Chapter 87 The Third Sister Was Beaten
When Yao Yao rushed back to Xiaoyuan, she happened to meet Yao Yuxun coming over.

"elder sister."

Yao Yao stepped forward, looked at her eyes, and saw that there was a lot of blood on the corners of her mouth, although it was covered with rouge, but she could still see it if you looked closely.

"what happened to you?"

Yao Yu gave her an aggrieved look. There were people all around, so it was difficult for her to speak.

Yao Yao hurriedly dragged her into the house, closed the door, drove everyone away, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"The second prince is angry."

Yao Yao frowned, "Hit you?"


Yao Yao was instantly furious.

What man?

"Sister, someone in the palace spread the news that I ordered Ye Zi to push Lin Xia into the river and blamed Zhao Wan. The second prince came to question me that night. I explained to him countless times, but he refused to believe me, so I told him ……At once……"

Yao Yao gritted her teeth, "I took all the witnesses away, and no news has leaked out. She is the only one who spread the news."

"Who is it? Who wants to kill me? Sister, you found out the truth, why don't you give me justice?"

Yao Yao stared at him coldly, "What justice do you want? You are not completely innocent, if things break out, your dirty thoughts will spread."

Yao Yu was taken aback, covered her heart and cried, "I really never thought of killing her, I just don't like her having children."

"Okay, let's not mention this matter for now, tell me, why did the second prince bring you here?"

For no reason, it is impossible for the second prince to bring the third sister to see her.

Yao Yu sobbed, "The second prince wants to take Lin Xia back, saying that he has decided to give her a concubine. I want you to return the child to him."

Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "What kind of father-son relationship do I play here? To put it bluntly, I am angry that I stole his things. This child was given to me by the emperor, and he has no ability to take it back, so he forced you to come and ask me for it? "

Yao Yu nodded with a stiff neck, "Yes."

Yao Yao turned away angrily, "Come with me."


The two went to the hall and saw Qin Yilan and Yu Wenqin drinking tea.

Yao Yao turned sideways and saluted, "I have seen the Second Highness."

"Your brother and sister are polite, please sit down."

Yao Yao went to sit next to Qin Yilan, Yu Wenqin got tired of Yao Yu's eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, "Why are you standing there? Sit down!"

Seeing Yao Yu's timid posture, Yao Yao frowned fiercely.

This stupid girl really forced herself into the wolf's mouth.Are you afraid now?Why did you have to marry him in the first place?
Just paint the title of concubine?it works?
"I heard from Third Sister that Second Highness misses that girl Lin Xia?"

Yu Wenqin smiled cheerfully, "One day, one day, one day, one hundred days of kindness, that girl is very good at taking care of others. I really miss her after three days. Where is she?"

Yao Yao shouted, "I'll call her over and let the Second Highness take a good look at whether she has lost weight or gained weight, and whether the Hou Mansion has treated her badly."

Yu Wenqin raised her eyebrows, and said to Qin Yilan, "My brother and sister are really interesting, and there are thorns in their words."

Qin Yilan didn't like to talk, and kept silent as always.

Yao Yao peeked at him from time to time, firstly to observe his mood changes, secondly because she was curious why this usually taciturn gentleman seemed to have changed after entering her boudoir.No, it looks like a wolf, barking non-stop every day.Really incredible.

When Lin Xia heard that the second prince was coming, she was full of expectations that he would take her back. She walked swiftly into the hall, only seeing the second prince, "Lin Xia has seen the second prince!"

Look at her flickering eyes, it seems that she is crying about her grievance every second.

Yu Wenqin glanced at her up and down, and said with a smile, "Young girl has gained a lot of weight. The younger siblings are really thoughtful."

"After all, she is pregnant with the emperor's heir." Yao Yao changed the subject, "No, this child is already mine. The emperor thought that I could not have children, so he gave this child to me. The emperor's grace is great."

Yu Wenqin's eyes turned cold, she turned her head and stared at Yao Yu, winking hard.

Yao Yu lowered his head tremblingly, and said softly, "Sister...can you..."

Yao Yao cut her off, "Lin Xia, come here. Sit here."

The servant brought a round chair and placed it beside her.

Reluctantly, Lin Xia sat with Mrs. Hou, far away from the second prince.

Yao Yao said to Lin Xia, "I heard the Second Prince wants to take you back. If the Second Prince really doesn't want to be separated from his family, it's fine to take you back. I'll just explain to the Emperor later."

"Really?" Lin Xia was overjoyed.


only? ?

Lin Xia tilted her head, listening carefully to Yao Yao's next words.

"There's something I want you to know."

"what's up?"

"Before, I had a maidservant. She had a one-night affair with His Highness the Prince and became pregnant with the Prince's flesh and blood. When I asked the Prince to come to my mansion to bring her back to the palace, something happened on the way. My servant The maidservant was given several bowls of abortion medicine, the child was lost and straddled, and when she came back, she looked neither human nor ghost."

Lin Xia took a deep breath, "Who did this... this...?"

Yao Yao looked at her coldly, "Who did it, is it something you should ask?"


Yao Yao laughed suddenly, "The Second Highness is going to take you back now, once you step out of the Hou Mansion, the child in your belly will not be under my care."

Upon hearing this, Lin Xia was terrified, and looked at Yu Wenqin tremblingly.

Yu Wenqin said with an angry face, "What do you mean, brother and sister? Do you think I will poison my own flesh and blood?"

Yao Yao shook her head and said, "Second Highness, don't be angry. Since ancient times, the emperor's heirs have had many blessings. How many princes can be born and raised in peace? You have to think about your father's children. You and the prince are left as two princes? Why, I don’t need to explain, right?”

Yu Wenqin pulled her face and snorted, "And then?"

"If I am the Second Highness, if you really cherish your own flesh and blood, then you should pay more attention to the one in my sister's belly. It is the blessing of her and the prince if you can keep it. If you can't, you still have a way out, stay with us government."

When Yu Wenqin heard it, it suddenly seemed as if she had been hit by some acupuncture point.

"Heh, younger siblings are really considerate. Anyway, let's adopt this child to the third younger brother."

Qin Yilan suddenly said, "Ma'am, you have to think clearly, if this child stays, you will have a heavy burden."

When Yao Yao heard this, she hesitated slightly.

It seems true that she solves troubles for others, but it will implicate Lord Hou to bear the burden for her.

I feel a little sorry for Master Hou, what should I do?
Lin Xia suddenly knelt on the ground, lying on Yao Yao's trouser legs and cried, "I beg Madam to keep this servant. I don't want to go back to the palace!"

What happened to Hong Luo just now scared her to death!She also thought about what happened when she fell into the water before, and she was afraid that if she returned to the palace, she would not be so blessed to enjoy the glory and wealth, so she might as well give birth to the child safely in the Hou's mansion, and bring the child back to the palace after the birth.

After finishing her little plan, Lin Xia cried and clamored to stay in the Hou Mansion.

Yu Wenqin also gave up the idea of ​​taking her back, and Yao Yu couldn't even open his mouth to take Lin Xia back to the palace.

The matter has been settled, Yao Yao sighed, turned her head and whispered to Qin Yilan, "I'm sorry, Lord Hou, please keep her, I will take good care of her."

The sound of Youlan blowing into his ears made his whole body numb, making his heart and lungs tremble.

Qin Yilan grabbed her little hand and whispered, "I agree to your request. But you have to remember my kindness, and you have to pay it back."

Yao Yao nodded shyly, "I know."

She knew that she owed him a lot, no, it was a lot, the kind that she couldn't feel clearly.

After all, when a woman marries a man, the most important thing is to rely on. Only a man who can give her support is called a real husband. Like those selfish men who only know how to beat their wives, what are they?

(End of this chapter)

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