Chapter 306

Hongling Fuxiang shouted, "Why can't I get your love?"

"How can there be so many reasons? If you don't like it, you don't like it!" The man's voice became a little irritated, "Your people are not dead, this girl didn't mention it to you, did she?"

Hongling Fuxiang froze for a moment, "What, what? This—what's going on?"

"Her man is the great benefactor of your clan. The rest, you can figure it out yourself."

After the voice fell, the woods shook, and the man's breath gradually disappeared.

Seeing the lunatic woman sitting on the ground crying and laughing, Yao Yao couldn't help but took a few steps forward.

Qin Yilan suddenly appeared and grabbed her wrist, "Don't get close to her. She is poisonous!"

Yao Yao smiled reassuringly, "It's okay. She has no reason to kill me."

"No! She has!" Qin Yilan stopped her and said angrily, "Can you be careful?"

"All right, all right, I know!" Yao Yao grabbed his hand and chose to walk towards Hongling Fuxiang.

"Ma'am, get up, it's cold on the ground."

Hongling Fuxiang saw Yao Yao's hand and looked up at her. At this moment, she seemed to see Zhao Sihuai.

She stared red-eyed, grabbed Yao Yao in her palm and locked her throat.

Qin Yilan almost rolled her eyes, "Don't touch her—"

Hongling Fuxiang pinched Yao Yao's throat and shouted, "Don't move! If you dare to come half a step, I will stab her to death with a poisonous needle!"

"Okay! I won't move! Don't mess around and I won't move!"

Yao Yao grabbed Hongling Fuxiang's arm and shouted, "Don't force yourself, I can't breathe."

Hongling Fuxiang snorted, "You have a big heart! You know that I have a feud with your mother, but you still dare to approach me? Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Yao Yao laughed mockingly, "I did it on purpose."


"Come on, I'll give you another chance to make a choice. I want you to avenge me and kill me, or take my life to ask Master Hou for the antidote and save your little Chengzi?"

Hongling Fuxiang shuddered, and looked sideways behind her.

At this glance, Xiao Chengzi immediately lowered her eyes with guilt, not daring to look at her, and mumbled, "Miss, don't talk to me, you can do whatever you want!"

Hongling Fuxiang's eyes turned red.

Yao Yao whispered, "You have already abandoned him once, I want to see, which man is so patient and can endure a woman's abandonment again and again?"


"If I were you, I would have turned back a long time ago. There are many good men in this world, but you just waste your feelings on a tyrant? Interesting?"

Hongling Fuxiang turned her head to look at Xiao Chengzi from time to time, not knowing what she was remembering about the past, her moving face finally broke her defenses.

She looked back and stared at Qin Yilan, "The antidote! Give me the antidote!"

Qin Yilan gritted his teeth and said, "Let him go first."

"No! You give me the antidote first!" Hongling Fuxiang gasped, "I don't have many people, and I can't beat you. I only have her chip in my hand! I have to make sure that what he takes is Only with the real antidote can I return her to you!"

Qin Yilan clenched his fist and hesitated for a few seconds before slowly taking out the antidote, "Don't break your promise, did you hear me? If you dare to hurt her..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and get out after the transaction! I'm tired."

The medicine bottle was thrown directly into Xiao Chengzi's hands.

Hongling Fuxiang said anxiously, "Try to see if it's the real antidote."

Xiao Chengzi nodded, "I believe Lord Hou won't lie to us."

As he spoke, he swallowed the pill, concentrating on his luck. After a while, he spit out a mouthful of black blood and wiped his mouth, "Miss, let me go!"


Hongling Fuxiang directly refused.

Qin Yilan almost went crazy with anger, "You!!"

Hongling Fuxiang snorted, "He brought too many people, if I let her go, what if he turns around and arrests us?"

Qin Yilan cursed, "What exactly do you want?"

"You let him go! I want him to leave after he leaves safely."

"I'm fucking going to kill you—" Qin Yilan directly pulled out the emperor's sword on the ground.

Hongling Fuxiang took three steps back in fright, unable to bear the man's anger.

As soon as she stepped back, her back was pressed against Xiao Chengzi's chest. In an instant, a strong sense of security surrounded her.

She turned her head and looked behind, Xiao Chengzi reached out and grabbed her arms, gently pulled her paws away, and whispered, "It's okay, Miss. Let go! You know, if you don't leave, I will too." I won't leave. I am already very satisfied that Miss can do so many things for me, and I have no regrets in this life."

Hongling Fuxiang let go of Yao Yao slowly, and Qin Yilan hurried forward to pull the woman back into his arms.

Xiaochengzi also pulled Hongling Fuxiang behind her, and said seriously, "I'm sorry, Lord Hou. Please forgive my lady's rudeness."

Qin Yilan put his arms around the woman in his arms, and finally calmed down from his rage, "Get out now! Before I change my mind, disappear immediately! You are not allowed to appear in front of me again for the rest of your life!"

Xiao Chengzi nodded, "Yes. Thank you Lord Hou for not killing me, and thank you Mrs. Hou for the antidote."

"Thank them for what they did! I got the antidote back with my own strength, so you don't have to thank them."

"Oh, let's go, miss, don't haggle with them."

"Where are we going now?" Hongling Fuxiang asked blankly.

Xiao Chengzi smiled slightly, "There are many places you can go, but Miss is kept in the cold palace all day long, and she doesn't know how much fun the outside world is. Let me show you all over the world, okay?"

The woman's expression changed, and she muttered, "Okay, is it fun?"

"Fun. Much more fun than your bottles and cans."

"It's not fun, I'll beat you!"


Qin Yilan looked at the back of the two leaving hand in hand, lowered his head and stared at the bone-eyed woman in his arms, and was so angry that his scalp went numb, "You woman doesn't stop messing with me all day long, right? "

Yao Yao blinked and smiled, "Isn't the ending pretty good?"

"If that woman is inhumane? You would have died a hundred times in her hands!"

"No." Yao Yao smiled, "I know that woman has already been attracted to Xiao Chengzi, but she just can't let go of her figure and hatred. So I finally forced her to let her hate Choose between a man. I am sure she will give up her hatred and choose her man."

"Are you sure? Are you betting your own life? Have you ever thought about what you would do if you lost the bet? What would I do if you died?"

Yao Yao lowered her head and whispered, "Of course I'm [-]% sure..."

"You shut up! I'm so angry right now, you better stop talking!"

"……All right."

Yao Yao went into the room and sniffed the emperor's breath, seeing that he was all well, she was very relieved, "Master Hou, let's go back to the palace!"

Qin Yilan kept a straight face and did things in silence.

Seeing his sulking appearance, Yao Yao was a little amused.

Just smiling, her mind slowly sank.

what to do?She seemed to have to do something stupid like a desperado!
Thinking about it, she had been calling this man a big liar before, but in the end, it turned out that she was also a big liar.

(End of this chapter)

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