The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 36 Talented women only talk about their strength

Chapter 36 Talented women only speak with strength
Entering the palace, meeting people is just a greeting. Fortunately, she is a woman, so she doesn't need to talk too much, and her husband and son-in-law are Lord Hou, and those who are lower than Lord Hou are greeted by others. She just needs to nod her head. Just two sentences will do.

Look at Hou Ye talking to those ministers, just a few words, either um, or um.

This is almost the same as the Qin Yilan she met before. In the eyes of outsiders, he is indeed taciturn.

But the thought of him entering her boudoir...


Yao Yao inadvertently sighed heavily.

A long sigh attracted Qin Yilan's attention. He tilted his head and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Are your feet sore? Let me find you a seat and sit down first?"

"Don't worry about me, Lord Hou, I'm in good health."

"Oh, you are tough right now? Why didn't I hear you say that you are tough when I wanted to apply ointment to you?"

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." Yao Yao was so frightened that he coughed non-stop, blushing and kept looking around, looking for someone to overhear.

"Master Hou, don't talk nonsense!" She said coquettishly, "This public..."

Qin Yilan snorted, "That's right, just now my father-in-law came to talk to me in secret, but I actually forgot that there was still this problem, and I forgot to complain to him."

"……"what to do?She really wanted to punch him twice?

There was a movement in front, and those ministers were criticized and knelt down to greet them.

Presumably the one who came in front was a relative of the emperor.

Sure enough, the ceremonial guards imprinted in front of my eyes were a bit luxurious, and the woman who was supporting in the center had a graceful expression, and sharp lights flashed between her brows.

The surrounding ministers knelt down and greeted, "I pay my respects to Princess Hele."

Yao Yao hurriedly supported Qin Yilan to salute, she didn't need to bow down with the minister, but she still needed to squat down.

Yuwen Xueling held a sword and Qin Yilan said softly, "Yilan."

"your Highness."

"My aunt. Didn't I remind you, why do you have to be so unfamiliar with me?"

Qin Yilan bowed her head silently, "Yes, auntie."

"You got married that day, and my aunt didn't come to celebrate for you. Don't blame my aunt. It happened that I had a migraine that day, and I couldn't get up."

Qin Yilan replied softly, "My aunt's health is important, and my nephew dare not complain."

Yuwen Xueling smiled and said, "Before my aunt wanted to arrange a marriage for you, but you didn't agree, saying that the marriage was decided by the emperor. Now that you are married, let me decide the position of concubine. This is my early marriage. I introduced it to you before, the jewel in the palm of the Mu family, her identity is definitely worthy of your wife, but it's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Yuwen Xueling looked at Yao Yao who was squatting on the ground countless times, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, and snorted, "Fortunately, Mu Li doesn't care about his status, and is willing to serve you as your concubine. When I find an opportunity later, I will mention it to the emperor and let him decree to betroth Mu Li to you."

That's great, why are they all staring at his side room?Just as his father-in-law came over to match him, his aunt also came over to join in the fun.

On his father-in-law's side, he was easy to evade, but if the emperor issued an order, then this matter would be really difficult.

Qin Yilan replied softly, "Auntie, I'm married and have a main wife. Yao Yao has full power to take care of the backyard, and she has the final say on the affairs of the concubine's room. After all, she is now the head of the Qin family. , if this matter is not approved by my wife, let people enter the house casually, I am afraid that there will be chaos in my backyard."

"Ahaha——" Yuwen Xueling nodded, "It's easy to say, the eldest lady of the Yao family must be a well-educated person, and it is her duty to spread branches and leaves for her husband's family. Isn't it, Yao Yao?"

Yao Yao raised her eyes speechlessly.

Why did he suddenly throw the spearhead at her?
What does Lord Hou want to do, him?

I don't want to offend Princess Hele, so can she do it?
After Yao Yao pondered for a moment, she replied leisurely, "Yes, Your Highness. I am not in good health, and I have been looking for a successor for Lord Hou. Don't say I am picky, Your Highness, I want to be Lord Hou's side concubine. The person must be the king of all sparrows."

Yuwen Xueling snorted and asked, "Is it possible? Do you think my family, Mu Li, can't get into your eyes?"

Mu Li, who was beside Yuwen Xueling, had been with the princess for a long time, and his eyes were exactly the same as the princess's. They both liked to squint with inverted triangles.

Yao Yao sized up Mu Li slightly, and after just one glance, Yao Yao frowned.

This woman is not worthy of entering the Qin family's gate.

A dog looks down on people, so is it a good thing?
After entering Qin's house, she is not the only one who suffers harm, Master Hou will also be implicated by her.A look of defeat.

Yao Yao said with a faint smile, "Whether you can get into my eyes or not is not the key, the key is to get into the eyes of our Lord Hou. If Lord Hou doesn't like her, even if the girl enters the door, he will still be rejected by Lord Hou. If the woman in my back room is disliked by Lord Hou, she will not be able to manage the family well in the future. Princess, are you right?"

Yuwen Xueling snorted, "Didn't you listen to my Yi Lan? He agreed to let Mu Li in, as long as you nodded. How? Are you nodding or shaking your head?"

Before the banquet even started, the eldest princess forced her to this point, it was really embarrassing for her.

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Whether you nod or not depends on Lord Hou's intention. He can only enter the door by nodding. And it is actually very simple to make Lord Hou nod. The minimum requirement for the concubine who succeeds me is to be more capable than me." .”

"Yo—listen, this tone! It's as if all the women in the capital are inferior to you? Yao Yao, who gave you the momentum to make you boast so much?"

"This is not what the concubine said, it was said by Lord Hou."

"Huh?" Yuwen Xueling glanced at Qin Yilan.

But Qin Yilan wouldn't meet her eyes because he was blind, so he just turned his head and put on a gesture that had nothing to do with him.

Yao Yao smiled and added, "It's true, Lord Hou said it himself, it's the easiest way for him to take a concubine, as long as it's a woman, no matter how beautiful or ugly he is, he's not picky, the only thing is, you have to be more capable than me .”

"Heh—" Yuwen Xueling rolled her eyes, "Then you should tell me, what can you do?"

"A little girl who is not talented, speaks three languages, is good at woodcarving, cooks, poetry and book etiquette, female red musical instruments, these are all standard equipment for a lady, I won't mention it..."



This is the fucking standard? ?
"Can sing, but not good at dancing. My concubine is not in good health. I can exhaust myself to death by dancing half a dance. It just so happens that Lord Hou said that he can't see, so dancing is no match. Besides, Buddhist scriptures, Zen Taoism, It's also slightly involved, and the painting is more exquisite, so I don't mind the girl comparing with me, I'm afraid you can't compare with me. Of the above, as long as the girl picks one out and beats me, she will be able to enter the Qin family's door. "



All around suddenly fell silent.

Mu Li's expression changed from contempt to embarrassment, the twitching muscles on his face almost shook off all the makeup on his face.

Yuwen Xueling was also extremely embarrassed. She secretly examined Mu Li several times, and seeing that she had no fighting spirit at all, she knew that in terms of talent competition, she must have failed completely.

There is a Taifu daddy who is really incomparable!After learning so much, she is really the title of the first talented woman in Beijing.

It's a pity that she is not in good health, otherwise, if she is in good health, the emperor would not be able to give such a woman to Qin Yilan, the position of the crown prince is definitely hers.

What did you say that as long as you beat her, you can enter the Qin family's gate?
Is this talking about the Arabian Nights? She?

(End of this chapter)

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