Chapter 84
He Xiaolian gritted his teeth and stared at Yao Yao, "Yao Yao, please do me a favor and be a human being. You should be ashamed of yourself, but Master Hou will be ashamed. How far do you have to embarrass Master Hou to be satisfied? You ?”

Yao Yao choked with anger in her throat, and clenched her fists tightly, "So... I am not worthy to be Mrs. Hou, right?"


"How long have you held back this sentence? Finally said it! Are you comfortable?" Yao Yao sneered.

He Xiaolian narrowed his eyes and groaned, "I used to be the only one who thought you were not worthy of the position of Madam Hou, but now, everyone in the capital thinks you are not worthy! A savage, unruly, unruly and willful bad woman like you should be punished. Hugh and go home! Don't drag this lingering body out to embarrass yourself!"


Zhao Wan rushed out and slapped her across the face, "Bitch!"

He Xiaolian looked up speechlessly, "You!" It's her again!It's that vicious dog again!
Zhao Wan snorted, "My wife opens the coffin if she wants you to do so. Why is there so much nonsense? If you want to sue the imperial court, we will wait until we finish the autopsy! Why are you standing there stupidly? Open the coffin for me! Who dares to stop, press Death counts!"

The girl who had just recovered from her injury didn't know where the strength came from, she grabbed He Xiaolian's wrist and dragged it out.

"Ah—" He Xiaolian lost her strength and was dragged away by her.

At that moment, a man fell from the sky, pulled He Xiaolian back to his chest, and hit Zhao Wan on the ground with his backhand.

Everyone exclaimed and raised their eyes, and took a closer look.

"General Song!" Yao Yao's expression froze.

Song Ci's expression was extremely displeased, but he remained polite, "Mrs. Hou."

Zhao Wan stood up in embarrassment, stared at Song Ci viciously, not daring to say anything, raised her head and met Song Ci's eyes, seeing the deep resentment in his eyes, her heart felt as if she had been slashed.

Yao Yao stepped forward and saluted, "General Song, Second Miss He did not go through an autopsy when she was put into the coffin."

Seeing Song Ci protecting her, He Xiaolian threw himself into his arms and wept, "Husband, what did Mrs. Hou say? My sister was killed by herself. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at her. How can there be any harm?" Fake? I didn't let Wu do the autopsy because I didn't want to use a knife on her again. I wanted her to go quietly, but Mrs. Hou was too much, and she refused to give her even the last peace. "

Song Ci listened, frowned and said, "Mrs. Hou, let's forget about it. The He family's business has nothing to do with you. Can you let her sister go easier?"

Before Yao Yao said anything, Zhao Wan raised her voice and scolded, "Why? This woman is going to be bumped to death or hanged, and she dies quietly in her own home, so she has to come to our Hou's mansion to make trouble? She is doing well now. She closed her eyes and put her hands together. It's a mess, it's dead and dead, but the bad reputation has to put this shit on my wife's head? Pooh—"

Song Ci was so annoyed that he ignored Zhao Wan, turned his head to Yao Yao and said, "Mrs. Hou, I'll help you again and again. It's reasonable and reasonable. You should take a step back for my sake?"

When Song Ci said this, Yao Yao really backed down.

Song Ci's kindness to her is not small!

If he speaks, then she...

Zhao Wan suddenly rushed out and shouted, "General Song's kindness, I will repay it myself! You don't need any face from Madam!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed over and grabbed Song Ci's saber.

Song Ci subconsciously snatched back the saber, thinking that she was going to assassinate him, and hung the blade around her neck with her backhand, but she reached out and grabbed the blade tightly with her claws, blood sprayed out instantly.

Song Ci stared and shouted, "You crazy woman, what are you doing?"

Zhao Wan squeezed the blade of the sword and pressed it against her neck, "General Song can stop me if he wants, and step over my corpse. Your kindness to me will be settled. I will also pay He Er for this." Miss! One life is worth one life, don't talk about my wife's reputation."

Song Ci was shocked, why is this girl like this!

For the sake of Yao Yao being so reckless and strong?
"Come on! Open the coffin—"

The blade was pinched by her, and the person was blocked by her.

He Xiaolian tried to stop her in panic, but Zhao Wan stretched out a paw and grabbed her hair to prevent her from moving.

"You—" Song Ci gritted his teeth and gasped.

Zhao Wan squeezed the blade tightly again, and poked three inches further into her neck, bloodshot from her neck.

"No one is allowed to move!" Zhao Wan stared at the two of them with fire in his eyes.

Yao Yao sighed speechlessly and blocked the servants, "Wan Wan."

Zhao Wan turned her head and responded, "Madam, you can do it, I will help you block it."

Yao Yao beckoned, "Forget it, let's go back."

Zhao Wan looked at her puzzled, "Why?"

"I just suspect the cause of Miss He Er's death. There is no evidence. There is no need for you to take your life to prove my guess for me. It's not worth it."

Seeing that Zhao Wan was distracted, He Xiaolian pushed her out.


Because Zhao Wan was pushed away, a deep gash was cut on the blade with her palm.

Song Ci was startled, he froze and turned his head to look at He Xiaolian, He Xiaolian's eyes dodged his guilty conscience, and he hurriedly put on a wronged expression of being bullied.

Song Ci suppressed his anger in his heart, took a few breaths before walking in front of Zhao Wan, ready to help her.

Zhao Wan's temper also came up, she waved him off, turned her head to take Yao Yao's hands, and stood up with support.

"Ma'am, you can't just leave it like that."

Yao Yao shook her head, "Since General Song has come forward, I can't care about it anymore, otherwise it will affect the friendship between him and Lord Hou. Let's go back."

Zhao Wan choked, and could only nod in response, "Yes."

Yao Yao saw the surrounding crowd pointing at their master and servant, and felt really uncomfortable.

It seemed that she was going to disappoint Master Hou again.

When he turned his head and prepared to leave, a carriage suddenly drove up in the distance.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the handsome man stepped down slowly.


"Master Hou!" Yao Yao took it, "Why is Master Hou here?"

Qin Yilan smiled lightly, "I'm here to give the He family a gift."

"What?" Li?

What gift?

Everyone looked up at Qin Yilan.

Qin Yilan clapped his palms, and two carriages came slowly behind him.

The curtain of the car was lifted, and the men who were seriously injured were helped out of the car.

Everyone couldn't see anything famous, but He Xiaolian's face changed drastically, and Master He also took a deep breath.

Yao Yao blinked and asked, "Are they?"

Qin Yilan pinched her nose and said, "Guess who they are?"

"Could it be? Could it be??" Yao Yao seemed to know who they were.

He Xiaolian trembled, and hurriedly rushed over and knelt down in front of Qin Yilan, "Hou Ye! Hou...Hou Ye...I...I..."

"Can Miss He recognize these men?"

"I...I don't, I don't know..."

"Huh... is that so?"

The men shouted angrily, "The two sisters of the He family are devils!"

"Yes! They are all devils!"

The onlookers were curious and whispered what was going on.

Qin Yilan stopped the injured men, turned around and said, "Their matter will be discussed later. My wife suspects that the cause of Miss He Er's death is different. She wants to open the coffin for an autopsy. Where do you have the qualifications to stop?"

He Xiaolian raised his head and shouted, "Master Hou! You can't treat me like this! I...I..."

She has admired him for so many years and thinks that she has an indescribable friendship with him. Why did he want to tear her down at this juncture?Could it be that she is passionate about him?

"I don't know how to measure. She even made insulting remarks to my wife! If it wasn't for General Song's face, he would have slapped him hundreds of times. Don't talk nonsense, Zimo, tell someone to open the coffin!"


He Xiaolian's face was ashen, his hands were trembling.

Master He also shook his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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