Chapter 317

Yao Yao took out her handkerchief and covered her nose, as if she didn't like the smell wafting from men, "Master Guoqin, I'm going to promote your son to be the grand tutor. In the future, the little prince born to the prince will be entrusted to him Education. What do you think?"

"Oh! This is a great honor! The old minister is very willing, and the old minister will thank the princess for her kindness on my son's behalf."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!" Yao Yao leaned her head together and said, "If you want your son to be in the position, you must pay for it."

"Naturally! Wangfei counts, and I will send you to the Marquis Mansion tomorrow."

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "You don't need much money, just two hundred taels of silver is enough."

"What? So little?"

"It's not a lot of money, the key is the money bag that holds the money, but it's very particular."

"Oh? What does the princess mean? Money bag?"

Yao Yao took out a money bag and showed it to him, "Did you see it? There is embroidery of a two-tailed fox on it. I need you to put it in this money bag."

Xia Guoqin tilted his head, blinked and muttered, "It looks familiar, I seem to have seen it before. Ah - my son has such a money bag in his hand."

"Ah, yes!"

Yao Yao's smile gradually turned cold, "Lord Guoqin, do you know the origin of this money bag?"

"No, I don't know. What's the point of this purse?"

"It doesn't make any sense. It's just my personal preference. I marked my money bag. Oh, let me tell you a story. I gave a money bag to the Second Highness before."

"Huh? Second Highness?"

"That's right, the Second Highness refused to go back to the palace, and found a woman he liked, and wanted to retire to the mountains with him, so I gave them a money bag to let them spend their old age peacefully, but who knows..."

"What's wrong?" Xia Guoqin asked.

"Who knew that the First Prince would bring someone there to kill His Highness the Second Highness and his woman."


"This money bag was transferred to His Royal Highness, and he came to me to show off his great achievements in killing his brother. Heh... When His Royal Highness handed the money bag into my hands, I was very angry."


"As soon as I was in a bad mood, I took a knife and stabbed His Highness to death."

"..." Xia Guoqin's mouth twitched wildly, "This... this..."

"The emperor does not allow this secret history to be recorded, but no one can suppress the rumors in the market. You must have heard of it, right?"

"Uh... yes..."

Yao Yao leaned her head together, looked at him straight in the eyes and asked, "Come on, tell me, why does your son have my money bag?"

"... This... This... This... This... I don't know! I just glanced at it accidentally in the first year of junior high school. Maybe I misread it. The old minister will go home and ask my son."

"No need to ask." Yao Yao snorted and laughed, "Let your son prepare to take over the order, let him be the future prince, and then teach the next prince how to play with women, how to deceive a woman's body and mind, and then put her Sell ​​it to a brothel. In this way, the common people in the world will definitely remember the series of contributions your Xia family has made to the common people. Right? Master Xia."

"No, no, no! These are rumors, rumors! The regent princess must not listen to the villain's slander, the old minister believes that my son will not do such bad things. The old minister will go home and question him. The old minister will leave—"

Yao Yao waved the dirty air, her eyes were full of contempt.

"Heh, Qin San hasn't shown the posture of the regent, but you have put on the posture of the regent princess."

The voice came after itself.

Yao Yao looked back and curtseyed, "Why is the emperor here?"

"I'm going to see your aunt."

Yao Yao nodded, "Then let's go together. Huh? Where's Lord Hou?"

"He went with my emperor's son to deal with official business. Don't think that being an emperor is very leisurely, and it is difficult to see people on weekdays. In the future, he, the regent, will be so busy that he can't see anyone for three days. Don't be a spring girl. I can't bear the loneliness, go to Hongxing to have sex or something."

"..." Yao Yao's face turned dark.I really want to yell at him.

Just because he is the emperor, can he bully others at will?

Chatting all the way to Zhuqing Palace.

It was not the servant girl who came to meet him in the palace, but a young monk with a bald head.


"Little master." Yao Yao smiled at him, "Thank you for taking care of my aunt."

"There is no way, my mother can't recognize anyone, and always treats me as her own son. The little monk is an abandoned baby she picked up. Although she doesn't have the grace of procreation, she also has the grace of education. Taking care of her is the right thing to do."

Yuwen Tongyue asked, "Has she ever woken up?"

"Wake up, let's see how this Yuanzi has been tossed. The little monk has no choice but to pour her out again."

It was strange that everything was smashed, but the bamboo forest was intact.

Yao Yao went over to take a look, and there were many marks added to the bamboo forest, all of which were the marks of the two-tailed fox.

"Hey——" Yu Wentong was full of melancholy, "wait for me a few more days, and in a few more days, I will take her out of the palace, away from this place of right and wrong that makes her sad."

Xinyuan clasped his hands together, "Your Majesty, why doesn't Mother recognize you?"

"Because I look very similar to my younger brother, and I deliberately pretended to be him. I can fool the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, but how can I recognize me when she is insane?" Yuwen Tongyue stroked her beard , tilting his head and asked, "Yao'er, have you met my younger brother? How is it? Do I look like him?"

Yao Yao suddenly numbed her scalp, "Uh-huh—"

"What does uh mean?"

Yao Yao laughed three times, "Your majesty, you are doing everything possible to pretend to be your younger brother, while your younger brother is trying every means to cover up his original appearance. From my naked eyes, you two are not alike at all."

Yuwen Tongyue nodded, "Yes! Yes, yes! I am not him! I don't have to look like him, I am me!"

Yuwen Tongyue's eyes turned red in an instant, "If possible, I don't want to be called this name, this name is not my real name! I would rather she open her mouth and call me a bitch!"

Xinyuan's jaw dropped, "Two, two, two what?"

Yuwen Tongyue blushed suddenly, coughed twice, "Just pretend you didn't hear."

"Uh, this—"

Yao Yao covered her mouth and snickered, and helped the emperor change the topic, "Little master, you can bring it to me the small box that Lord Hou gave you for safekeeping. I want to give it to the emperor, maybe it was originally his thing."

Xinyuan nodded, "Okay, wait a moment."

Not long after Xinyuan walked away, a milky voice came from outside the garden, "I want to see my sister! Let me go—I want to see my sister—"

Wan He hurried into the garden, cupped his hands and asked, "Ma'am, little Prince Qiao Meng wants to see you."

"Let him in."


Yao Yao looked sideways at the right time and asked Yuwen Tongyue, "It stands to reason that he should be the future little prince."

"Well, but the ministers didn't know that I had a younger brother. So I simply recognized him as my own son. Your Majesty, it doesn't matter if you are more romantic."

Yao Yao suddenly nodded, "I thought the emperor couldn't tolerate him."

"Joke. I am magnanimous, which child can't tolerate it? The other two are not my own, so I have raised them for many years? I thought about it, even if I can't find my own son, if one of them has the talent to succeed, I will I am also willing to give up the throne to them. What a pity, what a pity!"

The emperor's generosity is indeed incomparable to ordinary people.

It's really strange, the same mother was born, why is there such a big difference between the elder brother and the younger brother?

From the looks of it, the mother's way of educating her decided everything.

(End of this chapter)

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