The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 81 The little daughter-in-law has a bad temper

Chapter 81 The little daughter-in-law has a bad temper
Yao Yao stomped her feet, "Master Hou, can you stop bullying me? I'm in a bad mood and I don't want to feed you. If you like to eat or not, get out if you don't. Also, go back to your own room to sleep tonight , don't sleep in my room."


"You're injured, I'm afraid I'll press your wound. There is only one master bedroom in the palace, and I can barely sleep with you. When we get back to the mansion, we don't have to make it up. Dry the quilt for you, and you can go back to your room to sleep at any time, without delaying your healing."

The management is really meticulous, vacating the main house for him every day?This clearly meant to drive him out of the house anytime and anywhere.

"Little thing, you really have no conscience, and you still owe me a big favor, just showing off your power here?"

Yao Yao knew what he was talking about.

He contributed a lot to Lin Xia's saving her life, so this incident can be turned into a big one, and a small one can be turned into nothing. If Lin Xia really died, then this time's incident really can't be dismissed hastily.

Holding her breath, Yao Yao shouted, "Zimo saved people, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Qin Yilan snorted, "He saved a big one at most. But I saved a small one. One big one and one small one, which one is worth? You have to weigh it."

Lin Xia is a maid, life and death don't matter, the key is that the child in her belly is an emperor's heir!So according to credit, there is really no way to wipe out his sweat.

Yao Yao faltered, "Master Hou deserves some credit, and I didn't say no to thank you. I care about Master Hou's injury, which is also a way of expressing gratitude."

"Then you should be thorough. I'm injured, I can't lift my hands up, I can't eat by myself, I have to be fed."

"You!" Yao Yao almost blurted out the curse words.

She picked up the rice bowl angrily, and stuffed spoon after spoon into his mouth fiercely.

"Hmm—" Qin Yilan widened his eyes in horror.

She lost her temper and really...


He's going to choke to death on her!

When she undressed and was about to enter the water, Yao Yao saw Qin Yilan's white clothes stained with blood, and panicked, "Is the wound of Lord Hou still not healed? Why is it bleeding again?"

Qin Yilan smiled and said, "Next time you hug you less, the wound will heal soon."

Yao Yao was taken aback for a moment, then pulled her face again, "Blame me?"

"Don't blame you, who do you blame? Knowing that I am a wounded person, you still refuse to cling to me and spoil me."

Yao Yao was furious, "Is there any medicine for external application?"

"Yes, why?"

"Here, I'll give you medicine. Don't say I don't care about you anymore."


"Don't refuse! I'm not too squeamish to the point of fainting at the sight of blood. A little wound can't scare me. Besides, I'm also a woman who has seen the world, and I have seen the tragedy of the large intestine exposed before."

Qin Yilan was taken aback, "Where did you see such a bloody scene?"

Yao Yao came over with a basin in her hand, her mouth turned up, "When I was a child, I saved a bird and was stabbed in the stomach by a branch, and the intestines fell out. I also sewed the wound with a needle and thread."

"..." Qin Yilan let out a big breath.He thought she had gone through some kind of life and death disaster!

Yao Yao began to take off his clothes carefully, her face turned red as soon as she saw a trace of his chest, and she looked up at his expression from time to time, her little face was very panicked.

He is simply blind, if he is not blind, I am afraid that she will be even more at a loss.

"Speaking of which, I thought it was very strange at that time. I always thought that the bird would not survive. I used a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and sewed up its wound randomly. I didn't expect that it would be revived by me two or three days later. "Master Hou, do you think it's strange?"

Qin Yilan suppressed a smile and nodded, "It's your ingenuity. You gave it a second life."

All the clothes were off, and there was a knife wound the size of a palm, and the wound was extremely deep. It was scary, probably the kind where the intestines could be seen.

Yao Yao asked strangely, "What kind of assassin? Who did he assassinate? The emperor or the prince? Or you, Lord Hou?"

"Don't ask, you don't want to participate in this matter."

Yao Yao's face darkened, and she puffed slightly, "I'm just worried about the safety of Lord Hou. Originally, I still have two or three years to live, so don't let me bury you in advance. I can't waste two or three years. ah."

"Uh... little heartless." Qin Yilan stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, "Don't worry, you won't die, and I won't die either. Our lives are long. I want you to give me a baby."

"Having a baby?" Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "Don't be joking, Lord Hou, how can I conceive a baby with my body? It's hard enough to live by myself!"

Qin Yilan tilted her head and asked, "Don't you really feel nothing about your body?"


"Did you sleep well? Does your chest still hurt? Do you cough a lot? Do you still have no strength?"

Yao Yao was slightly startled, looked at her hands, and patted her face again, "It is indeed much better than before, it should be able to extend two or three years, five years, right?"

"..." She really has no confidence in his medical skills?Could it be that she really thought he was just a quack who knew a little about superficiality?

Qin Yilan stretched out her hand to pull her upper leg, Yao Yao hurriedly shouted, "Master Hou, what are you going to do again? Can't you just apply the medicine properly? When the wound opens, it will be on me again!"

"Then don't struggle, why don't you be good? Come here and lean on me."

Yao Yao was embarrassed to exhale, her body was stiff and she could only let him sit on his lap, not daring to move for fear of hurting his wound.

Qin Yilan asked with a smile, "That day in the palace, you said you were not in the mood to deal with me. What about now? Are you in the mood?"

Yao Yao's blushing face turned red all of a sudden, "I was about to feed the meal just now, and now I'm rubbing the medicine, so how can Master Hou want to make trouble with me?"

"The feeding posture is not right, and I choked on it. I didn't ask for the medicine, but you took the initiative to wipe it for me. Girl, don't use these to prevaricate me. You have to understand that the kindness I give you is Two lives, no, plus Zhao Wan's, it's three lives."

Yao Yao lowered her head and twisted her fingers, "Then what do you want, Lord Hou?"

Qin Yilan blew into her ear, "You should go to bed."

Yao Yao stared in confusion, "Don't you just sleep with me every day, how do you want me to sleep with you..."

Qin Yilan grabbed her little hand and hurriedly got up, "Go. Go to bed—"

With a movement of the body, the unwrapped gauze fell off, and the wound was faintly oozing blood again.

Yao Yao grabbed his arm anxiously, "Master Hou, why are you so excited! You see the wound is bleeding again."

"Leave it alone. Come with me!"

"Why don't you care about it? Are you crazy?" Yao Yao couldn't understand, "What are you so impatient! You didn't apply medicine to the wound, and you are still talking with me here, are you trying to piss me off? "

"I..." Qin Yilan was speechless.

She can't understand his impatience, so why be angry?
Qin Yilan lowered his head and glanced at his wound, seeing that the blood had flowed to the floor, he just thought about it.After suffering for so many years, there is only one day or two left?There's no need to wring this little face angrily.Sit down obediently and let her continue to apply the bandage.

(End of this chapter)

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