Chapter 38
"Cough cough cough... cough cough..." Yao Yao covered her mouth and said, "The prince is joking, how can I have a ruddy complexion? I am holding my breath like this. It is like this when I have a cough, and I cough endlessly. .Fortunately, there are still some bloodshots on the face now, if the bloodshotness disappears one day, it will be called pitiful."

Yu Wenhong couldn't help laughing out loud, "Haha, the younger siblings are also very funny. By the way, my aunt was here just now and brought Miss Mu Li. Can you see the third brother?"

Qin Yilan sighed, "Yes, I see you."

"I haven't seen Mu Li for three years, and her appearance is becoming more and more outstanding. If she is compared with her younger siblings, third younger brother, guess who is better?"

"I can't see." Qin Yilan turned his head and said,
"Guess, guess!"

Yu Wenhong's words also attracted the two women in the distance.

Mu Li and Yao Ying approached quietly.

Who is more beautiful in Qin Yilan's heart?
Mu Li also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Yao Yao couldn't help but secretly looked at Qin Yilan, her heart beating slightly.Tell yourself not to pay too much attention to this issue, but damn, she does too.

It's really strange, she never seemed to be entangled in the issue of beauty before.

"Third brother, guess quickly, Mu Li and Yao Yao are in your heart, who is the most beautiful?"

After a moment of silence, Qin Yilan said, "I hope my wife is the ugliest."

Yao Yao froze for a moment, her eyes were dry, and her mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

On the contrary, the corners of Mu Lide's mouth kept turning up, showing unstoppable pride.

"I also hope that my wife is stupid." Qin Yilan added.

Yao Yao lowered her head, her breath was sour and astringent.

Suddenly, Qin Yilan pulled her hand and hugged her into his arms. He leaned against her ear and said in a volume that only she could hear, "In this way, no one will pry into your existence."

As soon as the strong desire for dominance was vented, Yao Yao raised her eyes in surprise, and for a moment, she seemed to have caught his sight.

Is it her delusion?

It seems... an illusion.

It's obviously belittle her words, but at the end, why does she feel that there is a bit of ambiguity between the lines?

I appreciate your beauty alone.Your wisdom is mine.

do you mean this?

Yao Yao couldn't help but chuckle, with a hint of pride under her smile.

And the interaction between the two fell into the eyes of others. Apart from envy, it was more of a deep jealousy, especially Mu Li.

She stared at Yao Yao as if she was about to spew sparks.

Yu Wenhong was also full of disgust, snorted, walked to Yao Ying's side and said, "She is also the daughter of the Taifu, Miss Yao is really talented, but my Ying'er is not bad, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, right? Son?"

Yao Ying quickly raised her head and said, "Of course. I haven't found a chance to compete with my sister before. I heard that my sister is going to compete for the title of the most talented woman in the capital. I am a little unconvinced. How about I want to compete with my sister?"

Yao Yao said softly, "No time."



Yao Ying's face turned blue instantly.

Yu Wenhong said with a grim expression, "Sister and brother, you are not giving face!"

Yao Yao laughed, "It's not that I don't give face to the prince, it's because my physical strength doesn't allow it. Brother and sister, my body is too weak, taking a few breaths is a luxury for me. I need to save my strength until the concubine's birthday banquet is over That’s fine. Otherwise, if you cough red halfway, it’s not auspicious.”



That's really nothing to do with her.

Yao Yao's body is not weak for a day or two, everyone in the capital knows that her birthday is approaching, and there is absolutely no way to force her to do anything for a dying person.

While Yao Yao was speaking, she kept covering her mouth and coughing twice, "Cough cough cough..." Then she clung to Qin Yilan's side weakly, needing his help to walk.

It happened that Qin Yilan couldn't see, he helped her, and she also supported him, the two walked together every minute, and they never separated.

This crooked look makes anyone shy when they see it.

After a while, the second prince Yu Wenqin and his concubine Yao Yu also came over.

The two of them were dressed in purple dresses, looking extraordinarily energetic.

Seeing Yao Yu, Yao Yao's eyes were slightly rosy, she smiled gratifiedly, and said softly to Qin Yilan, "It seems that the third sister is doing well with the second prince."

Qin Yilan replied in a low voice, "It's really very pampered, Yeye is very pampered."

"Ah... oh."

She was also pampered every night, which felt very good.

"When will Madam let me pamper you a few times? My wish will be truly fulfilled."

"Eh?" Yao Yao looked at him strangely, "Didn't Master Hou also stay in my boudoir every night?"

What else does he want?
Qin Yilan frowned, "This is far from enough."

"Which is not enough?"

I have already squeezed a quilt, so do I have to squeeze a pillow with him?So this is too crowded, right?
Yao Yao couldn't figure it out even after thinking hard.

Qin Yilan shook her head holding her breath.

After searching for a few times, Yao Yao dragged Yao Yu to a corner for a secret talk.

"Third sister, how is the second prince treating you?"

Yao Yu smiled shyly, "It's pretty good, except that he was a bit rough on the wedding night at first, but after that he was very gentle with me, and I got used to it, so there's no big problem!"

Yao Yao looked at her ignorantly, feeling that she had missed a lot of details. "...It's enough for him to treat you well. When your sister is not by your side, take care of yourself."

"I know, sister." Yao Yu took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Yao Yao, "Sister, my mother dragged me to return it to you."

Yao Yao was taken aback, "Why pay me back? Isn't this a gift for you to give to the imperial concubine?"

"No, Mother has prepared another precious treasure for me."

"Ah... oh..." Yao Yao took the small box and stuffed it back into her pocket, "Since you have your own ideas, that's not bad. Remember to be cautious in your words and deeds at the birthday banquet, and listen less and listen more. Don't force yourself to be the first."

"Sister who knows." Yao Yu smiled gratifiedly.

After chatting for a few more gossips, the two parted ways and went back to their husbands.

Especially Yao Yu, who was talked about by Yu Wenqin.

Yao Yao could tell that Yao Yu was very tired from socializing, and there was a lot of far-fetched in her smile.

But this is also helpless, this is the path she chose, since she wants to go, no matter how difficult the future is, she can only grit her teeth and bear it.

The banquet was full of singing and dancing, delicious food and wine, surrounded by beautiful women.

The imperial concubine Chen Shujia sat next to the emperor, her smile was full of happiness.

Since the queen's death, she lived alone on the throne of imperial concubine and was deeply favored by the emperor.

Just from this birthday banquet, it can be seen that the status of the imperial concubine in the heart of the emperor is extraordinary.

However, the power in the harem is not in her hands alone.

There are two concubines beside the emperor, who manage the Sangong and Sixth Court together with the imperial concubine, dividing the boundaries.

This harem didn't make any disturbances on the bright side, but it was also turbulent in the dark.

Those concubines didn't care about the emperor's age, they were all thinking about how to conceive a dragon seed, but unfortunately, the emperor refused to have it, no matter how much they tried, it was useless.

So right now, they are all focusing on the crown prince. Except for the side concubine Yao Ying, the crown prince and concubine's throne is definitely a big piece of fat.

(End of this chapter)

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