Chapter 96 The Rules

Yao Yao panicked, she was pulled into his arms and hugged tightly.

"Master Hou, what are you doing?" Yao Yao asked angrily.

"Huh? Why are you angry again?"

Yao Yao said with a straight face, "Master Hou, I think it is necessary to establish a rule with you. It's really not good for you to do this."

"Rules? What kind of rules?"

"It's really not good for Hou Ye to be so hands-on all the time, it's not polite."

"Etiquette?" Qin Yilan said speechlessly, "Ma'am, are you kidding me? We are husband and wife."

"Husbands and wives can't be like this every day. And it's still in broad daylight, hands-on. Like a local hooligan. Hou Ye is not such a man in the eyes of others. You have to pay attention to your own image."


This is to let him occupy the latrine and not shit!What is she thinking?
Could it be that she also inherited her father's emotional intelligence?

"Ma'am, read the scriptures in the market more on weekdays, and you have to learn how to get along with your husband."

"No, I know how to get along with my husband. Like my mother, I will have dinner with my father every first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year."

"??" Qin Yilan looked at her speechlessly, "Do you think this is greeting me?"

"What's wrong? Anyway, that's all my mother taught me."

Yao Yao hurriedly got up, pulled his wrist and said, "Master Hou, come and do me a favor."


"Recently, I have no inspiration, and I don't know what pattern to embroider. Master Hou give me an idea." The brush was stuffed into his hand, "Master Hou can write or draw anything casually."

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, thinking that it was probably a preparation for giving him a gift.

After thinking for a while, he wrote a word on the paper.


Yao Yao picked up the rice paper and glanced at it, "Thank you Lord Hou for giving me the words."

Within two days, a new shop opened on a street close to the palace, and a crowd of people surrounded the shop just after it opened.

When Qin Yilan passed by, he glanced at the signboard of the shop, and his heart twitched.

Zhiyin Pavilion?
"Zimo, go ask what kind of store it is?"


Zimo squeezed into the crowd and asked three times, then reported back, "Master, this is a tailor-made boutique. It just opened this morning, and the first customer can order a boutique for free. It's a young lady. She ordered a hairpin." , I just got it and put it on my head, and advertised it to the boss of Zhiyin Pavilion, which attracted a lot of people to watch."

Qin Yilan frowned, got out of the carriage, and squeezed into the crowd.

"It's Lord Hou."

"Why is Lord Hou here?"

Qin Yilan walked in front of the daughter, and his eyes inadvertently glanced over the hairpin on her head. There was a bright red blood bead on the hairpin. He had an impression of this bead. The day he went shopping with Yao Yao, she pondered over the bead. for a long time.

It seems that his feeling is not wrong, this Zhiyin Pavilion was opened by his wife.

The shopkeeper of Zhiyin Pavilion hurried over, and when he saw Qin Yilan, his expression was a little embarrassed, "Ah, Lord Hou is here, and I am far away from welcoming you, please forgive me."

Qin Yilan asked sullenly, "The business is good, can I order a baby too?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "I'm afraid not. Our boss has a rule that we take an order every three days, and you can come to make an appointment on the [-]th of each month. The orders for this month are already full. If you want to add an order, you can come to ask at the end of the month."

Fortunately, I also know not to let myself suffer.Otherwise he would really be angry.

"I heard from my secretary that the hairpin on the girl's head is very beautiful. I want to buy it for my wife and ask the girl to part with her. I'm willing to give you ten taels of gold in exchange for your hairpin."


Everyone covered their mouths, "Ten taels of gold?"

"This is a hundred times the price!"

"Master Hou is really generous!"

When the daughter heard this, she didn't hesitate at all, and directly handed over the hairpin, "If Lord Hou wants it, he is willing to give it even if it is a gift for nothing."

Qin Yilan took the hairpin and nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go, Zimo, let's go back home."


Qin Yilan touched her hairpin, not knowing whether to be happy or angry.

Back home, Qin Yilan walked up behind Yao Yao slyly, and snorted, "Ma'am, when I go back to the house today, I'll buy you a hairpin by the way, come, I'll bring it for you, see if you like it." like!"

Yao Yao didn't think of him, she nodded, "Okay."

When she was sitting in front of the dressing table, waiting for him to take out the hairpin, the next second, the color of that beautiful face slowly became stiff.


Qin Yilan could clearly see the subtle expression changes in the bronze mirror, and could be more sure that Zhiyin Pavilion belonged to her.

"Ahem." Yao Yao touched the hairpin on her head in embarrassment and asked, "Where did you buy it?"

"It was snatched from a daughter's head."


Yao Yao said speechlessly, "Why does Hou Ye want to take what others like?"

"I don't know. I heard Zimo said that this hairpin is very beautiful, so I bought it back to please you. Could it be that Zimo lied to me? Is this hairpin not pretty?"

"No, no, it's beautiful, very beautiful." How can you smash your own brand when you make something yourself?

Yao Yao smiled guiltily, "Master Hou doesn't need to spend these things for me in the future, I have a lot of jewelry!"

"What's yours belongs to you, and what I give is my heart. As long as Madam likes it!"

He has a hundred ways to expose her, but he suddenly felt that it would be good for her to hide it.There's something about it that makes him amused.

The next day, Meng Tao secretly covered her mouth and said, "Miss, do you know what Master Hou did yesterday?"

Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "Do you still need to ask? He bought the hairpin I gave away and gave it back to me!"

I still have it on my head!
Meng Tao smiled, "Miss, you don't know, Master Hou's unintentional move, more and more people came to watch and place orders, and people are rushing to make reservations for next month's orders."

Yao Yao muttered, "What's there to grab? I only have two hands. How can I take so many orders? The shopkeeper pushed them away."

"I know." Meng Tao suddenly remembered something, and said again, "By the way, miss, when we went out to play last time, didn't we bump into Miss He?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Miss may not know, but I heard that that day, Miss He asked out the favorite girl of Master Hou."

Yao Yao paused, raised her eyes and asked, "The girl you like? Who?"

"I heard that she is the childhood sweetheart of Master Hou."

Yao Yao clenched her fist slightly, "Master Hou said it himself?"

"Yes, everyone has heard it, and it has spread throughout the capital! The day Hou Ye snatched Xia Qianjin's hairpin, everyone was speculating that Hou Ye was going to give the hairpin to Xiao Qingmei!"

After Yao Yao heard this, she quickly took off her hairpin and held it in her palm, "Who is Hou Ye's childhood sweetheart? Have you asked about it?"

"I asked, but I couldn't find it. The whole Hou Mansion said that there is no such woman."


How can I not hear it?

Zhao Wan said at the door, "Madam, Your Excellency the Duke invites you to visit the mansion."

"Father?" Yao Yao got up, walked to the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Wan whispered, "It is said that the princess is visiting."

Yao Yao asked speechlessly, "The princess is here to visit, what did you ask me to do?"

"His Royal Highness brought some beauties here. I'm afraid they will be left for Lord Hou."

Yao Yao frowned, "Father, he doesn't intend to be the master? Let me be the master?"

"Eighty percent."

Yao Yao looked at Zhao Wan and said, "Stay in the mansion and don't come with me."

Zhao Wan blinked, "Why?"

Yao Yao sneered, "I'm afraid you won't be able to control your bad temper. Meng Tao, follow me."

"Yes, ma'am."

(End of this chapter)

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