After the ascent failed

Chapter 107 Tell you what crushing is

Chapter 107 Tell you what crushing is
"Who is mad here?"

Xu Guang looked into the hall, and saw a young monk in black clothes standing up and looking at him with interest.

Zhao Fei was overjoyed, and angrily scolded: "Bold Xu Guang, dare to be rude to Master Ye. With Master here, you will surely die today!"

"Master Ye?"

Xu Guang frowned.

To be able to achieve today's achievements, he did not rely solely on his mysterious and unpredictable soul skills, but on a vigilant heart.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. The young man in front of him looks ordinary, but he is very calm. He is either not afraid of death, or he is confident.

No matter which one it is, Xu Guang will never underestimate it.

He stared at Ye Chunyang coldly, and said: "I don't care what master or master you are, the Zhao family will perish today, and whoever dares to intervene, Xu will send him back to the west!"

Xu Guang is not from the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Yinyue Kingdom, so he doesn't know Ye Chunyang's reputation.

At first, seeing that his cultivation level was not high, and he was so calm, Xu Guang subconsciously thought that this person was also a soul cultivator just like himself, but after scanning his spiritual sense, he found that this person's mental fluctuations were not strong, and he really was completely low. A high-ranking monk suddenly had a killing intent.

"Master Ye, the hundreds of lives of my Zhao family are all tied to you!"

Zhao Fei said sincerely to Ye Chunyang.

"I said, you can't die." Ye Chunyang said.

The spirit grass hadn't been obtained yet, so Zhao Fei's life had to be preserved.


"You also want to protect the Zhao family? If you kill yourself now, Xu can keep your whole body."

Xu Guang sneered.

But despite what he said, seeing how respectful Zhao Fei was to this young man, he faintly saw that something was wrong.

"Really? If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I can consider letting you live." I didn't care at all.

Hearing Ye Chunyang's words, Xu Guang laughed angrily: "What an arrogant and conceited brat, do you know who Xu is? I am a high-level soul cultivator, and I have worked hard for dozens of years to reach the current shape. In the early stage of the soul, what kind of thing are you, dare to be so arrogant?"

"He is so powerful in the early stage of soul shaping, soul cultivation is really scary!"

There was a chill behind Zhao Fei.

I thought that Xu Guang was powerful, at least in the middle stage of Soul Shaping, but I didn't expect that he was so terrifying in the early stage, even he was no match.

Of course, soul cultivation and Dharma cultivation have their own strengths and weaknesses. Soul cultivation has strange supernatural powers, invisible and shadowless, but it can only attack from a distance, and its short-range fighting skills are its shortcomings.And Faxiu's full firepower, all kinds of supernatural powers, incantations, magic weapon arrays, if the two fight against each other, if Faxiu finds an opportunity to get close, the soul cultivator will have a headache.

"Oh, it turns out that there is a master behind you. If he is here, maybe he can survive a few rounds in my hands."

Ye Chunyang was quite interested.

From what Xu Guang said, it seems that there is no soul cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is just hidden, and it may even become a sect of its own.

His serious words seemed to be contemptuous to Xu Guang, and he was immediately furious: "What an arrogant and arrogant boy, but from your tone, it seems that you are also a soul cultivator. I want to see it myself. What level has it reached?"

Xu Guang was almost sure that Ye Chunyang was also a soul cultivator, so he felt relieved.

The spiritual fluctuations in the opponent's body are not strong, even if it is soul cultivation, most of them are just entering the regular period, which is just enough to get started.

Even if his realm is higher, he is a soul cultivator in the divine thoughts stage, Xu Guang can still slap him to death.

"You can only look up to my realm." Ye Chunyang said with his hands behind his back.

Xu Guang was taken aback.

"Good, good, good..."

"I have been cultivating immortals for 200 years, and I have seen many crazy people, but this is the first time I have seen them like your Excellency."

Xu Guang laughed.

Fa Xiu can prolong his lifespan as he breaks through the realm, and so can soul cultivation. He looks middle-aged, but he has been cultivating immortals for more than 300 years.

While speaking, he suddenly picked up a mysterious formula with both hands, and he muttered something.

In an instant, with it as the center, a mighty spiritual force spread out, like invisible waves, sweeping around the Zhao family.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

Some of the Zhao family's children didn't react in time, and suddenly their minds went blank, they vomited blood, and their bodies fell limply.

The Patriarch of the Dao Foundation Realm and several high-level officials couldn't hold on anymore, they were invaded by this divine thought on the spot, and they were completely confused, and their souls were directly imprisoned.

"Boy, the power of soul art is not to fight with others, but to control the death of people without making a sound. No matter where you come from, the people of the Zhao family will kill you!"

"Soul-killing curse!"

Xu Guang said arrogantly, and then he roared, and the formula changed.

"Puff" several times, the heads of several masters of the Dao-based Zhao family exploded, turning into headless corpses.

"Master Ye, help!"

Zhao Fei was horrified to the extreme.

Under the invisible and shadowless attacks of the soul cultivator, there was no room for him to use his cultivation of the spiritual realm.

"Tips for carving insects."

"Since you are so confident, I will tell you now, what is crushing."

Ye Chunyang didn't even look at Zhao Fei, he put two fingers between his eyebrows, and then swiped in the air, a faint golden glow flickered.

The melodious fairy sound resounded, and everyone felt a huge spiritual pressure suddenly spread. Even Zhao Fei's cultivation level was crushed to his knees on the spot, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.


Xu Guang suddenly felt something was wrong.

This spiritual pressure is too powerful, and it is pure spiritual pressure. It seems that only my master has felt it before.

Before he could think too much, a picture that he would never forget appeared.


A clear sound came, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the sound waves tore the eardrums.

In Xu Guang's eyes, an illusory figure flew out from Ye Chunyang's celestial spirit cap, with golden light all over his body and amazing spiritual power.

"The Primordial Spirit is out of the body!"

"how can that be!"

Xu Guangda turned pale with shock.

At the stage of soul shaping, how could he not know what this phantom is.

However, even though it is him, he can only create a rudimentary form of the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness. Right now, the young monk has already cultivated the primordial spirit, and he is out of his body with a thought.

There are only two kinds of people in the world who can achieve this step, one is the Jindan monks, and the other is the soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage.

However, the primordial spirits of the two are completely different concepts. The primordial spirit of the Jindan cultivator is separated from the body, unable to understand the soul, and is no different from a wandering ghost, and there will be no strange scene of the sun shining.

In the out-of-body period, soul cultivators have powerful spirits, are proficient in various soul arts, and are unpredictable, and can survive even without the physical body.

The young man in front of him is not a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, and the primordial spirit is emitting a golden glow, obviously he is the latter!
"He turned out to be a soul cultivator in the out-of-body stage. I'm no match, so I have to run!"

Xu Guang's expression changed a few times, he was so scared to death.

He has only seen the cultivation of soul art in this realm from his master. Confronting such a terrifying power is a dead end!
Xu Guang didn't even dare to look at Ye Chunyang, and turned around and ran away.

"It's only now, don't you think it's too late?"

When the faint voice came, Xu Guang felt as if he saw the life-threatening black and white impermanence, and immediately ran faster.

Ye Chunyang's eyes showed sarcasm, Yuanshen stood in the void, and the golden glow around his body turned into flames and blazed up.

With a sound of "嗖", Ye Chunyang's soul turned into a fire bird and flew out.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The few surviving monks of the Zhao family couldn't resist the powerful spirit power, they immediately rolled their eyes and were stunned.

"The primordial spirit transforms into form!"

Xu Guang screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Even a high-level soul cultivator who has cultivated the spirit and soul to the out-of-body stage needs the same high-level soul skills to cast spells. This is something that even the master I respect cannot do.

"Fellow Daoist, you can't kill me! If I die, my teacher will definitely avenge me!"

Xu Guang was terrified.

"Really? I'm somewhat interested in your teacher."

The Firebird descended from the sky.

There was a flash of fire, the firebird's sharp claws stretched out, and the terrifying golden flame surged out like a stormy sea. Xu Guang was immediately submerged and entered, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".

In the next moment, the fire bird scattered, and turned into a phantom of the primordial spirit again, escaping back into Ye Chunyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The entire Zhao family was dead silent.

Zhao Fei knelt there trembling.

Zhao Wangui, who was stunned by Xu Guang's move before, also came to his senses, seeing Ye Chunyang easily suppress and kill Xu Guang, his face was shocked.

"Master Ye, is he... dead?"

Zhao Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked with difficulty.

He can guarantee that this is the most powerful and domineering fight he has ever seen.

Prior to this, their knowledge of this Master Ye was only based on rumors, and they had witnessed Xu Guang's supernatural powers with their own eyes.

I thought that even if Ye Chunyang was formidable, it would not be easy to deal with Xu Guang. Unexpectedly, Xu Guang didn't even have the power to fight back in his hands, and he was crushed by Ye Chunyang in a face-to-face.

"I didn't kill him." Ye Chunyang shook his head slightly.

"He's not dead?"

Zhao Fei and Zhao Wangui's expressions changed.

This person is not dead, once he wakes up, who in the Zhao family can fight against him?

"I only promise you to take action to relieve the crisis. Now this person has been defeated. How to deal with it is your business." Ye Chunyang said lightly.

The hearts of the two moved.

Zhao Fei thought to himself that he was really suppressed. As long as Xu Guang couldn't perform the soul art, he would be just a weak monk in the Qi refining period, and he would be like an ant in his eyes.

"Wangui, take this person down!"

Zhao Fei shouted heavily.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Wangui cast a spell on Xu Guang, completely imprisoning him.

This time the Zhao family was almost bloodbathed by this person, and now it is in their hands, how can they easily forgive it?
"Okay, I have done what I promised you, so take out the three spiritual herbs." Ye Chunyang sat back in his original position, with a calm look on his face.

Ye Xiaobao stayed by his side all the time, his eyes indifferent.

"Yes, yes, if it wasn't for the master's action this time, my Zhao family would have been destroyed by this person. How dare this junior break his promise." Zhao Fei looked respectful.

Hastily ordered to Zhao Wangui: "Wangui, quickly bring the spirit grass and present it to Master Ye."

Zhao Wangui responded excitedly, and then went to the secret room in the mansion.

"Huh? That thing is..."

At this moment, Ye Chunyang looked at Xu Guang with a frozen expression.

(End of this chapter)

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