Chapter 314

Yao Yao looked sideways at Qin Yilan, "Master Hou is also hiding it from me?"

Qin Yilan blushed suddenly, "Of course I will keep it from you."


"Do you want you to find out that I gave you @drug?"

Yao Yao blinked, "Suck...what..."

"You should ask, where to suck!"


With a bang, Yao Yao's head exploded on the spot, "Didn't Master Hou say that you gave me medicine?"

"Silly girl, what kind of medicine is there if you just feed it? If a poisonous snake is bitten, you must suck out the venom to save it."


"So at that! You not only took my initial..."

"Yes." Qin Yilan suppressed a suppressed smile, "It's a pity that the snake bit your leg."

"You! You! What are you regretting, you!"

This man is really...

Why are you so cheap!
Qin Yilan pulled Yao Yao onto the horse and ordered, "Cover the coffin and prepare to go back to the palace."


Yao Ying got up from the ground and shouted, "Sister! Don't leave me! Take me away, okay?"

Yao Yao turned her head indifferently, "Just wait here. In a few days, Dad will come to visit the grave. Then you can settle down with him for the rest of your life."

Yao Yao threw down a bag of silver and threw it on the ground, "There is also a dagger in the money bag for your self-defense. If you can't think about it, you can use it to kill yourself. When Dad came to visit the grave, he saw your body. Arrange the tombstone for you."

Yao Ying was so angry that she shouted, "You are so ruthless! How can you be so ruthless—I am your sister—"

Yao Yao didn't look back any more, and only said a casual sentence, "You are meaningless to me, don't ask me to be sympathetic. In my eyes, you are inferior to that bastard prince. Is your body dirty? Your heart is too dirty. Take a look at you." Makes me disgusted."

Yao Ying's roar lingered behind her for a long time.

Yao Yao nestled in the man's arms and fell into a deep sleep again.

When she woke up again, they were almost at the gate of the palace.

"The weather is getting warmer, Lord Hou, don't cover me with such a thick cloak, it will kill me from the heat."

Qin Yilan lowered his head and looked at her deeply, with a lot of anxiety and fear in his eyes, as if he was afraid that if he let go, she would fly away again.



"Since you have the antidote in your hand, why don't you take it? After taking the antidote, you will contact me right away, right? Why bother to make me suffer for you for so long?"

Yao Yao rubbed her belly, "The medicine is three-point poisonous, didn't you say it? As a last resort, I dare not take medicine indiscriminately. I'm afraid it will hurt the child."

Qin Yilan was extremely angry, "Have you worried about the child, but not me? Don't you know how I got through these days?"

Yao Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, I'm back! Although the process was a bit bumpy, the result has been developing towards happiness, isn't it? As long as Yu Wenhong has no intention of killing me, I will eventually come back to you .”

Qin Yilan smiled, "When did Madam prepare this move? When did the antidote for amnesia be hidden? How do you think Yu Wenhong will use this trick on you?"

Yao Yao was taken aback for a moment, then blinked in embarrassment, "Ah...uh..."

"what happened?"

"The antidote is not reserved for Yu Wenhong."

Qin Yilan's smile slowly froze, "What do you mean Ma'am? Don't tell me, your antidote is...preventing, preventing me??"

Yao Yao turned her head and muttered, "Shouldn't I be on guard? Master Hou is very skilled in medicine. If I get into trouble with you one day and want to leave you, and you want to imprison me arrogantly and give me amnesia medicine, I will You can’t let yourself be reduced to a puppet, right? That’s why I secretly hid one when I got the antidote when I was living in the Misty Valley.”

She only had an antidote in her hand, but it was useless this time, so she hid it again.

Qin Yilan couldn't help but looked up at the birds flying in the sky, his face was extremely gloomy.

Why is this woman so thoughtful?You buried one chess piece after another in your life, just because you don't want a man to control her, right?

The more you think, the more angry you become.

Qin Yilan grabbed her jaw, forced her to look up, and bit her lower lip hard.

"Hmm—" Yao Yao struggled and called out, "Master Hou, what are you doing? This is in public."

"I can't help it anymore. I can't wait to go home, I can't wait until it gets dark! I've been waiting my whole life!"

After the words fell, he lowered his head and kissed again.

This road has attracted countless eyes, pointing, laughing and talking.

The relationship between Lord Hou and Madam Hou is really good, they were blatant in broad daylight, they kissed while riding a horse, even when they entered the gate of the palace, they never separated.

Yao Yao didn't know whether she was fainted by his anger or by his suffocation, she only knew that when she woke up, she found herself in the palace of Lord Hou.

As soon as she went out, the maids and servants held back shy smiles, as if reminding her how she was carried into the palace.

"Where is Lord Hou?" Yao Yao asked with a straight face.

The servant girl stepped forward and replied, "Today is the canonization ceremony, and Lord Hou is preparing to receive the canonization!"

"What is Hou Ye granted?"

"Prince Regent! The third son of the emperor was conferred the crown prince half a month ago. The emperor is about to abdicate, but the prince is not skilled in government affairs, so the emperor asked Lord Hou to help the prince handle the government affairs."

Another servant girl followed up and said, "Master Hou is crowned as the regent, so Mrs. Hou is the princess regent. Congratulations!"

"Why are you happy!" Yao Yao was very annoyed.

That bad man was so arrogant and unreasonable before he became a thousand-year-old. If he becomes a thousand-year-old, I don't know where his nose will stare.

Eunuch Hong suddenly ran over and shouted, "Oh, Mrs. Hou finally woke up? The emperor is urging you to go!"

Yao Yao asked softly, "What did the emperor ask me to do?"

"The emperor wants to reward you for your merits. If you have meritorious service, the emperor said that you must be rewarded in front of all civil and military officials. Only then can you be called Rong En."

Yao Yao sighed and nodded, "Okay. I'll wash up and go over right away."

"Hey. Okay! The old slave is waiting for you outside."

In front of the hall, Yao Yao dressed up, followed Eunuch Hong, and walked into the hall step by step.

Since the emperor ascended the throne, Yao Yao was the only woman who was able to step into the palace and receive awards.It can be seen that she has contributed a lot to this court coup.

"Your wife, Yao, kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

Yuwen Tongyue nodded, "Let's proclaim the decree!"

Eunuch Hong picked up the imperial decree and began to read it out, "Follow the heavens, the emperor's decree says..."

Listening to the long announcement, Yao Yao turned her head to look at the man standing beside her, and those fiery eyes were also staring at her.

Compared with yesterday's slovenly appearance, today's him finally looks a little more human.

This handsome face, even if he pretends to be blind, can make so many women go crazy for him.

During this ecstasy, I didn't hear Eunuch Hong read out any imperial decree, but only heard Eunuch Hong remind me, "Mrs. Hou, thank you for accepting the decree!"

"Ah - thank you Lord Ron!"

Yao Yao kowtowed and knelt down to thank her, and she heard the ministers muttering in her ears, "This grace has even been inherited by the child in her womb. The child was directly named earl and princess before it was born! What a great kindness!"

"That's it!"

Yao Yao was slightly surprised, the emperor's reward was not enough, even the child in her belly was sealed?Is this because he is afraid that after the crown prince ascends the throne, he will make her feel childish?
 I forgot to add a digression yesterday, thank you very much for your tip!Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!Wenwen is coming to an end, welcome to come and sprinkle flowers when the time comes

(End of this chapter)

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