Chapter 7
The carriage staggered into the palace.

Qin Yilan couldn't enter the harem, so Yao Yao could only go alone.

These three steps, one cough, and ten steps, one panting are the standard equipment for her sick beauty.The accompanying father-in-law and servant girls all looked at her secretly with frowning, and walked as far away from her as possible to avoid being infected by her cough.

"Cough cough cough..."

After finally getting to Concubine Jia's door, she had to wait for the summons.

The two maidservants came to greet her, but they just bowed their knees, rolled their eyes to the sky and said, "The imperial concubine is not up yet, Madam Lao Hou will wait patiently."

Her third sister was kneeling inside the house, but as for her, Mrs. Hou was only fit to stand outside the door and wait.

Chen Shujia didn't pay attention to the Yao family at all for the meaning of one punishing kneeling and the other standing.

Yao Yao took out a pair of jade bracelets, and two maidservants stuffed them into their hands one by one, "Master Hou brought me here to greet the emperor. The emperor is busy with state affairs, so I persuaded Lord Hou to go later. Come to say hello to the imperial concubine. Since the imperial concubine is not up yet, I won't bother you, this is a meeting gift brought by the minister's wife to the imperial concubine, and the two sisters can help pass it to the empress."

"My sister doesn't dare to do it, Madam Hou, please don't bully us. Madam Hou wait a moment, and this servant will go and see if the empress is up or not."

Yao Yao knew there was something going on when she heard this, she smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

The two maidservants went to the inner room and said to Chen Shujia, "Madam, Mrs. Hou came to greet you with a gift, see you?"

Chen Shujia opened the gift box, and there was a top-quality gold hairpin lying inside, it was something that a woman couldn't help but be moved by the first sight.

With a smile on the corner of Chen Shujia's mouth, she snorted, "For her third sister, she is really willing to take care of it! The gift is accepted, and I don't see you, what can she do with me?"

The big servant girl quickly said, "Mrs. Hou and Lord Hou entered the palace to greet the emperor, but the emperor came directly to the empress before going there. Madam Hou has done her a great honor!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Shujia's contemptuous face immediately froze, "As expected of the eldest daughter of Taifu Yao, she speaks with a sense of propriety. Why did you come to me without going to the emperor? Is there such a rule? By crossing the threshold of the emperor, it means that the emperor Did you authorize her to come here?"

Chen Shujia slapped the table and got up to change clothes with a displeased face.

He walked out of the inner hall slowly, sat in the high chair in front of Yao Yu, and played with the new jade hairpin.

Yao Yao entered the room and bowed her knees, "My wife, Yao Yao, greets the imperial concubine and empress."

"Well, give me a seat."

The two women were sitting at one end, Yao Yu alone knelt on the spot with a pale face, motionless, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Yao Yao caught a glimpse of Yao Yu looking at her asking for help, and felt very anxious in her heart.

This second prince is also true. He brought his wife to pay his respects. Fortunately, he ran away without a trace. He didn't care how hard his wife was kneeling, and he didn't say anything to help her out.

With a cold smile on the corner of Chen Shujia's mouth, she squinted at Yao Yao, looking back and forth countless times.

To be honest, even if Yao Yu is not the one who married her son today, no matter which daughter-in-law it is, no matter whether it is too late or too early to pay her respects today, this punishment of kneeling will definitely be unavoidable.

She wants to punish Yao Yu, but the boss of the Yao family still wants to save him?She can save her!She would like to see what tricks this girl can do.

Yao Yao smiled and praised Chen Shujia, "Your Majesty looks really good today, her face is as red as jade, and she must be very happy for the second prince's wedding."

"Ah, yes. Madam Hou's mouth is indeed sweet."

Yao Yao gently handed it over with a bold pen, "This is a salutation gift prepared by the minister's wife for the emperor, but the emperor is always busy, so he probably doesn't have time to meet the minister's wife. Why don't the imperial concubines hand it over to the emperor instead of the minister's wife."

After receiving the pen, Chen Shujia's eyes lit up.

The body of the pen is carved with dragon and phoenix, and the hairs are well-proportioned, strong and compact.The dragon is embedded in gold, and the phoenix is ​​embedded in the shade. The dragon and the phoenix bite their heads and lingeringly, which has a very good meaning.

The emperor was absolutely satisfied with the present, but this girl didn't give it away, so she wanted to give it to her instead. This was a disguised opportunity for her to curry favor with the emperor.This gift satisfied her much more than Nobile.

Chen Shujia happily asked, "This is so exquisite, which master's handwriting is it? I will go to him to order one later."

Yao Yao smiled and said, "This is a Langhao brush made by my wife. The materials are all carefully selected. And this is a pair."

"One pair? What about the other one?"

"Of course the other one is going to be given to the empress, but the court lady didn't know whether the empress liked it or not, so she didn't dare to send it to you, so she replaced it with this gold hairpin."

Chen Shujia was silent for a moment and then suddenly realized.

Her emotions were actually led by the nose by this girl, and she suddenly realized that this girl is amazing!

Although she resisted a bit, she had to admit that she really wanted another Langhao pen.

Right now, if she refuses Nobile to exchange Langhao pens with her, it will be tantamount to owe her a favor, right?
Chen Shujia's expression was slightly displeased.

Yao Yao smiled, "My wife really didn't expect that my mother also likes Langhao brushes, so my wife can rest assured."

Yao Yao took out another Langhao pen from her pocket and handed it to Chen Shujia, "Your Majesty, please accept it."


All of a sudden, I feel better again.

This girl is really witty and can handle her mood changes every minute.He didn't let her open his mouth to ask her to ask for it, so he sent it over directly!Really interesting.

Now she is qualified to intercede for her third sister, please, she will take advantage of the opportunity and agree to show mercy to her third sister.

Who knew that Yao Yao got up and thanked her, "Then the minister will not bother the imperial concubine or empress."

Um? ?

No mercy?
Is this going?
Yao Yu was also very surprised, looking at her elder sister, with a question choked in her throat, she was still unable to ask.

After Yao Yao turned her head and took a deep look at the third sister, she saluted and left without turning her head.

Looking at Yao Yao's leaving back, Chen Shujia almost laughed out loud.

This girl actually raised her face so high?No room left?Even if Yao Yao doesn't intercede now, she still has to show face to the Yao family.She respected her very much, if she didn't pay back even a single point, then her dignity as a concubine would really bottom out.

For a woman without strength, the position of imperial concubine will not last long.

"Yu'er." Chen Shujia called to Yao Yu.

"Yes, concubine mother."

"You are in your natal family, and you have been with your eldest sister for so many years, why didn't she even learn half of how to deal with others?"


"Heh... you, you, you are really comfortable to have a good sister taking care of you. It's not like me back then... I won't mention it. Get up, you don't need to go to the palace to greet you if you have nothing to do in the future."

Yao Yu nodded hurriedly with teary eyes, "Thank you, Concubine Mother."

Finally freed from kneeling, Yao Yu staggered to his feet and left, not to mention how ugly his walking posture was. The father-in-laws who passed by covered their mouths and laughed, but what could she do?
Passing by a rockery, Yao Yao waved and shouted, "Yu'er come here! Here—"

Seeing this, Yao Yu covered her mouth and rushed over, crying bitterly, "Sister, woo woo woo... woo woo..."

(End of this chapter)

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