emperor?"

"In the Valley of Divine Doctors, Lord Hou has already found someone to bring him back. However, the emperor is still in a coma and needs to prepare an antidote..."

Before Yao Yao finished speaking, a eunuch suddenly ran over and shouted, "Mrs. Hou, it's bad, the third prince is in the palace of the concubine..."

"That what?"

"Experimental medicine!"

Yao Yao staggered and stared in horror, "Who is he testing the medicine with?"

"he himself!"

Yao Yao stroked her forehead and almost fainted from anger. Eunuch Hong held her back, "Ma'am, take care of yourself."

"Hurry up and help me there! Did that idiot really take the wrong medicine? How could this precious body try random medicine?"

Yao Yao hurriedly got into the sedan chair and was carried to the palace of the concubine.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw that the room was full of various bottles and jars, some of which were marked, and some were not. Qiao Meng sat in the middle of the jars, opened one to smell, and opened the other to smell.There were several mouthfuls of black blood on his hand.

Yao Yao almost fainted again, "Qiao Meng!"

"Hey! Sister! I'm here! Hey, sister, don't come over, don't kick my medicine, don't mess up the order of the medicine bottles, I marked it!"

Yao Yao covered her trembling heart and shouted, "What are you doing stupid? Trying medicine on yourself? Are you tired of working?"

"I can't help it. The imperial concubine gave the poison formula to the emperor, but she refused to give it to me. I have to study it myself! This is my mission!"

"You can't use such a radical method to save the emperor, come here! Come here immediately!"

"No!" Qiao Meng said with sparkling eyes, "Sister, I just now know what is beyond the sky and people beyond people. I used to think that the medical skills in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors were the most popular and comprehensive, but now I know, it turns out Grandma Taifei’s medical skills are no worse than those of Miracle Doctor Valley! There are even more brilliant things, such as this——this medicine is miraculous. Taking this medicine can make people feel extremely excited. It is hot and hot, and the symptoms can only be relieved after secreting some body fluids, and this alone is not enough, and some other people's body fluids must be exchanged before it can be completely relieved. This thing is amazing—"

Yao Yao's face turned dark as she listened.

Could it be that the medicine in his hand...was the one she had taken...

Yao Yao kept rolling her eyes, but she couldn't pull them back, "Have you tried that medicine?"

"Well, I tasted it a little bit, and I almost didn't slow down!"

"Then this medicine, have you formulated the antidote?"

"No! I suppressed it. I don't eat much, and the toxicity is not very strong. I can suppress this."

Yao Yao blinked in a daze, "What will happen if I don't understand?"

"It's okay, it's okay. When I grow up and get used to the medicinal properties, it should be fine."


Zimo ran over suddenly, saw the bottles and cans in the room, and excitedly flew to Qiao Meng's side and asked, "Junior brother, how is your research going?"

"It's great! It's super great! Especially this bottle of magic medicine, brother, why don't you give it a try?"

"What medicine?"

"Take the medicine that can make people extremely excited. It won't kill people, but it is very tormenting. I can't find an antidote. Senior brother, come and try!"

Yao Yao was furious, stomped her feet and shouted, "Zimo! Qiao Meng is still young and ignorant, why are you ignorant? Randomly experimenting on yourself? Are you crazy?"

Zimo snorted, "Oh, Master, why are you telling me this? Why don't you ask Master how he dealt with me back then?"


"Isn't he testing medicine on me less often? I was fed by him with poison jars!"

"Ah this—this—"

Zimo turned his head and waved, "Come on, let me try."

The moment Qiao Meng handed it over, Yao Yao went crazy, "Don't take it! It's an aphrodisiac!"

Zimo trembled in fright, and quickly tapped his chin, "Junior brother, do you want to kill me? How can you feed me this stuff?"

Qiao Meng blinked curiously, "Oh? Could this be the legendary aphrodisiac? I only heard its name, but my father never let me study it."

"Master didn't let you learn it either? Did he hide that medical book?"

"It's true that I haven't learned it. I'll try to study it again."

Zimo was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the medicine bottle, "Don't mess around, how old are you! You will study when you grow up!"


Yao Yao couldn't help it anymore, "Hurry up and come out for me, do you hear me? If you test the medicine indiscriminately, I'll ask someone to take all these jars away!"

"Ah—don't don't—sister, I won't do it anymore! Don't throw it away, I will keep it and study it slowly. Don't throw it away!"

The two hurriedly jumped over a pile of bottles and cans, and obediently walked in front of Yao Yao.

She stared, and directly grabbed the ears with one hand.

"Ouch—it hurts—sister—it hurts—"

"Master—don't be like this—I've grown up, I'm not a child—it's so embarrassing—you might as well drag me out to enjoy a few boards!"

(End of this chapter)

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